Chapter 46

"Now then," Wesley mumbled as he opened the "Server Auction." He saw rows upon rows of items, with new ones added every ten seconds.

"They're mostly just common grade items. Some people are even shameless enough to sell items that anyone could buy from NPCs," Wesley muttered, noticing the varied items from different cities, towns, and villages.

He continued browsing, but nothing caught his eye. Switching to another tab, he listed his "Chimera Crossbow " with a starting bid of 15,00000 Gold Gold and a buyout price of 50,00000 Gold Gold. He dared to set such a high price because he hadn't seen any rare items on the "Server Auction" earlier.

"Okay...done," Wesley said. But just as he was about to press the "Sell" button, his hand paused mid-air.

"Damn...I forgot I could actually sell it to someone," Wesley said, canceling the listing and opening his friend list. He clicked on Wild Thunder’s name, remembering his promise to offer valuable items to him first. He sent the information about
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