Chapter 45

This event marked the first legend of the player called, Tempest, as every player, from ordinary players to the elites paid attention and made sure to engraved the player called Tempest in their minds!

After all, soloing a Field Boss is a huge feat, and the thought that he used a bug on the game didn’t even surfaced in their minds, as there was an announcement about the game company before that they had made sure to fix all of the loopholes inside the game with the help of its powerful Artificial intelligence that oversee the entire game world like its own goddess or god!

Wesley was suddenly surprised as the system announced it without his permission.

"The heck I wanted to keep a low profile" Wesley smiled bitterly.

"Good thing, this place is in the deepest part of the forest or else there would be a horde of players heading towards here."

"Oh my goodness! Was that you!?" Dylan’s voice suddenly boomed from the side.

’Right, there’s still this guy’ Wesley thought as he rolled his eyes,
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