Chapter 44

Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Haverah City.

A lone player is currently engaged in a tough battle with a huge green skinned monster, who’s armed with a coarse shield buckler and a bronze saber.

"Dylan Calling..."

While Wesley is fighting, a sudden interruption suddenly appeared from the corner of his eye, and it almost caused him to get struck by the "Shield Bash" of the boss in front of him.

"Damn...why is this dude calling me now of all times!?" Wesley cursed, as he immediately rolled to the side as he dodged a downward slash from the monster he’s battling with, and the attack struck the ground where he was standing at earlier.

"Accept!" Wesley yelled as he circled around and jumped at the back of the monster and stabbed the side of its neck.


The green skinned monster roared angrily, as it let go of its shield, and slapped towards Wesley who is hanging on its back, using its left hand.

But the monster only struck nothing but air, because Wesley had already jumped away from its
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