Chapter 50

Wesley and Shaw were nearing Shaw's village. As they approached, Wesley saw the village was encircled by a wooden wall made from logs with sharpened tips. Two guards holding spears stood at the gate, and the sound of metal clashing grew louder as they got closer.

"We’re here!" Shaw announced as they approached the gate. The gate opened, and Shaw greeted the guards as they passed.

Inside, Wesley saw rows of small houses and shops, the tallest being only two floors, all made from logs like cabins. NPCs bustled around the village, greeting Shaw and curiously sizing up Wesley. These NPCs ranged in level from 190 to 220. He also noticed players running around, some solo, others in teams of two or three, engaged in various quests.

"This is the mining village of Scone," Shaw began, "We are all believers of God Ignealer, the lord of flames. Our village houses most of the craftsmen and blacksmiths in the kingdom."

Before long, they parted ways. Wesley learned that the Redevir Kingdom, though s
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