All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 181 - Chapter 183
183 chapters
Would You Ever Turn Back?
Phoebe nodded her head and felt a certain kind of relief that she had said everything that she wanted to say. It wasn’t easy and it never would be. But it was done. She had said her goodbye to Seth and she had also buried that part of her life as well.When Phoebe and Christian came out into the fresh air of the evening she sighed, the burden of the last farewell was off her. The street was quiet, only the wind blowing through the trees in the vicinity could be heard. It was quiet, calm, as if the opposite to the storm that had been brewing in her soul for ages. Christian looked at her and even though his eyes were tender, they were asking questions. “Are you okay?” he whispered. Phoebe stood in silence for a few moments processing his words, before replying to his question. The oppression was still felt but it was not as strong as before and there was calmness that came with it. She had made the right choice, though it took her a long time to know that she was making the right deci
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Letting Go
“I was about to say, I have not said much,” Phoebe finally whispered. “To you, to myself, even to Seth,” there are so many things that I’ve kept hidden, things I did not want to confront. But now after all this I can’t turn a blind eye.” Christian’s face did not change and his eyes were fixed on her face as he nodded for her to go on. He did not hurry her, did not force. He just stood there as he always did, watching her intently waiting for her to be ready. Phoebe gaze to return to the sky, and the stars that sparkled like the dream of a better tomorrow. “I’ve been trying to cling to the past for so long,” she whispered, “I was trying to mend a broken relationship, I thought that if I give enough love to Seth, if I am patient enough things will change for the better but they didn’t. ” Christian moved a little and her eyes followed him again. “Well, now?” he said quietly, his tone filled with concern. “Now that you’ve let go, what do you want, Phoebe?” The question seemed to weigh
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My Regrets
The words that he said made Phoebe feel the warmth in her chest. This was different – so different from what she had been through with Seth. It was not pressurized, it was not hurried. Just understanding. Just kindness. “I am not asking you to wait for a lifetime,” she said with a small smile on her lips. “I just require time to recover, time to come to terms with everything. ” Christian nodded. “I’ll be here,” he said just like that. “Whenever you’re ready. ” They just stared at each other for a while and the night breeze was chilly as it embraced them. For the first time in years, Phoebe felt lighter, freer than she had in years. For the first time in a long time she felt empowered and that she was the master of her own destiny. That was quite scary but at the same time it was quite fun. And so, they kept on walking and as Phoebe did, she understood that she was not only leaving Seth behind but she was walking into the unknown. And for the first time in a long time, that didn’t
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