All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
296 chapters
Jason remained calm, while he watched Xena walk stylishly with her face looking like she had gotten into a fight with someone. “Isn't that your cousin?” Meredith said with a cheerful smile as soon as she saw Xena, and then she stopped at once even with Liam still holding her firmly. “What’s it, babe? You already saw her last night at dinner.” “I know, Liam. I just wanna show this loser that I know the Assistant Manager of this place.” Meredith insisted with a smirk on her face, and then she looked at Jason to be sure that he heard what she said. “Huu!” Liam grunted in a little displeasure, but he really didn’t want to argue with his fiancee.Almost immediately, Meredith turned to Jason with a smirk on her face, and after giving him a scornful look, she rolled her eyes at him. “That’s my fiance’s in-law, you boss. That’s Xena, the Assistant Manager of this place. I am sure she will be pleased to know that my ex-boyfriend now works for her.” Meredith sniggered at Jason, and
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Meredith seemed a bit excited by the words she heard from Xena even though she would have preferred that she fired him in order to get rid of the guilt that she struggled to deal with. Xena took in a deep breath, and then she exhaled sharply, fuming with intense annoyance while she glared at Jason with so much scorn.“You over there! Yes, you! Come here, right now?” She pointed at Jason who waited for a few seconds before he slowly took two steps toward Xena. “I need you to stand right there this minute! Don’t make me ask twice!” Xena pointed to a spot on the marble tiles on the floor, but Jason remained where he was with a smile on his face. “What? Didn’t you hear her, you fool? I can see that you don’t value your job. You obviously have plans to go job-hunting soon.” Meredith said to Jason who looked at her and chuckled. “What’s so funny, Mr. Jason? Don’t you know how to respect your superiors? This could make you lose your job.” Liam said to Jason who turned his gaze to hi
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“You are bluffing! You can’t do anything to me! I got tired of the relationship and I left. That money was just compensation for all the troubles that I had to endure for the three years I spent with you since college.” “Oh, really?” Jason said calmly to Meredith, looking at her with a smile on his face. “Yes! You are just bluffing!” Meredith tried to maintain her composure, ignoring the eyes of the two people standing beside her who looked very much surprised at the words Jason said. “You stole from him?” Liam asked with a shocked expression on his face. “What? No, babe. I only took what rightfully belonged to me. I mean, his money was my money as well, and I didn’t think he even had any need for it.” Liam looked at Meredith with the same countenance, and he couldn’t figure out the right words to use in order to address the situation. “Who are you? I can’t believe I have been with a person who could do such a thing to a man?” “No, Liam. Don’t say that, don’t let him get
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Taylor’s Palate
Jason walked out of the building and then headed straight to the car with slow but steady steps. As soon as James saw him coming out of the building, he quickly got out of the car and opened the back door for Jason to get in. “Thank you, James. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for so long.” “Not at all, Young Master. I was occupied throughout the time you were not around.” James said cheerfully, showing Jason the phone he was holding in his hand. Jason chuckled almost immediately, and then he nodded with a smile on his face. “Well, I hope she is worth it, and I wish you the very best.” “Thank you, Young Master,” James said calmly, while he waited for Jason to get into the car before closing the door. Jason sat on the back seat of the car, and then rested his head on it, and sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a few seconds as he was suddenly reminded by his body that he had done some work that he had not done in a while. James got into the car as well, and then he loo
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As soon as James started going into the restaurant, Jason followed him immediately. “Nice.” Jason nodded in satisfaction as he looked around the interior of the restaurant which had lovely chandeliers shaped like the moon handing on several angels of the large dining hall. “Where would you like to sit, Young Master?” James asked after taking a few steps into the dining hall. “Hmmm? Let me see.” Jason looked around for a while until he saw a spot he was comfortable with. “There, I think I like it over there.” Jason pointed to a spot by the right-end corner of the dining hall that looked like it was almost secluded from the rest of the spots in the restaurant. James nodded as soon as he looked and saw the spot Jason was talking about, and then he started moving toward it ahead of Jason who followed him after a few seconds of staring. The hall was half-filled, with low disco music playing in the background. The thick curtains hanging by the windows came along with golden embr
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The Clips
Jason was silent for a while, but Harry didn’t mind waiting for as long as it was going to take for him to get a response from Jason. While Jason was still going through his mind for the right response to give to Harry, James turned to look at him, and that was when he realized that he was still on a call. “Harry? Are you still there?” “Yes, Young Master. I am here.” Harry responded with a low tone, and then Jason modded before he spoke after a few seconds. “Call the Chief finance officer of the company, and tell him to prepare a detailed report beginning from the year before Xena took over as Assistant Manager.” “Okay, Young Master. I will do that right away.” “That’s not all, Harry. I also want to have a meeting with all the officers in the company, beginning from the Manager to the lowest officer in the company. I want you to inform them that the new CEO will be coming in tomorrow and that none of them should miss the meeting for any reason.” “Oh, really? This i
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Doctor’s Fiance
Jason thought of the question James asked for a split-second, and then he sighed heavily and rested his head on the seat. “Take me back to the hospital, I need to go see my son.” “At once.” James nodded, and then he turned on the ignition of the car and zoomed away without saying any other word. In less than fifteen minutes, they arrived at the hospital as the distance from the restaurant to the hospital where Brenda worked wasn’t up to ten kilometers. As soon as James parked the car in front of the hospital and turned off the engine, Jason got down almost immediately, and then he got into walked into the hospital and met with the nurse at the reception. “Hi.” He waved at the nurse who withdrew her eyes from the screen of the monitor in front of her and looked at Jason with a smile on her face. “Hello, Sir. Welcome to our hospital. How may I help you?” “I am here to see Doctor Brenda. Is she available?” Jason asked calmly, but he was surprised to see that the nurse had a
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“Of course. It has to be her.” Jason sighed with a smile on his face as soon as he saw who the caller was, and he looked at Brenda who was already staring at him, wondering why he stopped. “I have to take this call, I will be right back,” Jason said to Brenda who observed the countenance on his face and nodded without saying a word. Jason slowly moved out of the room, and as soon as he got to a secluded spot in the hallway, he answered the call and placed it on his right ear. “Jason! Where the hell are you? What have you done to my son? I came to the hospital only to be told that you took him with you, along with some silly Doctor! Where are you? Tell me where you are!” Jason was forced to take the phone away from his ear almost immediately, while he scoffed at the words Isabella blurred out with so much furry as soon as he answered the call. “Hello? I know you are there, Jason! I know you can hear me! Listen to me, I am going to make sure I get you locked up for kidnappin
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“No problem at all, I am hod I could help. Let me see you off,” Brenda replied with a smile, and then she turned toward the door behind Jason and started walking toward it slowly, Jason followed her almost immediately, and they walked out of the hospital with the nurse looking at them with a bright smile on her face, trailing them until they were out of sight. As soon as James saw them approaching, he got out of the car and opened the backdoor for Jason who stood beside the car with his son still resting on his shoulder and Brenda standing next to him. “So, I will see you in the evening?” Jason asked with a smile on his face, but Brenda acted really confused as she mumbled some words that he couldn't understand. “I thought you were supposed to come check on my Grandfather.” “Oh, that?” Brenda scoffed, and then she cleared her throat while Jason waited for her response. “Definitely, I will be there.” “Good. I will see you then, I have to go now.” Jason waved at Brenda, a
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Great Grandson
“Yeah, yeah. I am fine.” Rose cleared her throat almost immediately, and then she sighed heavily to let go of the emotions that were cringed up in her. “Are you sure? You are crying.” Jason looked at Rose with so much concern. “I am sorry. It’s just that he reminds me so much of my younger brother.” “Oh, really? You never mentioned that you had a brother. Where is he now?” Jason asked with a curious smile on his face which turned into a worrisome expression as soon as he saw the tears that continued to trickle down Rose’s face as she tried to respond to his question. She looked at the baby almost immediately and sniffled. “What is it, Rose? Did I say something wrong?” “No, you didn’t. I am sorry.” Rose said with a shaky voice, but Jason wasn’t convinced that she was telling the truth. “Then what is it? Why are you crying?” Jason asked almost immediately, looking at his son who moved almost immediately. He looked at Rose who still had her eyes on the baby, and she could t
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