All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
296 chapters
“Alright, Xena. What do you want?” Declan asked after a few seconds of struggling to keep a good composure. The Assistant Manager was about to speak when she remembered that Jason was there with them, and she turned to look at him with the same disdain in her eyes. “What is it, Xena? I am sure that if this has something to do with the company, Mr. Caruso here can hear it as well. He is now a part of this company.” “Him?” Xena pointed at Jason who remained calm. “Yes, him. Who knows? Maybe he can be able to offer his own initiative to whatever we are about to discuss. He seems to be a very intelligent young man.” “There is no way I am going to say anything to this man here with us, I am sure he probably works in the junior department. What’s his job description?” Xena stared at Declan for a few seconds, but he said nothing in response to his question. “Mr. Declan?” “Yes, Xena?”“What’s his job description? What did you hire him for?”“That doesn’t matter, what matters
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The Request
As so as Xena blurted out those without any form of remorse, Jason coughed impulsively, and as soon as he realized that the other two people in the room had turned to look at him, he looked down almost immediately and cleared his throat as though something had really gotten into his throat. “Are you alright, Mr. Caruso?”“Yes, I am fine. I am fine, Sir. Thank you.” Jason responded to the Manager who looked a bit concerned about the way he coughed and cleared his throat. “Are you sure? You sounded like you needed some water. I could get you some if you want.” “No, you don’t need to bother about that, Mr. Coleman. I am totally fine.” Jason insisted with a smile after he managed to turn to look at the Manager. “Very well, if you insist,” Declan said, and then he turned to look at Xena who couldn’t hide the displeasure she had for Jason who interrupted their conversation. “Can we go back to the reason why we are here, Mr. Declan? You can’t be concerned about him when we have mo
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“And what could that be?” Scarlet asked with so much curiosity written all over her face. Jason looked at the jumpsuit in his hands for a few seconds before he turned to look at the Supervisor who was eagerly waiting to hear what he was going to say. Jason took in a deep breath which he let out slowly before he made his request with a calm voice. “Can you assign me to the office of the Assistant Manager?” Scarlet was taken aback by the request Jason made. No one had made such a request. All the Janitors even dreaded working for her due to her cold demeanor. “You mean Miss Xena Hunt?” Scarlet asked just to be sure that Jason was not mistaken, and when he nodded to affirm his words, she scoffed in shock. “Are you really sure about this?”“Absolutely.” Jason nodded in affirmation, and with a confident smile on his face. Scarlet stared at him curiously for a few seconds, but he maintained a confident smile that made her even more confused. “I am surprised, really surprise
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Eagle’s Nest
Scarlet pointed to the door a few meters away from them, and Jason looked ahead to see the inscription of Assistant Manager boldly written on the door. He looked at the desk very close to the office, and she couldn’t see the Receptionist. It was as if no one had sat at the desk for months. “Where is her receptionist? Isn’t she supposed to be on duty?” Jason asked, but Scarlet scoffed at his words, and then she chuckled softly, while Jason wondered why she was amused. “I am sorry, but you are quite funny. It seems that you didn’t understand me when I told you that Miss Xena fires people who work for her after a few days of their resumption.”“Oh, is that so?” Jason chuckled even though Scarlet’s words weren't supposed to be funny. “ I think I have counted at least five innocent ladies whom she has treated badly before she eventually sacked them. Her attitude is so cruel that the Human Resource Manager is tired of recruiting any other lady to her.” Scarlet continued, but with a
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“Okay, Ma'am.” Jason bowed slightly to her, and then he went into the toilet to clean, pushing the trolley until he got to the door to the bathroom. He wore the rubber hand gloves he found in the trolley, and then he pulled out the scrubber, the toilet brush, the mop stick, and then the bucket which he poured some detergents inside. He carried the bucket inside the bathroom, and then filled it with enough water before he began to wash the toilet with the brush. In less than twenty minutes, he was done washing the toilet that really didn’t have any need to be washed as there was so much proof that Xena didn’t make use of it. He mopped the floor and applied some air freshener for a good scent, as tiny sweatballs ran down his body. Wiping some of the perspiration on his face, he walked out of the bathroom, holding the bucket and the mop stick.“Are you done?” Xena asked with a loud tone as soon as she saw Jason waking out of the bathroom, panting gradually to the little fatigu
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The Folder
Jason took two steps backward with his eyes still staring at the door, and then he sighed softly before he proceeded to speak to Harry who was eager to hear what he was going to ask. “The Assistant Manager, I heard she started working here two years ago. I was wondering, how did she start to work here?” “You mean, Miss Xena Hunt?” “Yes, Harry. She is the one.“ Jason affirmed with a low tone, and then he listened attentively to hear what Harry was going to say from the other end of the line. “Miss Hunt used to be the Personal Assistant to the former Assistant Manager of the company, Mr. Liam. From the reports I gathered, she showed tremendous dedication to her work, and Mr. Liam spoke highly of her.” “Hmm? Okay?” Jason felt the sensation of contradiction that crept into his body as soon as he heard the words that Harry said from the other end of the line. “Two years ago, Mr. Liam got really sick and he couldn’t continue working with us. Xena covered up for him with so much
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Jason looked at the middle-aged man for a while, not sure of what to say to him at that moment, seeing how exhausted he looked. “Out with it young man. I need to finish up and take a break.” The man said with a faint voice, still staring at Jason who had a strange smile on his face. “Alright, Sir. Just a moment.” Jason said calmly, and then he inhaled some air which he exhaled sharply while the man waited to hear what he was going to say. “Would you like to earn am extra two hundred dollars?” Jason asked with a firm tone, and then he looked at the man who looked at him from the crown of his hair to the sole of his shoes without saying a word.“Hello?” Jason waved at him after a few seconds of silence.“Are you into anything illegal here? What the hell are you talking about?” Matthew asked with his eyes wide open, and Jason shook his head to disagree with his words. “Not at all, Sir. I just want to offer you an opportunity to make an extra two hundred dollars, that’s of cours
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Matthew thought about the question for a few seconds with his smile still intact, and when he had reached an amount within himself, he chuckled excitedly and nodded at the same time. “A thousand dollars won’t be bad at all.” “What?” “Yes!” Matthew said loudly while his smile disappeared and he more a serious look on his face. Jason was taken aback by his words, and he couldn’t believe how greedy he was trying to be. “A thousand dollars? That’s way too much, Sir.” “Well, that’s what I want,” Matthew said without being ready to budge, and Jason scoffed in so much surprise. “Look, man. You know I am just doing you a favor here. You look like you have to be somewhere really important, and I am trying to help you out here. By the way, I don’t think you would be losing a lot of money if you gave me an extra eight hundred bucks from the bundle you have in there.” Matthew pointed to the position Jason kept the rest of the cash he was with. Jason continued to stare at the middl
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Pesky ex
He continued through the hallway, walking as fast as his legs could carry him even though he wasn’t sure of his plans at that moment. Several thoughts ran through his mind, and he was finding it a bit difficult to place his hands on any decision he was going to make. He got into the elevator, and in less than five minutes he was on the last floor and decided to move out of the building as soon as he remembered that he needed to check on his son. He had taken a few steps away from the elevator when a voice called out to him from a distance, causing him to turn instantly. “Jason? Jason Caruso?” The female voice said, and instantly, Jason was filled with a sensational agonizing reminiscence as he saw the face of the person calling out to him. “Is that…” He couldn’t say the name of the person as merely thinking about it caused him so much pain as it caused the pains of betrayal to flood his mind.The lady who called out to him was tall and had brown-reddish hair flowing down he
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The Supervisor
Meredith waved at the dashing young man in a blue suit walking out of a room from a corner close to the foyer of the building. He had brown eyes and thick blond hair that made him stand out amongst most of the people he was walking across. “Liam! This way!” Meredith was able to draw his attention the moment he looked up, and as soon as he saw her, he smiled and started to saunter toward her. “That’s my man! That’s Liam.” Meredith chuckled with so much excitement, looking at Jason with her eyes shooting rays of ridicule at him. “Is this really necessary, Meredith? I am sure that the young man has a lot on his table, and wouldn’t want to spend so much time talking to a stranger.” “Oh no, not my Lian. He barely does anything in here. How would he even bother to work when there are capable hands everywhere? He just sits around and orders people to do his work.” “I see.” Jason nodded with a smile, taking note of all the things she said to him. “Oh, yes. Did I mention that he
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