All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
296 chapters
Final warning
Jason stared at the screen of his phone for a few seconds as soon as he ended the call with the Attorney, and then he sighed heavily. Not long after, his phone began to ring again, and he looked at the screen to see who was calling. He chuckled as soon as he saw the name of the caller displayed on his screen.Slowly, he answered the call and placed the phone on his right ear without saying a word while he maintained a smile on his face. “You are not going to say anything, you bastard!” The caller roared from his own end of the line when he realized that Jason had been silent for over five seconds. Jason chuckled almost immediately, and then he looked at his son to be sure that he wasn’t going to wake him up with his voice. “Clark, Clark, Clark. To what do I owe this call? I didn’t even realize that you still had my number. Do you still remember that you told me that I was not in your league?” “You are crazy! That’s not the reason why I called you!” Clark said with a voice l
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The Statement
As soon as he saw who was calling, he sighed in relief before he clicked on the icon on the screen of the phone to answer the call. “Hello, Harry.” He said as soon as he placed the phone on his right ear. “Hello, Young Master. I wasn’t sure if you were available to talk. I wanted to knock at your door.” “Is everything alright? Is it my Grandfather? It’s not been long since I left his room.” Jason took a step toward the door to move to his Grandfather’s room. “Your Grandfather is fine, I just checked in on him.” “Oh, okay. So what is it?” Jason said with a calmer tone, listening to what Harry was going to say from the other end of the line. “It’s the report you asked for. The Account Officer has emailed it.” “Nice, that’s lovely.” Jason nodded in satisfaction, and then he turned to look at his son who slept soundly. “But we have a little problem, Young Master. Not really a problem, but it is something that needs urgent attention.” Jason remained silent for a while bef
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The Nanny
“Good day, Young Master.” “Good day. You must be Cara.” Jason said calmly, looking at the middle-aged lady standing in front of him with her uniform on. “Yes, Young Master. Mr. Harrison has asked me to come look after the baby.” Cara said with a cheerful smile on her face. Jason observed Cara for a few seconds, and he couldn’t get over the fact that she looked really familiar. “Have I met you before?” He asked her with a low tone, wearing a curious expression on his face. Cara looked at his face for a few seconds, and when she was done with her observation, she shook her head with a confident look on her face. “I doubt that, Young Master. This is probably the first time you are seeing me, even though I was here when you arrived.” Jason looked at Cara for a while, and her face kept on reminding him of someone even though he couldn’t really place his hands on anything tangible. “Anyway, maybe you look like someone I know,” Jason said, and then he sighed heavily in an att
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Golden Penny Bank
Throughout the forty-five-minute ride to the bank, Jason struggled to get rid of the awkward feeling that crept into his mind as he couldn’t resist the urge to think about his previous encounter in the bank. “I really hope I don’t see him, and even if I do, I hope he behaves himself,” Jason said with a whisper, and then he drove into the driveway that led to the bank at a slow pace. He parked in the parking lot of the bank before he got down slowly from the car and adjusted his blue jacket after slamming the door and pressing the lock button on the remote control. He stared at the bank for a few seconds, and then he took in a deep breath which he let out slowly before he cleared his throat and started striding toward the entrance of the bank. “Here we go.” He said with a whisper, and then he increased the speed of his footsteps until he stopped in front of the casement doors, and the guard inside opened one of them for him. “Welcome, Sir.” “Thank you,” Jason said calmly,
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No Loan!
Patrick stopped laughing after a few seconds, and then he looked at the cashiers who were staring with so much attention at what was going on. “Everyone, he said he is going to make me suffer for denying him a loan he clearly wasn’t worth considering. Can you imagine that? He thinks this is a comedy show.” Most of the people in the banking hall laughed so hard at the words of the Assistant Manager, and even the two cashiers who knew how vile he could be were forced to fake laughter for fear of what he could do to them. Jason was angry at the words Patrick spoke, and his desire to make him suffer increased drastically. He clutched his right fist and looked at him with bloodshot eyes. “You really shouldn’t have done that. I warned you!” Jason voiced out to Patrick who was still having so much fun laughing at his own words. “Oh yeah? And what do you plan on doing about it? Huh?” Patrick said without flinching, and then he moved closer to Jason and adjusted his jacket with a smi
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Bank Manager
“Oh, wow!” Patrick said loudly, and then he started to laugh hysterically at Jason, drawing the attention of everyone close to him for the second time.Jason stood firm and unbothered by his actions, as he waited for the perfect time to deal with him mercilessly. “You really are a clown, Young man. Do you really think that this is some kind of circus that you can come and parade your foolishness?” “Why do they keep using that word?” Jason thought to himself as he looked at Patrick speak with a valor he was determined to crash. “You really have spent more time than necessary in this place, and as you can see, the customers are really getting uncomfortable with your presence,” Patrick said with a smirk on his face, and then he looked toward his left, and a bright smile appeared on his face. “Aha! They were here right on time. I am going to enjoy watching your sorry ass kicked out of this place.” Patrick said to Jason as soon as he saw the three guards approaching. Following
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Jason stared at the Bank Manager for a few seconds while everyone around him waited to hear what he was going to say with Patrick looking at him with a scowl. He looked at the three guards one after the other, and when he returned his gaze to Brian, he took in a deep breath which he let out slowly. “No, Mr. Ruiz. I have not been disturbing the peace of the bank.” “Then why are you here? Do you have an account with the bank? Would you like to make a transaction? You can go to the counter to do that.” Brian pointed to the counters by his right, and Patrick scoffed with a smirk on his face. “I doubt that. He is a pauper.” He said with a whisper, but Brian ignored him and continued looking at Jason who had a confident smile on his face. “No, I don’t have an account in the bank, and I am not here to make any transaction,” Jason said calmly, and Brian sighed heavily without taking his eyes away from him. “In that case, Sir. I am really sorry, but I would have to ask you to leav
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Real Identity!
Brian’s jaw dropped almost immediately as he stared at Jason with so much shock on his face, not sure of the right words he was supposed to say. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Ruiz,” Jason said calmly, and then he extended his right hand for a handshake with a smile on his face. “You are Jack Walker?” Brian said with a shaky voice, looking at Jason with his mouth wide open and his mouth still agape. “Mm-hmm.” “That’s not true! There is no way this pauper is the Grandson of Lord Walker! He was here some years ago begging for a loan. He is just a stupid impersonator!” Patrick blurted with an angry expression, but Brian had several reasons to believe him. “Mr. Ruiz? You are hanging my hand.” Jason took a quick glance at his right hand which was still suspended in the air. “Oh, I am sorry. Par…pardon my manners.” Brian stuttered, and then he slowly grabbed Jason’s right hand and shook him with so much apprehension nestled inside him. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Young Master
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Too late!
Slowly, Brian answered the call, and placed the phone on his right ear, listening to what Harry had to say from the other end of the line. “Hello, Mr. Harrison.” He said calmly, and the next few seconds were met with silence from both him and every other person around him who looked at him with so much curiosity. “Yes! Yes, I am still here with you, Mr. Harrison. I perfectly understand, and I will look for him at once.” Brian said, and his ear heard the beeping sound that indicated that the call had ended. Brian slowly brought down the phone from his ear with his hands shaky as though he was catching a cold. Looking at Jason, he could only imagine what Jason had in mind as it was difficult to know how he was feeling, especially with the smile that refused to leave his face. “I am truly sorry, Young Master. I didn’t know it was you. Please, forgive me! I beg you!” Everyone who saw what happened next was shocked to see the almighty Bank Manager of Golden Penny Bank prostrate
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The Auditor
“What?” Jason gasped in shock, and then he stared at Dan to be sure that he wasn’t joking. Even the rest of the guards shared the same pitiful expression on their faces, and it was clear that they didn’t believe that the bank was going through any rough patches. “This is unbelievable,” Jason said with a voice laced with so much pity and disproval, and then he glanced at Patrick who was too afraid and ashamed to lift up his head. “When was the last time you received any payments from him?” Jason asked, looking at the three guards one after the other, and almost at the same time, they started counting to be sure of the exact time. They spent almost a minute, and Jason could see that they had almost lost count. He scoffed with so much anger inside him, and then he turned around to steal a glance at Patrick who was still afraid to lift his head from the ground. “It’s been four months since we received our salaries, Young Master,” Dan said eventually after unanimously agreeing with
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