All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
296 chapters
All of them
For the second time, Doris looked at the guards, and then at Patrick who still couldn’t lift her face, and the thoughts of uncertainty in her mind lingered. It became evident a few seconds later that she was a bit worried for several reasons. “Mrs. Brown?” Jason called her back to reality, and she instantly turned to look at him, wondering why he had a smile on his face even though his words were imperative. “Go on, I asked a question.” “Ye-yes, Young Master.” Doris nodded, and then she sighed heavily while everyone around her waited to hear what she was going to say, especially the guards who seemed like they had been wanting to get explanations for months. “This is true, Young Master.” Doris was still worried even after giving her response, and worse still, Jason still maintained his smile and nodded afterward. “I see. So tell me, when was the last time you disbursed the salary of workers in the Bank?” Jason ushered everyone in a solemn moment, that even their heartbeats b
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Everyone in the room gasped in awe the moment they heard the words from Brian, but Jason was still as though he was expecting to hear that from the Manager. “I see that you have been filling your pockets with money from the sweat of others, Mr. Curt.” “I am sorry! I needed that money to clear my debts! The casino was after me and my family, and I was desperate!” Patrick pleaded with tears streaming down his face, but Jason didn’t look like he was ready to budge, not even a bit. “Of course, there is always a reason to justify the act, even when it completely was done with full consciousness and not on duress. You seem to have a fierce gambling habit, Mr. Curt, and now the workers in the Bank have to pay for it?” “Please, Young Master! I will repay everything that I have taken from them! All of them!” “How? How, Mr. Curt? How are you going to do that? Let me guess, you will place another bet at the casino, hoping to win big?” Jason chuckled at Patrick, even though he was visib
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The Clause
Jason remained seated in the office for over thirty minutes before the Bank Manager eventually walked in with hurried steps. “I am really sorry for taking so much time, Young Master. The employees were so sad when they discovered the reason why they had not been paid. To think that I wasn’t aware of this.” That’s okay, Mr. Ruiz. I hope now that you will keep your eyes and ears to the ground. People don’t have to go through things like this.” “Certainly, Young Master,” Brian nodded in agreement while maintaining a pleasant smile on his face. He sighed heavily, and almost immediately, he walked over to the position Jason was seated and sought permission. “May I?” “Yeah, sure. Go on, it’s your office after all.” Jason gave way for him to grab the knob of the drawer under the table, adjusting himself to create enough space between them. Brian opened the drawer slowly, and then he brought out a blue file that had the Bank Seal alongside the Walker’s Enterprise logo. “I prepar
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The right choice
Jason thought about Harry’s words for a few seconds, but as soon as a thought came to his mind, he shook off the idea at once. “No, Harry. I just met her, besides, we are just getting to know each other. I really can’t get married to anyone because there is a condition attached to it. I knew how the last one ended.” “Then you get to know her, Young Master. I have known Brenda since she was a child, and I can attest to the fact that she is an amazing woman.” “Yeah, she is, no doubt.” Jason nodded with a smile on his face as he thought about the few moments he had spent with the Doctor. “Think about it, Young Master. Lord Walker wants the best for you, and I am sure he knows that you will make the right choice, someone who will take Henry as her own child, and also stand by your side through thick and thin.” “Exactly, Harry. Someone who will take Henry as her own son, and not treat him like an orphan. I know how hard it was while I was growing up, Harry, I wouldn’t want my son
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By the time Jason woke up, it was already dark, and the lights in the room had automatically brightened up, causing him to blink severally as they dazzled his face. Slowly, he pushed himself up from the bed and headed into the bathroom to freshen up. Coming out in less than twenty minutes, he grabbed his phone and walked out of the room to his son’s room. “Henry?” He met the toddler playing with the toys hanging above him as he lay in his cradle. From the giggles he made, it was obvious that he was very happy with his new home. Seeing his father, his elation increased, and he gestured for him to pick him up at once, clapping both hands while he voiced the only words he was able to make. “Da-Da! Da-Da!” “Daddy is here.” Jason picked up his son and then placed him on his shoulder before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. He walked slowly through the hallway until he got to his Grandfather’s door which he opened slowly and looked. “Grandpa!” He panicked
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The only way
The men returned their gazes to the old man who suddenly fell on his back, and let out a huff from his mouth and nostrils. The remaining blood on his face trickled down and stained the white bedspread. “Is he…” Jason couldn’t get himself to complete the words he had in mind as he looked at his Grandfather whose stillness made his heart try to escape from his chest. He bent down at once and placed his ear on his chest. He listened for a few seconds, but he couldn’t hear anything. “His heart stopped,” Jason announced with a weak tone, almost shedding tears as he looked at Harry who decided to check himself. He placed his ear on the old man’s chest and listened attentively while Jason watched keenly, hoping that he was wrong. Slowly, Harry lifted his head from the old man, and his countenance was enough to tell that he confirmed the words Jason said earlier. “Did you hear anything?” Jason asked even though the Butlers’s countenance was enough to give him the answer he wanted. “
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For a few seconds, Brenda stared at Jason who held her hand as soon as she tried to inject the old man with the syringe in her right hand, before she sighed softly and spoke with a calm voice. “This is meant to buy him more time till we find a permanent solution or something that would be able to prolong his life till the solution is available. This will boost his immune.” Brenda showed the syringe to Jason who stared at it with so much uncertainty written all over his face. “Must you inject it through his heart? What happened to his hands?” “His body is too weak to push the booster to his heart, his nerves are not functioning currently. The best shot we have at this is to give him the shot directly in his heart.” “Won’t it kill him?” Harry stole the words from Jason who stared at Brenda, waiting for her to give a response. “I already told you guys that this is really dangerous, and it is our best shot at this moment. His heartbeat is faint, and he has already lost more than
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The Antidote
“This can’t be happening.” Jason struggled to catch his breath while his hands continued to shake profusely. It felt as though he was being electrocuted with a taser. “You can’t do this, Grandpa. You are the only one I have left.” Jason sniffled to stop himself from crying while he moved his hands all over the old man’s body. “I am sorry, Jason. I wish this could have ended better.” Brenda said with a shaky voice, but Jason ignored her and continued staring at the old man. Almost immediately, the door was pushed open from the outside, and three men ran into the room. “We’ve got it! We are here!” Resounded the deep male voice that caused the three people standing close to the old man to turn in that direction to see Chang hurriedly walking toward them alongside the two guards Bruce and Ramon who were on both sides. “I have been calling you!” “I am sorry, Mr. Harrison! I lost my phone on our way back from the airport.” Bruce apologized with his face bent to the ground. “He
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Second Chances
Jason hurried to his Grandfather who coughed for the second time and bent toward him with his face anxious. “Grandpa? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? It’s me, your Grandson!” Jason gently grabbed the old man’s arms and looked at his eyes which were trying to open as he flickered instantly. “Excuse me.” Brenda quickly grabbed her stethoscope and hurried to the old man while Jason moved away to let her do her job. “How is this possible?” Brenda whispered to herself as she checked the old man’s heartbeat and pulse, and then she opened his eyes and gasped slightly. “What is it?” Jason inquired from the Doctor who turned to look at him almost immediately. “This is a miracle! I was sure that I didn’t hear any heartbeat from his chest. He is totally fine, all the symptoms have vanished. How is this possible?” Brenda turned to look at Chang who had a fulfilled smile on his face which was accompanied by a heavy sigh of relief. “Told you! Herb will work! Herb will work! It worked!
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Proper Medication
Hearing the footsteps that were following him from the back, Chang turned around slowly, and when he saw Jason right behind him, he increased the pace of his steps, within a few seconds, he was at the staircase and descended hastily. “Funny.” Jason chuckled as he watched Chang from behind while climbing down the stairs as well. He shook his head slightly, and as soon as he got to the living room, he hastened to the door and walked out of the mansion. He met the guards closing the door to one of the vans parked in front of the mansion with the Doctor standing close to them. Harry walked out from the other side of the van and went straight to Jason whose eyes were focused on the back window of the van as he tried to look to see if he was going to be able to see his Grandfather. “Are you letting him go?” Harry asked with a low tone, looking at Chang who was slowly walking away, and turning at intervals to be sure that Jason was not going to change his mind anytime soon. “Yeah,
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