All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred: A Simple Man in The Kingdom
In a very country farm area located in Marquina Kingdom...Rhys Reinhard took off his working boots, while feeling tired and weary. He has been so tired working at the farm the whole day.He smelled something good coming from their kitchen, and he knows that his younger sister is cooking dinner as of the moment. He stomach started growling because of hunger, so he decided to check the kitchen."Rihanna and Royce, your brother's home!" Rhys calls out for his younger siblings. The youngest in the family, Royce suddenly starts running towards him to greet him."You just came home at a perfect time, Rhys! Rihanna said our dinner will be ready soon." Royce smilingly reported."That sounds good. I'm also starving." Rhys nodded in return."Alright, you two should wash your hands and sit on the table. We're going to eat dinner soon." Rihanna suddenly announced, while preparing their plates on the table. While Rhys is
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Chapter One Hundred One: A Dangerous Encounter
A few days have passed.Gaia is getting bored while she's drinking a glass of wine alone at the VIP section inside the Club Hera.They are currently celebrating their victory party for the final episode of their television series.Their finale episode got the highest rating in the history for the year 2023. That's why the Director, Producer and production crew are all extremely happy.However, Gaia didn't feel like celebrating because she's just so tired. Eventhough their drama shoot just ended, she and the other casts made several guestings on different TV shows yesterday to promote the last episode of their television show.Gaia decided to attend this party because she doesn't want to be rude to all of the production crew, most especially to their producer, director and the other actors and actresses."---Gaia, are you alright? Why don't you go to the dancefloor and have some fun?" her Manager Laura suddenly asked her.
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Chapter One Hundred Two: An Outrageous Idea!
The next day. Rhys is still a bit sleepy as he is walking down the stairs. He woke up earlier today because he was going to talk to an important person who might help with his plan to recover their losses at the farm.He is hoping that the person he's going to have a meeting with will agree to invest on them.Rhys became fully awake when he smells something burning. He hurriedly went down the stairs but he stopped in a halt when he saw his younger sister, Rihanna standing in the living room, while staring at the television."Rihanna! What are you doing? Don't you smell something burning?" he worriedly calls out to his sister.Rihanna looked at him, and her eyes widened in shock when she realized something."Oh no! I forgot I was cooking something!" she suddenly blurted out while panicking. She quickly dashed towards the kitchen.Rhys helplessly shook his head, as his eyes followed Rihanna. Afterwards, his turned his gaz
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Chapter One Hundred Three: A Royal Invitation
Rhys received an invitation from the King and Queen to meet with them at the Palace, and he was both puzzled and curious as to the reason for the call. His heart was pounding with anxiety as he made his way to the magnificent meeting room, where he was greeted by a butler and escorted to his seat. The room was filled with the sounds of rustling fabric and gentle chatter as the guests were seated, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly ground coffee and pastries.As he looked around, Rhys couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of the room. The walls were adorned with gilded mirrors and paintings of royal ancestors, and the marble floors glistened under the light of the chandeliers. The room was a testament to the majesty and wealth of the kingdom, and he felt a sense of awe at being invited to such a grand event.The King and Queen made their entrance, and they greeted him warmly with a genuine smile on their faces..."You mu
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Chapter One Hundred Four: A Quick Escape
After a few moments.Galilea just finished taking a shower. The warm bath made her feel good. She is currently drinking hot chocolate in the living room.She lets out a smile, while feeling satisfied. The heavy downpour still continues, and she likes this kind of peacefulness... Galilea looked around the living room. The living room is very spacious and it has a classic feel on it. Her eyes suddenly focused on a certain table where the picture frames are displayed.She felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside her heart while looking at the old wedding photo. They looked very much in love and she can see a spark of happiness in their eyes. She looked at the other picture frames and she saw the husband and wife with their three children. She continued to look at the other frames, until her eyes stopped at a certain photo, and it was the stranger who helped her get inside the Reinhard Farm...She stared at his warm, brown eyes, and it made her
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Chapter One Hundred Five: Dangerous Is Her Middle Name
Rhys can't stop yawning while driving back home. He was able to get Princess Galilea's things, and afterwards, he made sure to talk to his mechanic friend to fix the Princess' car.He wasn't able to sleep well last night. He can't really explain it, but he is feeling restless last night. He's thinking that maybe because a royal member of the family is in their house, and he is engaged to be married to her. Princess Galilea is still clueless on this arranged marriage with him... A few moments later, he finally arrives home.His eyebrows suddenly met in a frown when he saw some people gathering in front of their house. He was suddenly worried because something may have gone wrong that he didn't know about. Rhys quickly got down from his car and went towards the crowd of people."What's going on here?" he asked, in a worried manner."Sir, the Princess is doing something strange..." one of the farmers quickly informs him.
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Chapter One Hundred Six: No Backing Out
At the Mango farm. "Do you think we are ready to harvest the mangoes?" Rhys asked the leader of the workers while looking at the mango trees which are all lined up in their huge piece of land."Yes, Sir Rhys. We can start harvesting mangoes tomorrow." the leader of the harvesters responded."That is just perfect. After the harvesting activities, we will set up a small celebration. We will have a big food feast for a wonderful harvest this year, and it's also our way to thank all of you." Rhys sincerely stated.Rhys was going to say something more but he wasn't able to do so when he heard the sound of a car nearby...He curiously frowned when he saw Princess Galilea getting out of the car, and she was holding a straw basket, and it was obvious that it was laden with food.It seems that this woman has nothing else to wear, except from sexy clothes. But he also couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful shape of her legs. “
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Chapter One Hundred Seven: Feeling Suddenly Threatened
The next day.Galilea slowly opened her eyes. She realized that it was already morning, and she woke up really late because she finished reading a very interesting book and it already wee hours in the morning when she finished the whole book. She decided to get up from her bed, so that she can start her morning by having a hot cup of coffee... She was slowly making her way towards the kitchen but she suddenly stopped when she heard a woman's voice."I'm really glad to see you again after so many years, Rhys..."=================================Galilea quickly hid herself at a nearby wall and secretly listened to the conversation. She saw a certain woman who is sitting comfortably at the one of the sofas in the living room. The woman has an innocent-looking face. She has long, and straight jet black hair, and she has an overall fair complexion which makes her more vulnerable, like a China doll. She is the kind of woma
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Chapter One Hundred Eight: Sweet Princess Galilea
Few hours have passed.After talking and saying goodbye to the host of the party, Anisha, and to the other guests, Rhys decided to look for Princess Galilea so that they can go back home and take a rest.He is getting worried because he can't find her, and he is wondering what could've happened to her.He was about to go to the Women's Comfort Room hoping to find her there, but he suddenly stops when he heard a familiar voice nearby."I can handle myself, sir. I can still drink! Please get me another glass of cocktail!" he heard Galilea's voice from the distance.He quickly made his way towards the garden, where Galilea's voice is coming from.He was surprised to see her at the poolside with the male guest they previously encountered at the dinner table. He saw Amanda trying to walk in a drunken manner, while the stranger is trying to assist her.Rhys didn't like how close they are, and their closeness is making him feel
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Chapter One Hundred Nine: Let The Magic Begin
Rhys and Galilea arrived home safely. He is currently laying Galilea in her bed. Once he made sure that she's comfortable enough, he decided to say goodnight to her."Goodnight, my princess. I'll see you again tomorrow." he gently whispers, while staring at the sleeping Galilea.He was about to get up and leave, but he was taken by surprise when Galilea suddenly grabbed his hand."Please don't leave me alone." Galilea was groaning in her sleep.Rhys worriedly stares at her, observing her if she is having a nightmare. He clasped her hand firmly, making her feel that nothing's going to harm her, she's not alone and everything will be okay...At the same time, he is having this urge to kiss those red and kissable lips of hers!"Dear heavens, please help me from this temptation." Rhys whispered, trying his best to control himself.Rhys's heart skipped a beat when he saw a tear flowing from Galilea's eyes and unto her cheek.
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