All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred Ten: Chasing After Him
Many days have passed. Galilea is now making her way to Rhys's mini-office, where he usually do remote working. She decided to cook him some lunch, and bring it to him. She is hoping that Rhys will like it. She smiled when she finally reached hid mini-office. She was about to knock at the door but she suddenly stopped when she heard Anisha's voice coming from the room... "What is Anisha doing at Rhys's mini-office? And what are they talking about?" Galilea secretly wonders to herself. She knows that it's wrong, but she can't help herself but to eavesdrop at Rhys and Anisha's conversation. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me again, Rhys." she heard Anisha speak. Galilea suddenly got worried when one idea came into her mind... What if Anisha is romantically pursuing Rhys? And the worst part is, what if Ralf is actually in love with her? She snaps out from her reverie when she hear
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Chapter One Hundred Eleven: The Arranged Union
"Your Highness, someone is looking for you..."Galilea momentarily stops from watering the plants at the huge garden when she heard someone calling her. She saw her princess-in-waiting, Elise, waving at her. "Who's looking for me?" she curiously asks her. Elise just smiled at her in return, but didn't really answer her question."Well, your special visitor is waiting for you at the terrace." that's all she said, while smiling mysteriously. And before Galilea could ask another question again, Elise smilingly walks away to give them a private time to talk with her "so-called-special-visitor."She lets out a sigh before she decides to walk towards the terrace where her mysterious visitor is waitingWhile she is walking, she can't help to wonder who could be visiting her at this time. She's not expecting anyone to visit her, so it's a puzzle to her that she has a visitor today...After a few minutes, Galilea is n
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Chapter One Hundred Twelve: The Crown Prince
At the "Hot Issue" Magazine Office..."Morning, everyone!" Laureen happily greeted her co-workers as she was walking to her own working desk.Laureen is working as a paparazzi at the infamous "IT Magazine." Their magazine specializes in revealing the celebrities, and the rich and the famous’ dirty little dark secrets...Their magazine recently released an article about a female idol who had a pure and innocent image, but behind the camera lights, she's a devil in disguise.She had a serious attitude problem, and she fights with her Manager, Hairstylist and Personal Assistant. She did an undercover mission wherein she carried a spy camera and she went to that female idol's private birthday party...The idol threw her mobile phone right into her Personal Assistant and it hit her head. It was all caught on her spy camera, and their magazine was the very first one who released the never-before-seen photos.And that article has been s
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Chapter One Hundred Thirteen: The Stalker
Back at her apartment...Laureen winced as she sat on her bed. The pain on her legs and feet became unbearable as she was busy walking and running around, trying to take paparazzi photos of a secret celebrity who are really good at hiding their relationship to the public.What really frustrates her is she wasn't able to get good photos of them together, so she has to try again next time.She let herself fall on her bed to take a little break. She then promised herself that she would wash her face and take a shower after five minutes, but she didn't realize that she had already fallen asleep because she was so dead tired...==================================The next day.Laureen lazily groaned as she stirred on her bed. She heard her mobile phone ringing non-stop, so she decided to answer the call."Hmm... Hello?" she said in a raspy voice."Based on your voice, you're just about to wake up." Her eyes
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Chapter One Hundred Fourteen: The Crown Prince Of The Kingdom
The next day.This is the first day of their manual labor to build the school for the children.Laureen, who is holding a shovel, trying to put heavy kilos of sand on the container in front of her. She decided to stop for a few minutes, while wiping her sweat. The sun is scorching hot, and the temperature continues to rise which is making her sweat so much. She also feels a little dizzy, but she just tries to brush it off.Laureen took a deep breath, feeling her chest heavy with exhaustion. She lowered the shovel, using her free hand to wipe away the sweat that was dripping from her forehead."Oh boy this is tough," she muttered to herself, trying not to let her frustration show. The sun was beating down on her, making her feel even more tired. She squinted her eyes, looking at the container of sand in front of her."Just a little more," she said to herself, mustering up what little energy she had left.Laureen decided to look at
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Chapter One Hundred Fifteen: Guilty As Charged
Laureen was about to say something but she decided not to because they have already reached her dormitory room."Well, here's my stop." she lets out a polite smile, while looking a bit awkward."Yes. You'd better take a rest so you can feel better. I'll see you later at dinner, okay?" Prince Galen responded, while staring at her as if she's the most beautiful woman in the world."Alright." it was the only word that came out from her mouth.After a few minutes, Galen started walking away to go back to the construction site to resume his work. And once he is out of sight, Laureen lets out a deep sigh."I need to finish my undercover mission as soon as possible before something happens." she murmured to herself.Afterwards, she decided to go inside the dorm room to take a nap to relieve her headache...=================================As the week quickly passes by, Laureen is getting used to doing volunteer work,
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Chapter One Hundred Sixteen: The Greatest Betrayal
"I'm done with the first draft! Finally!" Laureen excitedly whispered to herself, after she pressed the "save" button on her laptop.As soon as she got home to her apartment after her one-month long volunteer work at Havenwood County, she decided on doing a draft on her article.It took her a gruelling time to finish the draft, but it went well in the end. After she printed her article, she quickly brewed another fresh cup of coffee. As she's waiting for the coffee to boil, she hurriedly went to the bathroom to do a quick shower.After a few minutes, she got dressed, poured herself a cup of coffee, and switched on the television to watch the morning show.Laureen was drinking coffee when something flashed on the television screen. They showed some photos of a place which was strangely familiar to her.After that, they zoomed in the photo, and it showed Prince Galen's face. And there was a woman with him, and the media decided to
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Chapter One Hundred Seventeen: Her Atonement
"You don't have to apologize, Boss. But I'll have to take full responsibility for this..." Laureen sadly stated."What happened, Laureen? You don't look good... Do you want to tell me about it?" Miss Rose inquired, and she looks clearly worried."Boss... I think I'm in love with Prince Galen. The reason why I asked you not to print my article about him is because I want to tell him everything myself. I don't want to hurt and betray the man that I love." Laureen finally confesses, as starts to break down and cry."Oh, Laureen... I really don't know what to say. But one thing's for sure, it's not a bad thing to fall inlove with someone. You must be thinking that you're such a bad person for leading him on, but if he also loves you, he will find forgiveness in his heart." Miss Rose relayed, while giving Laureen a comforting hug."I love him so much, and it hurts like hell! I'll do everything and anything that I can for him to forgive me." Laureen sa
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Chapter One Hundred Eighteen: It's Been A Long Time Coming
Two years have passed.Laureen is currently working at a very small magazine publishing company that only started two years ago. She's working their as an apprentice, as she's aiming to become a junior writer..."Where's my tea?""How about my coffee?""Laureen, I told you to buy some snacks for our guests, right? What are you still doing here?" one of the senior workers reprimanded her."Yes, I'm sorry... I'm on it now!" Laureen quickly responded.Laureen hurriedly handed the coffee and tea to other senior writers. Afterwards, she went ahead to buy some snacks and drinks for their guests who's going to arrive in their office at any minute now...She quickly rode on her bicycle and after five minutes, she arrives at the nearest convenience store.After getting all the things that she needed, she's now riding on her bicycle, as she's making her way back to the Publishing House.And for the next few hours
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Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Setting Foot At The Kingdom Of Marquina
I squinted my eyes away from the burning sun as we made our way outside the airport. We just had a flight from Tokyo to Naha, Okinawa where I am standing right now. I silently stepped inside the car and once I closed the door, the vehicle accelerated its speed and drove away from the airport's parking lot. I noticed that we are now in the highway, and I can see a lot of tropical trees, and I can also see the ocean nearby. Some kids with the same age like me might be jumping for joy... When you're in Okinawa, everyone will think that you're in a middle of a vacation. A holiday. But sadly, it was the opposite. I had a different reason why I need to be here. I glanced at a certain lady who was in her early fifties. She warmly smiled at me, and I gave her a polite nod. Afterwards, I turned my attention back on the road. The lady sitting beside me is my adoptive mother, Chieko Nishikawa. She
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