All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred Twenty: My So-Called Family
The next morning.I squinted my eyes as the rays of the morning sun clouded my vision. I yawned and sat on my bed as I tried to remember the previous events. The last goodbye with my real mother... The Social Services house. The adoption process. Boarding the plane to Okinawa. My sister Mika. And now,I'm sitting on a different bed.What happened to me for the passed few months feels like a dream. But she knows that she can't run away from the reality...My train of thoughts stopped in a halt when I heard someone knocking at the door. I groaned inwardly. I'm not yet ready to havea "talk" with the other members of my "new family."But then the soft knocks didn't stop. With a heavy sigh, I practically dragged myself out from bed,and walked towards the door. As I opened the door, one petite cute girl greeted me."Good morning, my dear sister!" I froze awkwardly as I st
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty One: That Strange Guy
The next morning."Good morning, Doctor Nishikawa!" one energetic voice suddenly woke me up from my deep slumber.I stared at the ceiling, half-awake and half- asleep, while trying to recollect my thoughts."-How's your father? Is he taking his medications regularly?" I heard my adoptive mother's voice."Yes, it's all thanks to you, he's feeling a lot better now!" answered that annoying voice again.I curiously stood up and pulled open the window's curtain. I saw Doctor Nishikawa talking to a tanned-skin boy who's about my age. Or maybe a little older. He has this unique aura that can brighten up a gloomy atmosphere.I then glanced at his bicycle's basket and I saw a stack of newspaper inside."A newspaper boy." I whispered to myself.As if in a cue, the boy glanced up and he accidentally met my gaze. I couldn't look away as I froze because of shock.Read more
Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two: The Bet
I took a quick glance on my wristwatch to check the time. I gasped in shock when I realized that it's almost lunchtime!Doctor Nishikawa and Mika might be back anytime soon!I was already walking at the sandy beach while I was holding unto my bicycle. As soon as I reached the main road, I faltered on my steps when I heard one, irritated voice."Would you cut it out?"I frowned, while thinking that the voice sounded familiar... I discreetly took another step to see what was going on.There were four boys throwing stuff to each other,while laughing out loud.And there's another boy watching them with a resigned expression on his face."Oh! You're the newspaper boy!" I suddenly blurted out loud, and my voice made them look at me. They all stared towards my direction.The newspaper boy frowned at me, and it was clear that he didn't like the way I interrupted their "fun." ( If you w
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three: Growing Pains
I am now looking at the tall glass of the ever-famous Hula Twister Drink.There's nothing weird about it.It looks like a regular drink which is similar to pineapple juice..."Are you ready?" I heard the newspaper's voice again.The crowd lets out an enthusiastic series of shouts."You'd better prepare all the meal stubs, newspaper boy!" I glared at him."Oh,don't worry, I got them right here. See?" Van showed me 10 meal stubs on his hand.I gave him another challenging stare."I'll definetely won't lose to you, newspaper boy!" I muttered at him."Let's see about that." Van shot back, as he gave me a playful wink.At the same time, Van's brother, Ren, and Mika are just looking at them."Are you sure your sister wants to do this?" asked the worried Ren to Mika.Mika just sighed."Looks like it." she answered.Van started counting.
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four: A Strange Set Up
Mika and I finally reached home. I was feeling a bit better now after drinking that disgusting "Hula Twister Drink.""This is all your fault! If I didn't see you flirting with that boy at the snackhouse, I wouldn't have made a bet with that newspaper boy!" I scolded my younger sister.What do you mean it's all my fault?" Mika asked, in a confused manner."You were shamelessy flirting with that boy at the snackhouse!" I snapped at my sister."Oh.You mean Ren?" said Mika.I raised an eyebrow at her."I don't care about his name! Look, Mika. I'm trying to protect you because I'm your older sister, so that's why I'm getting mad like this!' I reprimanded her."Of course I know that,but there's a little misunderstanding----!"I didn't give Mika a chance to finish her sentence."I saw it with my very own eyes! He was leaning too close to you. And
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five: Breaking The Shell
Should I feel proud about it?" I sarcastically spat out, but somehow, I can feel a warm sensation on my chest. And it felt good."Are you?" Van probed, while looking at me straight in the eye.I was the first one to look away from him. Good thing some strands of my hair was covering half of my face or else he can clearly see that I'm blushing furiously like a steamed crab."I-I think it's better to have my own bike--!" I was about to turn my heel towards the house again when I heard Van's pleading voice."--Please. I know it's a selfish request, but I would really want to give you a tour around town." Van cajoled at me."He sounded sincere." I thought at the back of my mind."There's nothing to loose,right?" argued the other part of my brain.With a resigned sigh, I stiffly sat at the backseat of his bicycle."There's no next time for this. Remember that." I
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Six: Knowing Him
She never expected Van to look this serious. "So, what's your story, Van? Oh, I'm sorry, maybe you don't want to talk about it..." "--Everyone in this town knows my family's story... It won't hurt me anymore if I tell you my story. Are you willing to listen?" asked Van."I'm willing to listen." I nodded in return.Van took a deep breath, and afterwards, he started retelling his lifestory.. "My mother died when I was barely 12 years old. Ren was 10. And she died because of me..." Van began.I could see the muscles on his jaw tensed. But I still didn't dare to speak.I patiently waited for him to continue."--it was my father and mother's wedding anniversary that day. I wanted to surprise her at her workplace. And after that we would buy a gift for my father and go home together. She's actually working in the next town from here. And it would take us an hour to reach
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven: A Regular High School Student
I could hear Van's laughter behind me, as we walk our way inside the empty school building.We started walking at the quiet hallway. We first stopped at the library."As you can see, this is our library. Most of the stuff here are really old, but there are lots of interesting books to read on. And let me tell you a secret... Whenever I have a chance,I sneak out some books without permission from the Librarian. Now that I think about it,I need to return them beforegraduation." he relayed."Oh my goodness, the poor librarian must have been worried about those missing books. You should give it back as soon as possible!" I reprimanded him.He closed the Library door and we continued walking again.After we finished touring the first floor, I followed Van upstairs which lead us to the second floor."This is my brother and Mika's classroom." Van said,while opening one room which has 1-B placard o
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight: Settling In
After a week.I nervously made my entrance at Naha High school.I can see the students who were all looking at me curiously as I walk past them."It's rare to see a new face in town." I overheard a group behind me."My mother saw her once with Doctor Nishikawa. Could she be--?" the other one spoke."Haven't you heard the news yet? She's the adopted daughter of Doctor Nishikawa!" exclaimed the third girl."I don't care what you all think...Just leave me alone!" I angrily said at the back of my mind."Hey, wait for me, Nao!" somebody called my name, and it made all the students turn their heads towards the school gate."Oh, there's Van again. What is he up to this time?" said the other group of male students,while laughing at the same time.I sighed miserably."Why do you have to show yourself at a complicated time?" I groaned in di
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine: Her Dark Past
Lunchtime.Surprisingly, Van didn't talk to me about having lunch together. I was relieved at first,but it made me feel uneasy afterwards.I realized that I must have treated him rudely this morning.I decided to look for him. As I was making my way at the way, I heard a group of girls gossiping."Hey, did you know the reason behind Nao Nishikawa's adoption?" one girl suddenly said."Oh? What is it? Tell us!" asked the other one.I gritted my teeth in anger and frustration. These girls are even worst than a bunch of gossiping housewives.I strained my ear as I hid myself to the wall nearby. I waited for them to speak again."--You all know that my mom is working at our town's Social Services Department, right? She accidentally found out Nao's family background!" the main gossiper blabbered on."Just tell us quickly!" breathed the others.Read more