All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
195 chapters
Chapter Thirty-One: A Perfect Candidate
South Marquina, located just across the border, was once part of the Marquina Kingdom. However, due to a series of disagreements and conflicts, the people of South Marquina chose to separate and establish their own independent country, and having their own government. This action created a deep divide and started the animosity between two nations. The hostile relationship between the Kingdom of Marquina and the South Marquina manifested in various ways. Trade routes were blocked and a huge wall separated them from each other. Whoever crosses the border will be arrested, and they will face a punishment based on each country's laws... "And what do you make of of this situation with South Marquina?" King Gael spoke again. "Well, I think this is the perfect time to strengthen our alliance with South Marquina. You see, it's like hitting two birds with one stone. We would be able to use their strategy to improve our kingdom's economic situation and at the sam
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Chapter Thirty-Two: The King's Predicament
"Professor Cillian Redford is a man of brilliance and kindness. He is a History Professor at the prestigious Marquin University, which is owned by his family. His reputation spread far and wide, not only within the university, but throughout the entire country of South Marquina. He was born in the heart of South Marquina, Mr. Redford was a prodigy from a young age. He consistently topped the national exams, earning the highest scores in the country. His academic achievements were not only his claim to fame. He is known for his warm, gentle demeanor, and his kindness knew no bounds. His passion to History led him to pursue a career in academia. And despite his busy schedule, Professor Redford always found time with his students. His always is always open for anyone seeking guidance. And because of that he is admired and respected by everyone at Marquin University..." Cillian sat there, while looking stunned. He was aware that his achievements had been recognized in academic
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Chapter Thirty-Three: Two Different Worlds
"Thank you very much, Ma'am. My name is Astrid..." Astra smiles in return. She enters the cottage and discreetly looks around, taking in the modest surroundings. "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, dear. My name is Serina." the woman introduced herself in return. The woman got busy preparing something at the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came back to the living room, while carrying a tray with food and a glass of water. She laid down the tray in front of Astra. "I'm sorry if I couldn't offer much. But I can assure you that the pumpkin pie is delicious, as I made it myself. Please, you should eat and drink... And please let yourself be comfortable in our old and small cottage." the woman smilingly stated. "I appreciate your help, Ma'am. I must say that you have a cozy and clean cottage... I hope you don't mind me asking but where is your family?' Astra/Astridsimply asked, while eating the pumpkin pie. "
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Chapter Thirty-Four: A Gentleman's Agreement
"Cillian, my son, I need to talk to you about a matter that has been weighing heavily on my mind. It concerns the neighboring Kingdom of Marquina." his father started. "What's happening, Dad? Is everything alright?" Cillian's getting more and more curious at each passing minute. President Redford lets out a deep sigh before he spoke again. "Unfortunately, the economic situation in the Kingdom of Marquina is dire. Their population rate is in decline, and as a result, their employment rate has hit an all-time low. Many people there are struggling to make ends meet, and their livelihoods are at stake." President Redford told his son about his meeting with King Gael of the Kingdom of Marquina, which happened many weeks ago. "That's really an issue of concern, Dad. Is there anything we can do to help?" Cillian is more than ready to help in anyway that he can. "That's exactly what I wanted to discuss with you, Cillian. The Kingdom of Marqu
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Chapter Forty-Five: The Meeting Between Two Countries
Inside Princess Astra's room, she sits alone by the window, gazing out at the sunset. Her mind is filled with thoughts of the conversation she had with her brother, the King, just a few hours ago. "The weight of the kingdom's future rests heavy on my shoulders. The dream of leading the Kingdom of Marquina into prosperity feels both exhilarating and daunting." she whispered to herself. She closes her eyes, reminiscing about the moment she interacted with the commoners of her beloved birthplace. The image of their faces, filled with hope and struggles, flashes before her eyes. "The reality of their lives, hidden beneath the facade of grandeur, is a stark reminder of the challenges we face. The high unemployment rate, the poverty lurking in the shadows... How can I turn a blind eye to their suffering? she thoughtfully asked herself. She stands up, a determined look in her eyes as she paces back and forth in her room. The realization dawns on her, a difficult decision looming ahead
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Chapter Forty-Six: At The Begonia House
"Since you said that Cillian Redford is handsome, does it mean that you're attracted to him? Is it possible for you to fall in love with him, your Highness?" Amaia Producer asked her a follow-up question. Princess Astra blushed again like a steamed crab after hearing her lady-in-waiting's question. "Oh, I think it's too early for you to ask me that. But one thing is for sure... Cillian is a good person." she firmly stated. "Well, you're right. We'll see what happens next. But for now, you need to take a rest because you had a very hectic and tiring day today." Amaia smilingly suggested. Princess Astra nodded in agreement. Many things have happened to her today, and she is feeling so exhausted. She will take a good rest tonight, so that she can regain her energy... ==================== Cillian and Astra met again after a few days. They are now at the Marquis Garden, which is one of the famous gardens in the capital city of South Marquina. They are strolling the garden, while the
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Chapter Forty-Seven: The Warmest Welcome
A few moments later.After their tea time, Cillian suggested Princess to do a tour around the Begonia House grounds. They can go around the vast area while riding a horse.Since Astra has been riding a horse everseince she was a little child, Cillian requested the Presidential staff to give her a horse as well. And now, the two engaged couple are touring around the area, while riding in their own horses."I'm going to bring you to my favorite place. I'm absolutely sure you're going to like it as well." Cillian spoke again."Alright... But where are we going?" Princess Astra curiously asks him."Let's just say we're going to paradise." Cillian replied, in a mysterious tone."Paradise, huh?' Astra secretly thought, as she is looking forward to their next date location...After riding their horses for twenty minutes, Cillian lets out a smile, and he calls for Astra's attention."Welcome to my most favorite place in the whole world..." Cillian smilingly welcomes the princess."This is lik
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Chapter Forty-Eight: The Two Women in Cillian's Life
Princess Astra slowly opened her eyes. She realized that it was already morning, and she woke up really late because she finished reading a very interesting book and it was already wee hours in the morning when she finished the whole book.Mr. and Mrs. Redford invited her to stay at the Begonia House for the night. Of course, she and Cillian were given separate rooms, and that's what she wanted as well...She decided to get up from her bed, so that she can start her morning by having a hot cup of coffee.She is also planning to look for Cillian, as they agreed to have breakfast together everyday.After washing her face, brushing her teeth and changing into presentable clothes, she is now slowly making her way downstairs while feeling so excited and happy...=================================After a few minutes.Astra is now walking around the Begonia House while searching for Cillian, but she stops in a halt when he saw him talking to a certain woman.She quickly hid herself at a near
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Chapter Forty-Nine: The Uncomfortable Dinner Party
Few days have passed.Tonight is the Welcome Party for Alena, which is going to be held at her very own mansion."Are you alright, Astra?" Cillian suddenly asked Princess Astra, as they are making their way to the party venue. He noticed that Astra is looking so anxious and apprehensive while they are driving their way to the Welcome Party."I'm fine, Cillian. This is my first time going to a grand party, outside of my kingdom, so I'm a little bit nervous." Astra relayed."Look, everything's going to be okay. I'll never let go of your hand and I'll always be by your side throughout the party." Cillian made a promise to Astra."Thank you, Cillian. Saying those things mean a lot to me." Astra said, while looking grateful.Both of them continued walking, hand in hand and Astra feels comfortable with him and she feels like nothing can go wrong as long as she is with Cillian."Oh, hello there! I'm so glad to see you here at my Welcome Party, Cillian.... And Princess Astra..." Alena greeted
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Chapter Fifty: The Drunken Confession
Few hours have passed.After talking and saying goodbye to Alena's parents, Cillian decided to look for Princess Astra so that they can go back home and take a rest.He is getting worried because he can't find Astra, and he is wondering what could've happened to her.He was about to go to the Women's Comfort Room hoping to find her there, but he suddenly stops when he heard a familiar voice nearby."I can handle myself, sir. I can still drink! Please get me another glass of cocktail!" he heard Astra's voice from the distance.He quickly made his way towards the garden, where Astra's voice is coming from.He was surprised to see her at the poolside with the male guest they previously encountered at the dinner table. He saw Astra trying to walk in a drunken manner, while the stranger is trying to assist her.Cillian didn't like how close they are, and their closeness is making him feel jealous. He quickly marches their way towards them."Excuse me, but what happened to my fiancée?" he d
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