All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
195 chapters
Chapter Fifty-One: The Sweetest Thing
Cillian and Princess Astra arrived home safely. He is currently laying Astra in her bed. Once he made sure that she's comfortable enough, he decided to say goodnight to her."Goodnight, Astra. I'll see you again tomorrow." he gently whispers, while staring at the sleeping princess.He was about to get up and leave, but he was taken by surprise when Astra suddenly grabbed his hand."Please don't leave me alone." Astra was groaning in her sleep.Cillian worriedly stares at her, observing her if she is having a nightmare. He clasped her hand firmly, making her feel that nothing's going to harm her, she's not alone and everything will be okay...At the same time, he is having this urge to kiss those red and kissable lips of hers!"Dear heavens, please help me from this temptation." Cillian whispered, trying his best to control himself.Cillian's heart skipped a beat when he saw a tear flowing from Astra's eyes and unto her cheek. And with that, Cillian can't fight what he's feeling anymor
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Chapter Fifty-Two: The Preparation
After a few days...Cillian and Princess Astra are now busy doing preparations for their upcoming wedding...The couple are now talking to a Wedding Planner, who's been very nice, kind and accommodating to them. Astra's so excited to share her vision for the wedding."What theme do you like for the wedding, Astra?" Cillian suddenly asked her."I want to have a beach wedding. I also want to go with the wedding ceremony during the sunset. Astra dreamily stated."Sounds like a good plan." Cillian nodded in agreement."But if you want something else, it's alright with me." Princess Astra said, because she thought that Cillian might be thinking of another plan for their wedding..."Don't worry about me, Astra. I know that having a wedding is one of the most important milestone in a woman's life. I think the beach wedding sounds awesome, too." Cillian responded, in a sincere manner."Thank you very much, Cillian." Astra happily replied.She was touched by Cillian's statement about the weddi
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Chapter Fifty-Three: Her Sacrifice
A few minutes later, Cillian helped Princess Astra to ride at one of the horses. The whole team rented the whole place for today's shoot, so they are the only ones inside the amusement park... The carousel began to rotate. "Please look at each other's eyes..." the photographer ordered them again. The cameras starts rolling as the carousel continues to rotate. Astra looked at Cillian straight in the eyes. His big, warm eyes are staring back at him, and her heart starts beating like crazy! "Okay, lovebirds! Get closer!" the photographer instructed. At the same time, Cillian was thinking of doing something. But he must first get the perfect timing to execute his plan... When Astra's horse came down a bit, he wasted no time... He moved towards his bride and without any warning, he kissed her sweet and soft lips... Meanwhile, Astra felt like everything around her stopped moving, as soon as Cillian started kissing her. She feels like she's going to have a heart attack because
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Chapter Fifty-Four: The Pursuit
"Your Highness,someone is looking for you..."Princess Astra steps down from her favorite horse, Arab, when she hears Amaia, her lady-in-waiting."Who's looking for me?" she curiously asks her. Amaia just smiled at her in return, but didn't really answer her question."Your special visitor is waiting for you at the Garden of Athena." that's all she said, while smiling mysteriously. And before Astra could ask another question again, Amaia smilingly walked away and went inside the palace.Astra lets out a sigh before she decides to go to the Garden of Athena to meet her mysterious visitor.While she is walking her way towards the garden, she can't help to wonder who could be visiting her at this time. She's not expecting anyone to visit her, so it's a puzzle to her that she has a visitor today...After a few minutes, Princess Astra is now standing in the middle of the garden. He saw a man standing nearby, but she can only see his back, and not his face."Hi, they said you're looking f
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Chapter Fifty-Five: That Fleeting Moment
A month has passed. Princess Astra took a deep calming breath while she was walking at the sandy aisle, while Cillian was waiting for her at the altar. Many of their guests are looking at her, watching her every move.. Everything is just like what she dreamed of, and she can see the beautiful sunset at the horizon... A few moments hats passed, Cillian and Astra are now exchanging their vows... "I will always love you, support you, and care for you, even during your bad hair days, even on your monthly-you-know-what-it-is, and during your hormonal imbalance as well. I will stay by your side through good times and bad times. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will love you until the end of time, Astra, my love..." Cillian was the first one to say his vows, much to everyone's laughter. Afterwards, it was Astra's turn to say her vows. "Cillian, my heart, body and soul are yours forever. I will laugh with you, scream with you, wrestle with you, have a debate with you, and th
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Chapter Fifty-Six: A Budding Friendship
"Well, okay. I feel suffocated here anyway." Alena finally agrees, but deep inside, she's not letting her guard down."After you..." Cillian smiling asks her to lead the way.They were greeted by the early night wind as they walk their way to the wide road. They finally switched on all the lamp posts so the road are all lighted up. At the same time, there were some roaming security around the area, so she feels a bit safer."Feels nice to finally get out here, huh?" Cillian spoke again."I have to admit, yeah." Alena replied."I saw you at the party awhile ago and you look obviously bored. I feel the same way too. Those people bored me to tears trying to look cool to others, and they just want to be the center of attention. Pfft! Once they know about the harsh reality of life, they won't be as cool as they think they are..." Cillian said, while shrugging his shoulders."Well, let's just let them be. The reason why I transferred to the big city is because I want to finish my studies, w
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Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Catfight
Alena is currently at the Cafeteria, and she's waiting for Cillian. Cillian wanted to celebrate his acceptance at South Marquina University's basketball team, so he promised that he will treat her.Cillian just dropped by his dorm to take a quick shower and change his clothes."Look, isn't that the girl who was talking with Cillian Redford at the gymnasium?" she heard someone talking about her at the nearby table."Oh,yes, that's her! What's her relationship with Cillian? Is she his girlfriend?" she heard another woman's voice."What the heck are you talking about? That's impossible. I mean just look at her! She's not fashionable, her face is below average and it's obvious that she doesn't have class! There's nothing special about her!" one of the girls stated.Alena closed her eyes, while counting one to ten to calm herself down. There's no point arguing with these snobby girls. She doesn't want to waste her time and energy just to go on a catfight with them..."Hi, Alena! Have you
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Chapter Fifty-Eight: Realizing Something
Cillian was about to answer the question when the coffee shop manager suddenly appeared infront of them."What's going on here, Alena? What's the commotion all about?" Mr. Aniston tries to interrogate Alena."Just a little misunderstanding, Sir. Everything's under control." Alena tries to cover everything up."No, sir. Everything's not okay! As a customer, I have complaints!" Courtney suddenly said, while looking like a victim."Is there something wrong?" the manager asks."You're employee here started saying bad things about me and my friends! She told us that we don't belong here!" Courtney started weaving lies."That's true, Sir. We were just enjoying our coffee here and she started saying bad words to us." Arabella lied, without blinking."She called us "bitch!" Shonda added to the lie."They're all lying---!" Cillian tried to defend Alena, but he wasn't able to do so because the Manager spoke again."Enough! The customers are coming now, and I don't have time to further discuss a
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Chapter Fifty-Nine: Meeting A Prominent Woman
"Well, you just woke up at a perfect time. I just finished processing your release papers and the doctor gave us the go signal to go home. We'll just have to wait for the nurse to pull out your dextrose." responded Cillian. After a few minutes, a nurse came to Alena's bed and helped her pulled out the needle from her hand that was connected to the dextrose.Afterwards, she saw her clothes folded neatly at the side table."I'll just do a quick change to the bathroom." she informed Cillian. She got her clothes, and she made her way to the nearest bathroom.After a few moments, Alena went back to where she left Cillian She saw him waiting for her patiently..."Thanks for helping me. So, how much do I owe you?" she asked him.Cillian curiously frowned at her."What are you talking about?" "Let's not waste our time here, Cillian Redford. How much did you pay for my hospital bill?" Alena asked again, as she was getting more impatient."Look, you don't have to worry about it, Kate." Cillia
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Chapter Sixty: The Young Master Of The House
"It's an honor and pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Astra Redford. I am Alena Beckett, and I'm going to be one of your househelper for a month." she politely introduces herself.Mrs. Redford tenderly smiled at her."You don't have to be nervous, dear. Anyway, let me inform you that there are almost no strict rules in my manor. As long as you are doing your job, shows respect and good manners to the other people in this house, and as long as you don't do any bad or dangerous things inside the mansion, then we won't have any problems." the lady of the house informed her."So, that's it? There are no strict rules like what she usually watches on a television soap? There's no female villains who will make the heroine's life miserable?" Alena wondered to herself."---You must be wondering why I didn't set up any strict rules here at the mansion. Well, I choose to trust all the people that I work with in my house, and that includes ALL of the househelpers, chauffers, and gardeners." Mrs. Redford
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