All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
195 chapters
Chapter Sixty-One: The Unexpected Savior
"Alena? What are you doing here?" the man asked back in utter shock."Oh, my goodness! I'm working for your family!" Alena gasped in horror."Are you okay? You don't look so good." Cillian was about to approach him but she steps back."I'm going to be fine, I guess. Let me just get out of here and I need to think before I go completely crazy!" Alena blurted out.She didn't wait for Cillian to answer. She quickly left his room, and after that she immediately returned to maids' quarters and locked herself there. She paces back and forth into the room while she was biting her fingernails.Of all places, why did she become Cillian Redford's household help?This is a total mess, and it's making her crazy!========================Few days have passed.Alena is currently watering the plants at the very huge garden. Their gardener called in sick, so Mrs. Helen asked her to water the plants since it's summertime, and it's hot and humid...She feels like she is inside a novel of "The Secret G
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Chapter Sixty-Two: Mission Completed
"Alright, then. I'll just go outside and get you something to eat so that you can eat something before you drink some medicine. Now, be a good boy dear, and I'll leave the door open. I'll be back soon..." Mrs. Helen announced, while looking amused."I promise, I'll be good, Mrs. Helen. I don't want you to spank me just like what you used to do when I was a kid." Cillian jokingly teases the old butler."Very well. Ill be back soon." the old woman nodded in return, then afterwards,she left the room while leaving the door open...Once Mrs. Helen left, Cillian started talking again."Why didn't you tell us that you're not feeling well? We should have done something at an earlier time." he gently asked Alena."I thought that it was just a simple cold and flu. I never got sick like this before. So, I was just thinking that it will pass, and I can recover fast..." Alena tries to explain her side."But you were sadly mistaken. It's a good thing that you just need to drink some medicine and ha
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Chapter Sixty-Three: Getting Ready For The Party
"Hi, Alena!"Alena wanted to hide at the nearest rock because of embarrassment when she heard Cillian's voice calling her name across the University's grounds.All of the students at the campus looked at her direction."Can't you tone it down? You're voice is so loud, and it looks like you're in the middle of a jungle!" Alena hissed at him, as he sat beside her at the bench."So... Would you like to come with me to shop for my clothes for the Homecoming Party? I should accompany you too since we're going to be partners..." Cillian continues blabbing on.She can hear some collective gasps from the girls once they hear Cillian's statement.Some of the guys also started whispering at each other, and they're all surprised to know that she and Cillian will be partners for the homecoming dance."Can't you shut your big mouth? Why do you have to announce it like it's something really important?!" she angrily muttered at Cillian."Why, what's wrong about being your partner at the dance? We'r
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Chapter Sixty-Four: The Bullying Continues
The night of the Homecoming Dance finally came...Alena is quietly watching the people dancing at the dancefloor, as she's sipping a glass of lemonade. Cillian excused himself for the meantime because one of their Professors wanted to talk to him about something, so she was left all alone. She doesn't mind, though…However, this party's boring her to death, eventhough the other kids are enjoying the part. She'd rather stay at her dorm and read until the break of dawn, but because of her deal with Cillian, she doesn't have the choice but to attend the party.Anyway, she told Cillian that she's just going to stay at the party for 20 minutes or half an hour tops, then after that, she's going back home...After a few minutes, she needed to go at the Women's Comfort Room. She walks her way towards the comfort room...And once she reached the comfort room, she almost stepped back when she saw Courtney and her two friends inside, while retouching their make ups... She was about to step back
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Finally, A Yes!
Cillian is now escorting Alena back to her dormitory. He is wondering why she's been silent ever since they left the party, and she looks so exhausted.He's also wondering on how she got herself locked out from the Women's Comfort Room. There's definetely something wrong. Something happened, but she doesn't want to talk about it.Cillian doesn't want to force Alena to talk. He will just wait for her to talk about what happened, whenever she's ready..."Thanks for driving and walking me back home, Cillian." Alena suddenly spoke."Alena, I'm not going to ask you what happened tonight, but I just want to say I'm really sorry for leaving you alone. And it's a pity that I haven't got a chance to dance with you... I hope it's not too late for me to ask you, but--- may I have this dance?" Cillian suddenly requested, as he extended his hand towards Alena, inviting her for a dance."You mean, here?" Alena unbelievably asked him, while looking around.They are alone the University Campus, and t
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Chapter Sixty-Six: A Small Crack On The Wall
The next day...Cillian and Alena are currently on their way now inside their classroom for their for class for the day. Alena is in high spirits, and she's beaming with so much happiness. And yes, she can confidently say that she's totally in love with Cillian Redford.At the same time, Cillian is overwhelmed with so much love and happiness. He is so damn proud to have a girlfriend just like Alena.Alena is his first girlfriend, and eventhough he's relatively a newbie when it comes to having a romantic relationship but he's willing to do his best to make their relationship work. He's really hoping and praying that they would last, until they are old and gray...Cillian and Alena are walking hand in hand while the other students are gawking at them. But they have their own world, and they don't want to let anyone in...They are just a few steps away until they reach the classroom, but Alena suddenly stopped walking. Cillian looked at her in a curious manner."What's wrong, sweetheart?
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Everyone's Happy Ending
Many weeks have passed.After Alena's modelling stint at the South Marquina University Fair, she was scouted by a modelling agency, and that person invited her to go for an audition.Alena told Cillian everything, and she can really feel and see that her boyfriend is thrilled with the opportunity. Alena promised him that whatever happens, even if she becomes a popular model and even though she'll become busy with work engagements, she would make sure that she will still have time for him. And once everything is on the right track, they are going to get married, once they become successful with their own chosen careers.Alena's happy and satisfied by his boyfriend's full support. At the same time, Cillian tries her best not to be demanding of her time, not to be too clingy to her because she understands that being in a limelight can be stressful and exhausting too.Alena has been extremely busy with her modelling stints. She's been trying to juggle her time between going to school and
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Chapter Sixty-Eight: The Story of A King
Gael's eyes scanned the University's Cafeteria. The place is jam-packed with students. He's already starving, and his arms' starting to numb because he's been holding a tray of food for the passed few minutes. He breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed an empty table and chair at the corner, but there's one big problem. Bentley and his crew are all sitting just beside the empty table and chair. Bentley is hanging out with his girlfriend, Ariana, and the two of them are known as the bullies in their campus.They are infamously known for terrorizing the students, and many people doesn't want to do anything with them. Gael felt his stomach growl again. He has to eat or else he'll be suffering from an ulcer.  And he still needs to attend his next class, and it will start in 30 minutes."It's now or never." Gael whispered. He needs to do something or else, he will die from starvation.He walked towards Bentley and Ariana's table.He winces
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Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Life of the Crown Prince
After their Economics class, Gael started putting his things inside his bag, while glancing towards Jasmine's direction in a discreet manner. He is overwhelmed with her presence, and he feels like he's not in his usual self...Gael was about to step out from the room when Jasmine suddenly calls out for him."Gael, wait for me!"He saw Jasmine rushing towards him. His whole body became stiff, and he is unable to move."You're walking too fast! Are you in a hurry or something?" Jasmine smilingly asked him."I-I'm sorry... Do you need anything from me?" Gael stammered, as his heart started beating so fast that he is having a hard time to breathe."Well, since I'm finally back I want to hang out with you. If it's okay with you, of course." Jasmine stated, as her smile never leaves her face.Gael felt his whole face getting warm again, and he knows that he's obviously blushing infront of this beautiful woman.He was
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Chapter Seventy: Saving The "Golden Girl."
The next day. "Miss Jasmine Milano! Is my class so boring that it makes you so sleepy?" Jasmine instantly woke up when she heard their Professor's voice echoing at each corner of their classroom. She didn't realize that she fell asleep in the middle of the class, and it's so embarrassing! She came home late and feeling exhausted last night because she attended an outreach program for the children at a rural area. The outreach program was a success, and she is looking forward to attend more of these in the future. She wanted to disappear right there and then when she noticed that everyone's looking at her. “There’s no excuse for what I did. And I am really sorry, Sir.” Jasmine sincerely apologizes. At the same time... Gael wanted to reach out for Jasmine but he stopped himself. He can clearly see that Jasmine's so tired, and he can feel her sincerity while apologizing to the
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