All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
195 chapters
Chapter Seventy-One: Something Out Of Ordinary
Later that night.At Gael's apartment.Gael have been pacing back and forth in his living room while he keeps on glancing at his wristwatch. Jasmine's going to arrive at any moment, and he's having mixed emotions right now. As soon as he finally accepts the fact that he is crazily in love with Jasmine, he's been feeling and acting strange. He got to admit that she turned her world upside down, and he doesn't know what to do next.Eversince he started going to school, he's always keeping himself busy on reading books and doing complex experiments.And now, he doesn't have any idea how to handle his feelings towards Jasmine. Gael almost had a heart attack when he heard someone knocking at the door. He knows that it was Jasmine."Oh no, here we go again..." he groaned inwardly. He can feel his heart starts beating again, in which it makes him harder to breathe. His hands are becoming clammy again, and he feels weak on his
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Chapter Seventy-Two: His Weakness
Jasmine is on her way to Southampton University, as she is ready to attend her morning classes...She can't stop herself from yawning, as she still feels a little bit sleepy.She spent the night at Gael's apartment, as they are trying to brainstorm some ideas for their project in Economics.And they should keep it a secret because everyone at school will be talking about it, and there's a possibility that many gossipers will start nonsense rumors about her and Gale.Fortunately, she was able to get home to her own house just in time, and she is able to get ready for school...After a few minutes, she is finally walking her way to her first class for the day. Her eyes instantly searches for Gael... She saw him in his usual seat, and she gave him a big, bright smile."Morning, Gael!" she happily greeted him."Good morning, Jasmine." Gael shyly greeted her in return."Oh, by the way... Don't tell anyone that I went
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Chapter Seventy-Three: The Test of Strength and Endurance
"Well, to make the story short, I don't care if you're good at written exams but since this is a Physical Education class, you'll be better off using your physical strength in my class... I now will start calling the names of those people who will complete Group 1 and Group 2..." Mr. Harvey further explained.While everyone waited for their names to be called, Gael is now feeling anxious. He is confident when it comes to written exams, but he's a weakling when it comes to physical and doing rigorous activities. "Hey, are you alright Gael?" Jasmine suddenly whispered to him."I-I'm okay." Gael tried to act cool, eventhough his palms are getting sweaty."Group One will be consists of 8 people... The members are --- Mr. Gael Markin, Jasmine Emerson and-----!" their instructor continues to call other members. "Great! We're on the same team! Do you know how to play volleyball?" Jasmine immediately asked Gael."No. I'm not good at A
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Chapter Seventy-Four: The Feeling of Being Left Behind
Gael smiled as he was opening the door of his apartment. Jasmine just sent her a text message awhile ago, asking him if his nose is okay, and she sent her a message about having lunch together at the University's Cafeteria tomorrow...His nose injury seems to be a blessing in disguise because he noticed that Jasmine became more concerned for him.He dreamily leaned against the door, as he was grinning from ear to ear."Maybe there’s a chance for them to become more than classmates and friends?" he smilingly wonders to himself. "--- You look like an idiot smiling all by yourself, son ..."Gael suddenly snapped out from his reverie when she heard his Mother's voice. He almost had an heart attack when he saw his mother standing infront of him with a knowing smile on her face. He didn't even realized that someone opened the door and entered his apartment!“Mother?! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in Germany now? And where'
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Chapter Seventy-Five: Next Destination Our Their Lives
The graduating batch are having their final rehearsals for their graduation ceremony tomorrow.Everyone's giddy with excitement, and each of the students are overwhelmed with so much emotions as they are going to say goodbye to their Alma Mater...Gael and Jasmine just came out from the Dean's office. The Dean personally congratulated them. He congratulated Gael for being their batch's Summa Cum Laude, and he also did the same to Jasmine, for his good volunteer work during her gap year."Are you excited for tomorrow?" Gael suddenly asked, as soon they got out from the Dean's office.Jasmine wasn't able to answer right away because there was something in her mind, and she can't really say it to Gael. He didn't want to spoil his happiness because it was obvious that he is excited for their graduation ceremony tomorrow.Of course, she's more than happy and honored to march onstage with other students and get her diploma, but there's only one
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Chapter Seventy-Six: End Of The Chapter
The Southampton University graduation ceremony is finally over. Gael feels like he is in a trance and he is not really aware of what is going on around him because he has been thinking about Jasmine. He was totally spacing out while he is having a celebratory dinner with his parents, and he didn't even realized that they are back in his apartment... "Are you sure you don't want to have a sleepover in our hotel, son?" his mother asked again, once the car stopped infront of the apartment building."I just want to sleep here one last time, Mother." Gael answered, as he steps out from the car. "Just let your son be, honey. He'll be fine." his father spoke.“Alright, then. By the way, you should fly back home as soon as possible. It's now time for you to face your responsibilities, just like every male heir in our father did in the past, including your father." his mother reminded him again, in a serious manner."You're mother's right, Gael.
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Chapter Seventy-Seven: Gale Marquinn, King of Marquina Kingdom
At a certain monarch country called Marquina Kingdom...Gale Marquinn smilingly glanced at the small paper bag that he is carrying. Inside the paper bag is the latest model of Patek Philippe watch and it's worth thousands of dollars. It's her present for her beloved father, who is celebrating his 65th birthday today.And before his father's grand 65th birthday party begins, he wants to be the very first one to greet him and give him his special birthday gift...He knocked at her father's office. A few seconds later, he heard his voice from the inside."Come in!"Gale went inside the room, while smiling. She immediately walked towards her father and gave her a big, bear hug."Happy Birthday, our King father!" he happily greeted his father."Thank you so much, son. You look so great tonight, and I'm pretty sure the invited princesses from all around the world will be looking at you... As usual, you will be the center of at
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Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Making Of The Future Queen
Gael and his Queen mother are having a serious talk. They are talking about his previous conversation with King Gilbert on the night of his 65th birthday, which is all about the possibility of having an arranged marriage..."Well, the only thing that I can advice you is to follow what's in your heart, son. You're the only one who can make a decision." his mother gave him a piece of advice."As the crown prince of Marquina Kingdom, I don't want to disappoint father and our subjects, mother. And besides, both of you are not getting any younger. I want the both of you to enjoy your life to the fullest and let me handle the responsibilities as the future king of this Kingdom." Gale explained what's on his mind."I understand what you're trying to say, Gale. Being a king holds so much power and responsibilities. You are destined to serve other people, until your last breath. And of course, the future king should also have a queen by his side, and continue
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Chapter Seventy-Nine: The Important Promise
The next day.Jasmine is finally back to her humble abode after doing her usual grocery shopping at the neighboring town. She is now making her way to her small cottage when she suddenly stopped on her track when she heard a familiar voice inside. She is pretty sure that it was her father and mother's voice.What made her really curious is why didn't her parents let her know that they are visiting her? Her father and mother already got used to the big city, and they usually call her first to let her know if they are going to visit her...So, what's the sudden surprise visit?Jasmine thoughtfully frowned when she heard her mother's voice, and she sounded so agitated. She secretly wondered what is going on..."Isn't there another way, honey? We have to do something!" she heard her mother's voice."There's nothing else I can do, darling. This is the only way for me to atone and pay for my debts. I owe him my life, and I made a promi
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Chapter Eighty: The Mysterious Future King
Few weeks have passed.After being in a flight for seven hours and twenty-five minutes, Jasmine is now at Marquina Airport. She is just waiting for her next flight that will take her to her destination. She still has one hour of waiting time until her next flight, so she decided to call her parents just to check up on them and also to let them know that she safely landed.She dialled her mother's number, but much to her dismay, it went straight to her voicemail. She then decided to call her father's number, but it also went straight to his voicemail."What on earth is going on?" she curiously asks herself.Well, maybe her father is in a middle of a very important business meeting, and her mother is busy doing her usual charity activities with her friends..."Stop being a worry wart, Jasmine! I'm sure they are okay." she tries to convince herself.To stop herself from worrying too much and getting all paranoid again she decided to
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