All Chapters of Belittled Son-In-Law's Rise To Power: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
189 chapters
Chapter 151
Later that evening, Yannick had a meeting with Leo at their usual sport. “Congratulations, I am happy to know that you are the leader of our project at the champions. This will even make things easier for us”" Thanks” Yannick said and they got right into business. " So what is our next move?” Yannick asked." Well, since you were just appointed today, I would suggest you seat and wait to see how everything unfolds. Besides we are in this together and there is no need to rush it, it's one step at a time” Leo said. “I will like you to make everything position to avoid collecting any money from me. I will deliver each of my checks to Danvers himself"“Why,?" “That's because I don't have any intentions to give him and original signed cheque. I did the first time and he didn't even notice it was fake."“How did you do that?" Yannick asked Surprised. “don’t worry about that for now, I always have my ways. I will also need you to deposit some of it in his office without his knowledge”
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Chapter 152
“Well, he also entrusted some task to me with regards to employment of staffs. I am to receive all the applications and bring them to him”" He wants to act smart but even in that I will deal with him. See you tomorrow” " Thanks” Yannick replied before Raven ended the call. “I have a job for you” Leo texted Stephen. " What's it about?” He replied. " Can we go out for a walk?" Leo asked and Stephen immediately agreed and the they both left the house. “So what is this about that you wouldn't want to discuss where the other are?"“Well, it's not much of a big deal just that need your help. Besides I know we want the same thing so I would want you to assist me on this."“Spill it out already and stop keeping me in suspense" “Great, I want to make Danvers suffer more than what Raven wants but that would be difficult to achieve with his wife around. You know they have been unseperable from the very first day. “Even when Rhina had not consummated her marriage, she still stood my him
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Chapter 153
Leo had already made all the necessary preparation to ambush the supply of the next day. Very early the next day, Leo called Yannick to know where he was. Though they didn't agree on any specific time, he expected Stephen to use his intellect that they needed to meet beforehand and arrange how it was going to take place. Coincidentally, Stephen was up and getting ready too. They agreed to meet at an entrance to a family junction. A few minutes later, they were together. Leo handed a masked cap to him to wear so that in case of anything, their identity would not be exposed. They got into his car and drove off. Leo was hell bent to see Danvers pay no matter how so he began with his wife. “This brat must pay" he smirked inwardly. They got to a lonely area where they knew the truck was definitely going to use and packed their car. They pretended like something in their car was bad.A few riders drove past them. Some offered to give a helping hand but they claimed they had it all cov
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Chapter 154
Danvers began flipping through the pages alongside Yannick. They both scanned through all the applications and placed all those eligible on one place and discarded the rest. “Waoow" Yannick let out a sigh of relief. I am pleased to know that we are finally done” he added. " I would like you to email all the shortlisted candidates for an interview it is only after then that we will know who is employed or not.”" Will do that right away great master” Yannick said and left the room. Few minutes Yannick had done as he was instructed. Danvers was going through the news when he came across the recent fire outbreak. Just then his phone began to ring. “Hello darling" he called but his greetings were met with the voice of his wife crying. “Just hold on I would be home in a jiffy" Danvers ended the call and rushed out of his room down to the stairs. Unfortunately for him, Pearl his secretary was out to use the restroom so Yannick immediately rushed in when he realized that Danvers had r
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Chapter 155
“ A buyer?" Yannick asked confused. “ What I mean is a huge command. I need to get to the warehouse. That's where I would begin.”Yannick and Leo immediately left his office and headed for the warehouse. There, they had a one on one conversation with the tailors. The tailors thought it was just a normal conversation between an investor, boss and worker relationship. Little did they know that it was a test.After their trip to the warehouse, not wanting to raise any suspension, Leo left the company but sent him a message. " I will like to see you at our usual spot tonight.” " Okay” he texted back before pushing his phone into his pocket to concentrate on work. Before they left the office, Leo had given Yannick some fake cheques to put them in Danvers' office without his knowledge. As he walked into his office, he saw Pearl coming out of Danvers office. A few minutes later she was seen rushing in a rush downstairs. She didn't even wait to use the elevator. Yannick immediately took
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Chapter 156
Confused about what was happening. Stephen turned to look at Danvers. But he ignored and just continued,“I am sure you would be shocked at what I am about to show you now. You can grab a cup of coffee if you want.” Danvers said and turned on the TV. Stephen gasped in shock. He didn't know that there was someone monitoring each of their moves. “Can you tell us who you were with?" Lady Dabby asked. But Stephen became speechless. He lowered his head in shame. “Here I was thinking that I could forgive you and welcome you back but you just added sult to the injury." The old lady smirked. “ Who was the guy in red?" Maxon asked. Leo made sure to protect himself very well to the extent where he could not be recognized but Stephen didn't do the same. He simply replied on the mask given to him by Leo. “You are a disgrace.” Marcus stood up from his sick bed and punched him to the face. He fell backwards and hit his head against the wall. “Ahhh" he groaned in pain. “That's enough Marcus,
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Chapter 157
Raven and his boys were already making plans on how they would kill Danvers so he could marry Rhina but this didn't sit well with Peter coupled with the fact that she was his childhood lover. Raven successfully disguised himself in the Danvers' company and intentionally cut some cables in his car that was most likely to kill him in a car accident just like his dad but unfortunately for him, standing from a distance watching, Rhina came around to pick him up. “ Waoow it's amazing to see that I get to ride you home today" she said and chuckled. “The pleasure is mine." He replied“ What exactly did you say was wrong with your car?" I saw a bastard cutting off some cables in the car, he thinks I don't know he was around. Hahaha, he must be a fool and a jerk at that” " Who? “ Raven. But not to worry I have to deal with him. Just forget about him and let me handle it. I need to get back to the office there is something I need to do."“Cool" she replied and the rest of their drive was
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Chapter 158
Although Leo was afraid because Yannick didn't do any of these task alone, he managed to maintain his stains so as not to be noticed. The cc cameras didn't get a clear picture of who Yannick was with. So he had a narrow escape. He immediately derived another plan when he noticed that he was not mentioned in the matter.Maxon and Xavier who had just entered got him well beaten. “That's enough, you can continue to deal with him outside" Danvers said. Thinking of what they might do to him if he doesn't act smart and wise,Yannick quickly escaped their grip and rushed to Danvers' feet groaning in pain. “Great master I am deeply sorry for all I have done" “Let go of me" Danvers said and smashed his fingers, he groined in pains. He had not expected that the cold and friendly Danvers could also be so cruel. " Take him out of here and deal with him. Deal with him to the extent where he won't think of embezzling what he didn't work hard for.” Turning to Leo. " I am sorry you had to see all
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Chapter 159
They made sure that they didn't drive directly behind them to avoid being suspected. After all they knew their destination so there was no need to follow them behind. “ One of them is looking at our car I think it's time we change direction. Let's use the other road to make them know we are not after them." Xavier proposed and Danvers agreed. Maxon immediately turned to the left using a shorter road. “ The car that was after us changed direction. I guess we got yo our separate ways after all"A few minutes later, the car came to a stop Infront of the champions company. Three well dressed men walked in. The requested to see the fashion house. Unlike other departments of the company, the fashion was not restrained from visitors because just the constant work taking place there would motivate you to order for more. " This way miss” the receptionist at the counter said, directing where to go. “Ella! Could you show them around? The receptionist said walking back to her duties. They
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Chapter 160
Frederick was at the production house monitoring what his workers were doing when he recieved a call.“Hello" “I am at your office I would like to see you, there is something I need to show you now.”Curious to know what Leo had brought, Frederick stomped out of the production house straight to his office. His assistant had told him to wait so when Frederick got there they exchanged greetings and then later entered his office. “To what do I owe this visit?" “Hey man calm down!" Leo said making his way to sit down. “ There is something I want you to do for us. All I need you to do is include this substance into some of the canned food produced. If people get sick after eating this, the source of their sickness would be traced back to what they eat, consequences will then follow" he said smiling. Frederick, who was already filled with rage for Danvers, didn't waste time to jump on that mind blowing opportunity to see his enemy crumble at his feet. “Oh wow wow! You are so brillian
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