All Chapters of Belittled Son-In-Law's Rise To Power: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
189 chapters
Chapter 161
“You would address me with some respect" she said and shot him an angry stair. Though she knew it was a dangerous game she was about to play, she also needed everything to be straight. Raven couldn't just disrespect her at her job site because she was his former employee. She was his boss here and she needed him to respect that. “ I am sorry mam!" He replied entering the office. “ How may I help you?" she asked." Oh about that, I am here to show you some of the designs I have been working on an here is a sample of what I think is the best for the advert” Joy took the file from him and gasped in shock. Though the design was good, she however has a second thought as to if it was Raven who actually designed it. But she chose to ignore it. If only he had the money to pay whichever designer did this, then that's cool. “These are beautiful! I think we are good to go with this” she said handing over to him. " I would get the head of publicity informed and he would take it up from the
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Chapter 162
" Pray to your God that nothing happens to him!” Danvers said with anger on his face and voice. " But I didn't do anything” Frederick tried to defend himself but was shut with a punch from Danvers. " Can you stop talking already?” He said taking a seat in one of the hospital waiting areas. He took out his phone and called Pearl. " Great master?” " I need you to bring me a sample of the corn produced today at the production site. Also tell them to remove every bit of it while waiting on what to do next, I would forward you the address”" Right away sir" Pearl answered and Danvers ended the call. Few minutes later, Pearl was down at the production house. She told them exactly what the president said. Took a carton of corn and drove off to the given location. “ Good" Signaling one of the nurses to come. When she did, " kindly take these to the doctor for thorough check” the nurse nodded and left immediately. Frederick wanted to leave but Danvers asked his men to step in. A few
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Danvers walked out of the company and drove back to the production warehouse. “I need you to get rid of all the products produced today. Empty the cans so no one would pick them up"“Will do as instructed great master." They began opening and pouring out the goods in their waist pit. Frustrated and confused, Frederick stood up and forced himself out of the hospital. Before now, he had not thought that he would one day need Ravens help but at this point, he definitely needed it. “Help me!" That was all that was heard from him before he passed out. Raven used a tracker to trace where he was.He was again rushed to the hospital and once he regained his strength, they were discharged and they went to Emiles house. Frederick was made to rest after he made Sure that he ate something so he could take his medicine. A few hours later, he was awake. “It's good to have you back man." “Thank you! I had thought you wouldn't show up"“That's okay, friends show up for each other. So what happ
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One week later every thing that concerns the even had been put in place and it was the final day of event. Pearl walked into the office to notify him that everything had been perfectly put in place. “ Great master the guests have arrived and they are all" “ I would join you all shortly" Danvers said. He quickly saved what he was doing in his machine then walked out of the office. A few minutes later, he was downstairs and finally in the company hall where everyone was seated. He immediately walked on the stage to address the crowd. “ Hello, ladies and gentlemen! You are all welcome to witness these amazing occasion. If you put in your best I assure you, a huge surprise and package awaits you and your team" Danvers said and there was a loud round of applause for him. A moment later, there was silence in the hall again. Then he continued. “As you are all seated in groups, so will your prices be too. Now!, a design would be projected and each and every team in expected to reproduce
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Chapter 165
After working for some hours in his office, Danvers walked into the hall which was filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Designers alongside their models, and industry insiders of the various fashion houses. The Grand Hall of the champions fashion house was a seed of elegance, with shining lights casting a bright environment for work to take place. . The air filled with anticipation as models, and fashion insiders gathered, their voices blending into a low hum of nervous excitement. “This was not an ordinary fashion event,it was the culmination of weeks of preparation. A high standard competition organized by the Champions Fashion House, a powerhouse in the city, was not something to play around with.” One of the contestants said. At the heart of this gathering was Danvers, the president of the champions company and co-founder of Champions Fashion House, known for his exacting standards and a talent for spotting the next big thing, sat at a long table with the other judge
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Chapter 166
The hall was filled with chairs of celebration. They knew something more awaits them. Just the fact that a small company which has been struggling to gain popularity was at the helm of it all left me stunned. They knew something more was in the hiding.Danvers, who was the president of that giant company and also the co-founder of the Champions Fashion House that took it upon itself to host this Event, stood elegantly dressed at the center of the hall, his presence alone commanded a lot of attention and respect. Though people strived to bribe their way through, Danvers didn't fall for any of that. He is known to have an eye to quickly identify a cunny ability and also to spot and identify a talent before it sufficed. However, Danvers wasn’t just standing there as a co-founder, or as a judge, he was standing there as a representative for someone else, who was no other than Leo, his partner in business and the brain behind this induction project but ended up escaping because of his
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Chapter 167
Amazed at their excitement, Danvers couldn't help but wonder how it all started. How Leo unexpectedly visited the company a few months ago, with an irresistible offer and today,With just a single act of generosity to the winning team, he had met the need of capital for the fashion house. The news of what just happened at the event had spread quicker than expected throughout the city, and soon enough, investors and buyers who had once turned their backs and under looked the Champions fashion house began rushing in eager to do business.A few minutes later, Danvers left the busy hall back to his office and Joy went after him. “Excuse me sir" she said increasing her steps to meet up with him. When she finally caught up with him, she said as they walked towards his office;" I must confess sir, You've done something very remarkable in our industry today, "I seriously don’t know how to thank you enough for what you’ve done. what you gave us today is more than just a gift. It will go a
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Chapter 168
Raven stood by the window of their office with his eyes fixed on a spot thinking on the strategy to us because the atmosphere in the Mowix Fashion House had become cold following Danvers' betrayal. The other employees couldn't help but gossip about the whole thing to each other but Raven was not scared, rather, he thought of another way to fight back. He was angry, a hit of memory flashed through his mind and he remembered how Danvers brought his down. That was the same thing he was planning to do now. But that was not going to work as he was going to fight back with everything he has. Though Raven had not been with them for a long time, he however knew he needed to do something to pay them for their kindness for taking him in even after knowing he was aged. So to just seat and watch Danvers go free wasn't something he could bear. After thinking for a while, Raven decided to walk up to Joy “ hi, we need to talk," she said with a steady but stairn voice and the look in his eyes made
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Chapter 169
Raven started digging deep to get the results of those who eat from the food Danvers had distributed on the day of the event. He was fully aware that Leo and Yannick had carefully mixed the old products with those which contained the substance so only part of it was destroyed. While the other was distributed to the visitors unknowingly and they started having side effects. Raven decided to visit one of the city hospitals and just then, the sirens of an ambulance sped through the hospital entrance, its siren pulling attention. Inside, there were some nurses as they monitored the vital signs of their patient. Inside the ambulance was a middle-aged woman who had collapsed shortly after eating dinner made of corn he had received. Her face grew pale instantly, her breathing reduced, with her pulse weak. It was only then that Raven discovered that, that was the third case that night, he was also happy to know that the emergency room was filled with people suffering from the same symptoms
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Chapter 170
Though it was getting late already, Danvers decided to finish the work Pearl left on his table earlier today. Danvers sat in his office, staring blankly at the pile of documents in front of him. He ran his hands through his hair, feeling the tension that the media had successfully created. To avoid saying something out of anger, he decided to keep his phone aside after talking with the PR of his company. The phone kept ringing with calls from his lawyers and members of the media who were hungry for a statement. But he chose not to answer any of them. According to him,there was no point. Anything he said now would only increase the tension that was already consuming his reputation.He decided to mute the television so he would think properly on what to do. But the images on the screen were difficult to ignore. Reporter were already flaunting themselves outside the gate of his the company, patiently waiting for him to come and say something. Just as he was thinking on how to navig
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