All Chapters of Belittled Son-In-Law's Rise To Power: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
189 chapters
Danvers lookeds at Marshall and said. “ Find a way to fix this. Meanwhile, please reach out to my wife and you can bring her to the station so she won't get disturbed by the media". Marshall looked at him and nodded. " Move it” one of the men said and Danvers started moving. When they got out of the elevator, the headed straight outside. Thr clicks of multiple cameras were head as everyone was trying to give a first hand information. The entire city was in chaos with regards to the food poisoning and the issue of fake bank note. As they walked towards the police van, Danvers looked eyes with Raven who wore a biter smile on but he didn't pay much attention or put meaning to it. BRaven immediately took a picture of Danvers in cuffs and sent it to Leo. Some investigation journalists tried to squeeze out so information from Danvers but his lawyer after closing his office door stood firmly beside him“My client won't say a word till further notice" but that didn't seem to be heard by
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Chapter 172
Chapter 172“ How is he doing?" Margaret asked hugging Rhina who immediately started crying. “He obviously can't be fine mum, just the environment there is not something to be comfortable with, I need to find a way to get him out of there, I don't know how but I will" she said with a lot of determination in her voice and Sophie agreed with her immediately. “Yes sis, I will support you in any way that I can!"Rhina looked at her with love and decided to give her a hug. After seeing the news of what happened to Danvers and how the media was handling the case, he was so happy so, Leo called Raven.“ Are there any developments from your end? You know we had a deal. I I have done my part you have to do yours too." “ Yes I know, you don't have to remind me. And I must commend you did a really good job" Raven drank from his cup of coffee then he continued. " I would advise you stay where you are, do not come over until everything is calm and I tell you to. Else you are going down with h
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Chapter 173
Rhina nodded before saying above a whisper " yes I know” " Good!” Marshall cleared his throat and they both turned back and looked at him. " I know you miss each other but we do not have all the time to ourselves. Let's do what we have to do before it's late.”“Sure you are correct” Danvers said placing a chair for both Marshall and Rhina to sit. " Can you tell me all about it?” Marshall asked. Raven on the other hand had already gone to the media house. He gave them all the statistics of the patients in the various hospitals in Bradon city. " This new means a lot to us. Can we call out your name as our informant?” The journalist asked. " No no that wound be necessary, but if you want you can just say an insider who knows everything about the Champions. And just an added information, it has always been their plan to do this without the knowledge of the population just that this one was gross as it was faster than before.” Raven said and left the building. There was an emerge
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Chapter 174
Rhina gave him a hug and they left. The security was already waiting for them Infront of Danvers office so Marshall had to drive from the police directly to the Champions. " Excuse me please! Rhina said and one of the men who was standing by the door gave way so she could come forward and open the door. “I would only open this door if you let Marshall and I stay right here and watch you do the search I can't risk anything at the moment" she said waiting for their bose to say something. “ That's not. Problem, you can be present but all you will do is stand and watch while we do the search" he said and Rhina looked away for a second then nodded.She walked towards the door and opened it, walked in the steps aside so the other could come in too. The search began, they moved from one place to the other just inside the office but didn't see a thing. They started flipping through the documents in his drawer. Thsy opened the first two and three was nothing there. Discouraged, they decide
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Chapter 175
lA few minutes later, Danvers was released with restrictions from living the country. " How does that seat with you?” Marshall asked. " Danvers looked at him as they out of the office to their car and said " I don't have a problem with that. All i need to do is find a way to get out of this mess and rebuild whatever part that is crumbled in my home and company.” He said and they both shared a smiled as Marshall drove him home. Jues this presence alone made Rhina well instantly. He draw her into a hug and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you Marshall I will get back to you tomorrow." Danvers said as he went upstairs into their room. He quickly got into the bath and had a warm shower. Shortly after he was out. He got dressed in his pidjamas and went to bed pulling Rhina into a tight hug.The next day, Danvers placed a call to both Xavier and Maxon and before he knew it, they were standing in front of his door. “ Is good to see you both again, come in!" He said stepping aside
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Chapter 176
Determined to get justice, Danvers decided to go to the Mowix fashion house. Before now, he had planned to go there the next day but the anger in him wouldn't let him spend a night knowing that the people who are bent on seeing him crumble are out there carrying out their illegal activities. “Put whatever you are doing on hold you can do that some other time, I need to visits the Mowix fashion house now" “Okay great master" Xaviar immediately closed the laptop, Danvers took everything that was left in his glass in one sip and they all walked out of the office. Their footsteps were unusually faster than it had ever been. Sooner than before they were downstairs walking towards the parking lot. A minute later, they drove up. They were not really familiar with where the Mowix fashion house was located so they had to use the Google map to serve as an assistant. It looked a little bit complicated from the beginning but as they continued to drive, it became easier than expected. It took
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Chapter 177
Mark looked at him speechless. “ I want you to give back that fake not while I replace it with a new one" Mark looked shocked “what!!"“ Yes I mean every word I just said. This is to make you know that it wasn't intentional. Send me your details and the money would be forwarded into your account. There is no need for a bank check." He said taking out his phone from his pocket. Mark removed the fake note from his drawer and placed it on the table. He forwarded the details to him and within seconds the money was transferred into the company's account. “Check your balance," Danvers said. “The clicks of the laptop were heard and Mark gasped in shock. He used three of his fingers to push the bank cheque to reach Danvers. “ Thank you! Is he part of your team?” " Yes!” " Then you must be careful when he is around. He doesn't leave any stone unturned.”" Thanks for your advice, what else do you want us to do for you?” Mark asked. " I want you to withdraw your statement or any charges
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Chapter 178
" Account details please?" Danvers asked. One of them quickly entered the digits of his account and the money was sent into his account instantly. Seeing it, they gasped in shock. They didn't expect they would receive such an amount of money without any trouble. They immediately turned the car and started driving back into the city. When they drove close to his house, they stepped out of the car in gratitude and apology for all they did to him a few minutes ago. Danvers smiled and drove off into the white street and into his mansion. Danvers walked straight to his room and made a few calls. Danvers got home and met Rhina all worked up.“What happened to you? She asked, looking all worked up. " Don't worry about it, I will handle everything appropriately.“The founder of the Mowix company dropped his charges against you!How did you do that? She asked. Danvers pulled her into a hug and told her exactly how it happened and she was amazed. " That's great news,” she uttered. Looking
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Chapter 179
Back at the detention room, the police officers took Frederick to the interrogation room. As they stepped foot in it, He was frightened. “Are you going to talk or we need to use. This items on you before you speak?" One of the asked. But his attitude remained indifferent. One of them hit in and he hit his head against the wall and he groined in pains on the floor. “Ahhh, what do you want from me? Let me go!" He said. “Not until you tell us who your partners are, you must be shameless to hurt your family due to your selfishness to be at the top" one of them cursed. “Is that what he told you all? Well, that's non of your business a…” but before he finished talking, Another punch on his stomach. He layed on the floor helpless. They pulled him from the investigation room straight to his cell room. An hour later, multiple copies of Raven had already been printed and was being posted all over the entire city.Danvers who had found refuge in an inn, decided to leave before it was too l
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Chapter 180
“Get into the car let's go" Danvers said. They all got into their various cars andA few minutes later they were back at the station. They started putting ideas together and were coming up with various options. Noticing that all available options had been exhausted, they all came to a compromise, “ The only available option is to track him down using his mobile phone." An officer said. "But how can we do that without his phone number?” " That's not a big deal, I have it,”Danvers said and immediately fished out his phone and read out the number to them. They immediately started using their tracking system to trace his current location. " There he is," Maxon said, pointing to where the small dot on the screen was. “ We need to move before it is too late. He knows that every is looking for him" “ I need you to include a ransom fee to whoever sees and contact us about his location. This would increase our chances and reduce the stress of running here and there. These days no one wo
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