All Chapters of Souls Of Change: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 chapters
Science Test
About 5 minutes later, they both got to school after running for a while, Emmy could see that the school was just five to six miles from the street he's coming from. There was a silence between them as they moved to school; nobody had said a word to the other, Emmy don't interact with anybody in school including the class president, it's just for him to go school, read his books, get bullied and beaten up like a punching bag before going back home, so the silence wasn't that awkward between them. "Dumpling, you came late today, why?" The red-haired boy who was sitting at the back said as he threw a juice cylinder at Emmy. "Hey John, you should stop it, the science teacher is here." The class president said as she took her seat. "Who care about that damn man, do you think I'll attend his class?" John said as he stood up and walk out of the class through the back door, about seven students had followed him. Many students don't like the science teacher because of his way of teaching,
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Wasting No Time Completing The Quest
"Time up!" Mr. Eric said out loud as he presses a button on the strange device and the questionnaire on each of the student's mainframe had disappeared leaving a blank page on their screen."Just a few minutes more, a few minutes you can't give us." A girl shouted as she angrily stood up and walk out of the class."Crap, I only answered 15 questions." The round belly boy said, his name is Kelly."Okay, your result will be announced next time we meet." Mr. Eric said as he walked out of the class.Everyone started complaining, some saying it's only a few questions they need to answer to finish the test while some said they still have a long way to go."If only he gave us time to study, we should've done better than this.""That wicked man, he didn't fit to be a teacher."They were all exhausted as the test was a tough one, even Emmy had sweat all over his face."I only study for a few hours yesterday before the incident; so, I should expect it to be this tough, at least I did everything
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The Football Club
Emmy moves to the back of the school building where students normally refers to as school2. This is where students normally do all sort of things away from the eyes of teachers and other government officials. Emmy knew there were always much students here, he didn't plan to go there and join them, but he planned to stay away from the eyes of everyone till lunch is over and that's what he had done.Emmy walked past school2 and walked into the bush behind the building. Many students had seen him from far but they couldn't see the face of the person because he didn't turn his head and just continues to move forward. Getting inside the bush, he walks towards a large tree and without hesitation, he scaled the tall tree and sat on the thick branch where he could see a better view of school2 and what the students were doing."These spoilt brats, what are they doing." He said as he saw a group of five second year students both male and female behind a large metallic sphere away from the eyes
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The captain is someone who don't tolerate bully, he strictly deals with anyone who bully another and they all respect him; if the coach wasn't around, he takes over and give them a good training, the captain is a third year student and every third year students in the football club respect him greatly.Even the coach gives him a respect that a captain deserves as he does his work diligently; the coach is someone who don't care about what the students do and he doesn't have room for the weak, if you are weak and you're behind others, he doesn't care about what you do or what do you, and it's not that he cares about anyone but he gives each of his trainees a little respect.After the captain arranged the cone; the cone was like a traffic cone but a lot smaller with a circular bottom and the top was longer and more pointed than the traffic cone. It has different design and size, the captain arranged it according to the size, he arranged them into four different sets, from smallest to the
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Two Useless Skills
Ross is one of the best players in the school, he's also a third-year student like some others and the captain, but he's very unique with his speed and ability. The top student in speed, but for some reason, he has been unable to best the captain when it comes to speed and the captain was also unable to best him. The captain speed wasn't really great, but when he utilizes his ability, he always took the same position with Ross who was a speed ability user, none of them has bested each other.Ross also has the personality and feature of a captain, and he's always striving to be the captain but he was not chosen and was just selected as the assistant captain, so because of this, he always train very hard to best the captain in every single attribute maybe he'll be chosen one day."I would've have loved to challenge you but the coach is here already, so we have to go into full training." The captain said with a smile.A squared headed man with a black short hair could be seen walking thr
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There are different football skills that past legends have discovered, and till now they are still developing more skills. Many of these skills are versatile and dangerous, especially when utilized with a powerful ability, it will be more dangerous.But many have disregarded some of these skills because of their one or two conditions, these skills were mostly disregarded by local players, but those who wish to be an international player and get to the level of a legend will strive to learn these skills even though it will be hard.Tiger Strike and Shadow Attack are also among these set of skills, the two skills were discovered by two different people, two among the great legends of football. After the development of these skills, many young stars found that it's not an easy skill to be perfected in a match and the skills is almost as if they were design for legends and high-level footballers only. So, because of this, some young stars tried to combine the skills together to see how it
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A Freezing Situation
Emmy wasted no time after deciding on what to do, he knew looking for Jone at the moment will only bring him more trouble, so he wished Jone is safe wherever he is. He somehow felt guilty for putting Jone in his own mess. Little did he know that, if he didn't look for Jone, Jone will look for him. Putting on a red long sleeve with a black Jean and a black cap covering his entire face, Emmy move out of the junks and walk through the city, his dressing looks like that of an assailant who had just committed a crime, running from the cops and he's currently walking like that. His head was down and he's moving faster looking left and right. A few minutes later, he got into the street where the uncompleted building was located. It was already sunset and the night sky was starting to fall. People look at him suspiciously as he moves on the main road. After getting to the street, he looks around a few times before moving into the uncompleted building, he moves to the first floor and enter
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You Are Ugly
The silence went for about 10mins with nobody moving, only their heartbeat could be heard. Sweat was running down Emmy's face, he didn't know what to do and he knew once the students come back to their senses, Nado and Nick will surely beat him to his death for having the gut to talk back to them. 'The maths teacher will soon come in for our test, I pray everything got Okay before he came in.' Emmy thought. "What's with the silence here?" A voice said from behind the class, the voice came from the back door and the whole class had immediately turned their heads towards the voice, their heads were turned like it was being control by a remote. "Did someone die here? I mean, I didn't hear noise on the hallway as usual, so I thought you'll all paying some minutes silent to the dead." The words came from John who had entered through the back door with a smile on his face and his gangs behind him. As he said those words, like a remote control again, the whole class turned their heads
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A Familiar Feeling
Emmy stood there motionless as he said those word, he didn't know when and how the words has left his mouth, originally, he was just going to walk past her, then turn back to see how her backside will be, before giving a comment. Because facial appearance might be deceiving sometimes, so he was going to confirm her beauty from her backside, but he had muttered the words on his mind out as he got closer to her. The lady blinked for a couple second and look around if there's anybody around, she wants to confirm if the thing in front of her is really talking to her, or someone else. And after sighting no one on their way, she just smiles and said; "I'll take that as a compliment." She said with a smile and move away. "Huh? She didn't lash me? I mean, she didn't give me a good beating? Is it my luck? Or she just didn't have the strength to do that to me?" Emmy was really surprised, if it were another person, his bone would've have been crushed now and then, and here, the lady just took
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One Bite!!!
[4 minutes] Emmy's heart thump faster as he saw the 4 minutes, even if he was to get the package, will he be able to get to his so called home without being chased by the owner of the package? Emmy doubt it. On cue, an older woman in her late 70's started walking towards him, she had been staying outside the store since Emmy got there, so he didn't think of her as his target. Because even if she is, Emmy knew it's a pure wickedness but deep down, he's praying that she's the target. The woman could barely walk, there's a long staff she was holding onto in her right hand and a metallic box in her left hand. He examined the woman thoroughly as she moves closer and that's when he noticed that she's blind, it rare to see blind person these days because of advanced technology that can be used to fixed almost every organ, but Emmy knew the woman must have been a less privileged citizen. Looking at the poor woman, Emmy didn't know when he started walking towards her. In the next
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