All Chapters of Souls Of Change: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 chapters
An Angel
Why Alice was telling him that he could force answer out of him, Emmy barely listened to what she said because what he was looking at was making his heart burn. [0 second remaining] [You have spent 10 minutes without feeding yourself. But you have managed to get your target's package, so lord Lucifer has given you a little grace] [At the countdown of 3, get one bite of your target's food] [3] [2] "PLEASE, ONE BITE!!!" Emmy pleaded as he got on his knees. Alice was startle for a second because she didn't understand the sudden change of tone, but still, she decided to play along. "Why would I let you have a bite out of the old woman's food that she worked hard to get." Alice said in a cool tone. "And tell me, why are you stealing?" She asked Emmy who was currently holding onto his tummy and in the next seconds, he screamed... "Arghhhh." Emmy shouted as he started rolling on the ground. "Oh interesting, you think I'll buy this." Alice said as she moves closer to him,
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Why Are You Stealing
All of a sudden, Emmy's pain was taken away and in its place was a feeling of being in a paradise, he felt alive and feel as if he can't die anymore, but he knows not what's happening to his body outside and the so called angel who was suppressing his pain. Alice released her hands from Emmy's chest and laid besides him breathing heavily, her face paled from exhaustion, she had used her power on Emmy for more than an hour and she's exhausted of stamina. Emmy slowly open his eyes as soon as her hands disconnected from his chest, the paradise he felt before was gone and in its place was now dread and horror. He didn't know what Alice will do with him, Turning his head sideward, he saw her laying beside him and he could see that she doesn't look well. 'Did something happen while I was in pain? Or did she ended up in this state because she uses her power on me for too long?' Emmy thought as he watched the exhausted girl breath heavily. 'Wait..what's the best time to escape tha
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Who To Blame
Emmy had been praying under his breathe that Alice didn't ask any question and just free him, but he knew it's impossible and that's why he couldn't help but curse, when he heard her first question. Emmy grew silent for a while thinking of what to say, but before he said anything, Alice faced him and said. "Mind you, I have lie detector with me, so becareful with what you say." 'Crap, how am I meant to escape this, and Jone is still suffering in that building, only God know how long he can hold.'Clearing his throat, Emmy speak in a shaky voice. "Well, it isn't as if I've been robbing for a while and if i am to guess correctly, this is my second, which failed due to your interception." He said. "So, will you tell me the reason, wait...let me guess, someone more powerful than you sent you? Or you were influenced by people you walk with? Or you joined one of those gangs and they started sending you on a mission? Or you trying to build your courage by robbing so you won't get bullie
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A Dying Dog
Alice calmly walk into the convenience store without looking at Emmy who was walking behind her and this is what makes Emmy unease. Why would she be so calm, did she perhaps think Emmy can't run away, or did she think that if he try to run, he can't escape. All of this was making him unease, after all, he's a criminal and she's the one who had captured him, and criminals are bond to do anything they could to escape from their captors while the captors are to make sure criminals don't escape at all cost. So, why is she be so nonchalant about the situation, why does she think that Emmy can't escape and why is Emmy not also running away. 'Well, it's not as if I can run away from her, only if I don't want to go to school again.' Getting all thought off his mind, Emmy stay at the entrance of the store while Alice walk in, the scarf was still binding his hands that's why he gently stay at the entrance beside a big cargo, so he won't attract much attention. Some minutes later, Al
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Kill Her
Emmy watched in awe as Alice treats his dog with care, there's a hint of emotion hidden behind her cold eyes, and this is what gives Emmy a feeling of unease. What's the hint of emotion behind the cold face she put on, or perhaps is she going to...? Emmy don't want to think about it, Not that he has the power to stop her decision or whatever she's thinking, for now, he's just happy that she treat Jone even if he don't know the reason behind it, he's still grateful because he don't even know what he woulf do for the dog if Alice was not here and he don't want to lose his only companion. After making sure that the dog is no more in pain, Alice stood up and let out a sigh of relief, the wound on its body is on verge of disappearing, with the help of the paste and two healing pills, it took less than a couple of seconds for the wound to disappear. Emmy didn't know where she had gotten these things, but he doesn't need to think about it too much after realizing that Alice is a ma
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A Word Of Advice
[It looks like you don't trust a person named Alice Xander][New Quest received][Kill her to ease you of your worries]Emmy couldn't believe his what he was seeing, he blinked for a couple of seconds, still trying to process what he's seeing. After confirming that the system has really given this unachievable quest, it felt as though, the heaven fell on him.He's half expecting something like this, but he never expected the system to give quest that will lead to his death. Because for some reason, after he had come back from the hell he went through, the system hasn't state anything since then, it had been quiet. At first, he thought it was because of the hell he went through and while Alice was asking him different questions, the system didn't give any quest and the bastard Lucifer didn't take over his body and he was glad that any of that did not happen, it was as if Alice was suppressing the system from functioning, but now he understand.'So, this is it.'Although, Emmy didn't kn
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Challenge (Pass or Die)
What was he going to do?Although, he had solved the puzzle with the word of advice given to him, and he knew what he needs to do, but how was he going to make it happen.Tears was rolling down his face and his blood was boiling at the same time, he had not ever felt like this since he got to this damn world. It was as if the heaven itself is resting on him.Frustration.He's frustrated, worst thing, he can't even sit down somewhere to think properly as he body was moving faster by the seconds, he was already close close to stepping staircase and it looks as if his body wanted to start running, like he needs to kill Alice quickly.'Pathetic, she's going to kill me instead.' Letting out his frustration, he shouted that his voice echoed the whole building. "ARGHH!! LUCIFER, YOU BASTARD, IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE POWERFUL AS YOU THINK, COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME. COME FIGHT ME AND SEE IF YOU'RE REALLY GREAT AND UNSTOPPABLE AS YOU THINK YOU'RE."He did the last thing he wanted to do, he decid
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Lord Lucifer Test
Emmy just watch as the tentacles headed his way and he didn't quite know what to do exactly. Was he supposed to run? Stay and fight? Or Just stand and watch as the strange tentacles tear him apart. The last option seems to be the easiest, so Emmy just stand as a couple dozens of tentacles headed his. One faster than others pierce him right in the shoulder and blood was gulping out. The pain made him come back to his senses and he quickly chose the second option instead of the last, he doesn't want to give up just yet because giving up means he gave in his fear and made Lord Lucifer win. No, he won't ever allow that bastard to win, even if it cost him to fight to death. How ridiculous. Ignoring the pain on his shoulder, the tentacle that pierce him had retracted and was now trying to wrapped itself around his body, Emmy looked straight forward and could see a horde of tentacles just few inches from hitting him. Now that he had decided not to give up yet, he had decided to figh
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Way To Freedom
"Is that-is that the creature controlling them?"Emmy's mind was already collapsing for what he was seeing. This isn't what he had seen before, it doesn't look like an animal of some sort, at first he had thought that the creature controlling the horde of tentacles will be an octopus or something similar, but this is a lot different and completely out of his imagination.He couldn't describe it well but all he knows was that the creature has some human feature, it has two legs, the legs as tall as Emmy himself. And on the place where hands were supposed to be, the tentacles were gathering there, forming a tentacles hand.The creature is a large one, almost bigger than a café house, Emmy knew that'And then, there was the creature's head, the different and the most frightening feature is the creature's head. The head wasn't a spherical shape like human's head would; instead, this looks like a pyramid, a large ancient pyramid that was made of mud.The body of the creature itself looks
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Dark World
'So, she added wood reservoir to it, for it to be freed of insect.' Wood reservoir is a type of chemical that helps wood to keep their quality and save them from parasites attack, applying this chemical to a wood can make it survive several years without giving out to the passage of time. The chemical is poisonous to both humans and animals, Emmy didn't know why Alice have it with her, because it is not common in these days as only a few wood furniture could be seen these days, equipment are made of metal and others hard resources these days.So, her having it is quite surprising, although Emmy was angry that she didn't tell him that she added it to the pen, because it's dangerous for both him and Jone but seeing the damn creature struggle like this made his anger faded away.He didn't know what happened after he threw the makeshift pen at the creature but he could already imagine it due to the situation the creature was in. The creature has simply underrated the pen, thinking that a
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