All Chapters of Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
184 chapters
Chapter 141
Alex walked into his condo balcony to take the call, he answered after three rings and the careful voice of the Chair man of the bank rang out."Mr. Alex, am sorry to disappoint you but having tried all means, we couldn't fish out thirty billion naira within two days." The bank manager said carefully, afraid of offending Alex.Alex eyes darkened, tomorrow is the last day Baron had given him, he seriously needed the cash to rescue his wife and her mother plus sister."Is there really nothing that can be done to fetch me the money quickly, i wouldn't be asking you for that huge sum if i don't need it urgently.""Your bank is the highest commercial bank in the entire country, can't you even provide a simple thirsty billion within two days?" The more Alex spoke, the more he became agitated.The bank manager felt his body vibrating by the immensity of his voice, Alex had earlier told him that if he couldn't fork out the money, then he his mega conglomerate family wouldn't do banking with t
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Chapter 142
Alex furrowed lightly, he stared at his phone and remained silent, he owed the Patriarch his life and no matter what, he felt that the debt can never be fully repaid."You don't have to worry about them, grandfather, i will rescue them and bring them back alive." Alex said with reassurance.Baron Blade might be a powerful man in his turf but he's nothing compared to him, just a big body with no real strength.Alex hanged up the phone and made another phone call, after he narrated every instructions to the top secret agent, he said."I want no mistake whatsoever, the lives of my wife is on the line." "Roger that boss." The agent said respectfully before hanging up."I want to make a stop some where, you guys go ahead, and when the money arrives, take it and keep it safe ti i return." Alex said to the remaining people in the room and walked out.***On the top office floor of a skyscraper.Vander lifted a table and threw it against the wall violently."What the fuck do you mean it wa
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Chapter 143
Baron Blade stood tall and domineering, exuding a suppressing aura, he was naturally smug and intolerably haughty, he was never scared of anyone and naturally didn't put Alex in his eyes at all despite his identity. He didn't believe Alex have the ability to defeat him.Baron chuckled at Alex last statement, his hands boiled into a fists, he snorted before he turned to face him."You actually came prepared to save your wife, hehe.. Even though they would willingly sell you at any cost.""Who sent you? Why are you doing this? Baron, i know you've always been a sensible man, not caring about lots of things, why shook your nose in this matter?" Alex asked slowly, he knew someone put him up to this.Someone had instructed Baron to kill him, maybe he requested the money by himself but certainly someone else has ordered this attack."What do you mean lad, i want to kill you so bad that you would probably be shocked on how much i despise you."Read more
Chapter 144
"How much do you know about the box? Are you working for the BUA group? Do they put you up to this?" Alex asked a series of questions.Baron chuckled before letting out a snicker. "What are you? Why should i tell you who i work for? Are you trying to stall for time?""You better spill the beans now now am being nice, am not a patient man." Baron threatened, his eyes slinted.Alex sighed, he threw the dagger he had been holding all this while at the floor and walked towards Baron, he stopped just few inches frow him."I will ask one last time, what do you know about the black box? Who are you working for?" Alex asked with slow breaths and deep voice.Baron took some few steps towards him and stopped just in front of him , few inches away from his ear and whispered."And why should i tell you? Lad, you must be getting this entire thing wrong, am not here to mess around, you better start speaking before i blow off your head." Baron
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Chapter 145
Camila, Vivian and Cathy face were glued at the outside the titled glass of the Limited Edition Automatic Bentley Car driving them out."What do we do mum? Alex wouldn't be able to handle them, that man would certainly kill him." Camila asked in panic, her bulged stomach heaved up and down systematically."What else do you want to do? He have already gone up against the man, do you think he would be able to live?" Cathy said through gritted teeth, she hated Baron for what he did to them when he held them captive, but she could only admit what she believes to be the fact."Don't jump to conclusions yet, he might still be alive, just be thank ful and grateful that we managed to escape unscathed.""I've heard lots about this Baron Blade, he's a scum of the earth who doesn't let any of his victims live to see another day." Vivian said and Cathy eyes widened."What if he comes after us after getting rid of Alex?" She muttered under her breath
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Chapter 146
Alex walked into a high end international Hotel, exquisitely and extravagantly furnished, the people stepping in and out of this hotel or the business district where it's located is not of ordinary background.Alex looked battered, unkempt and kind of homeless due to the impact of the bomb, he had been blown off several feets away, some parts of his dress were completely burnt.His face and body were as dark as charcoal and his hair heavily disheveled, as he stepped inside the hotel, he drew countless attention to himself due to the way he looked.Many of the rich men and women coming in and going out of the hotel turned their gaze to stare at him a second time, even though he was completely rough, he was still good looking and some teenage girls couldn't help but gasp.Alex walked to one lady glad in a seamless red gown with pieces of diamonds placed on her dress and grabbed her."Please Lend me your phone, i will love to put a call acro
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Chapter 147
"Old geezer, what brings you here? Are you here to watch the show like the others? You fucking scoundrel!!" Alex half yelled as he stared at the face of Liam.The people present almost peeped their pants in shock and annoyance, have this man now completely lost his senses, how can he come here and talk thrash.They all turned to Liam, though his face still wore a very calm smile, his aura was quite frightening."Is he out of his senses, how dare he try to offend young master Liam, he is simply asking for death!" A man said ib the crowd, his back filled with sweat."What do you expect from a homeless man, he probably don't know his identity hence, he wants to offend hin."Another in the crowd murmured, meanwhile, Liam just stood with his hands behind his back watching Alex coldly."This is quite a familiar scene, do you always threaten your way through every situation?""The last time it was in New York city, do you have a knack for doing things so brazenly?" Liam asked with a cold vo
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Chapter 148
Everyone's gaze turned to the entrance of the hotel, they watched as a middle aged man in suits bearing an overbearing aura and few black clad men following closely behind him.People in the crowd gasped in pure shock, wasn't this the oldest Butler in the Maximilian family, Butler Alfred.Even though he is only a butler but he held much power and respect far more than most of them here.It was rumored that if you plan to get close to the Maximilian family or strike a deal with them for a corporation, the best thing to do is to approve Butler Alfred.His relationship with the Patriarch can never be underestimated, the Patriarch listens to his advice.Everyone watched as Alfred walked through the entrance and walked past Young master Liam and his entourage, he stopped right in front of Alex.And to the bewilderment of the crowd, he bowed deeply in pure respect, with his head reaching his kneel, an absolute sign of respect.Boom!!!The crowd gasp, what were they seeing, the renowned butl
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Chapter 149
Alex eyes darkened, Liam is stubborn and can't see the situation clearly or rather choose not to see the situation clearly, for this reason, he shouldn't blame him either for being disrespectful.One by one, the more than ten men by Liam side advanced towards them as the crowd watched on.With a battle cry, they attacked but one of the men clad in black behind Alfred came up and stood before Alex, his aura was oppressing and his eyes slanted.He kicked the first one and he flew five metres away on the wall screaming painfully, the second man came towards him and he immediately punched him on his stomach and just like the first, the second man flew metres away and landed on his back.As the man was about to make his third kick, Alex raised his hands up and stopped him."These men are merely following orders, they don't have to bear the weight of their Master's decisions."Alex said and the man released his hold on the third person, the more than ten me who were ready to attack earlier
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Chapter 150
"Meet me at my office in the company!" Maverick said with a cold voice to the person on the other end of the phone.Thirty minutes later, Darko stepped into the office with a grim face."What do you want?" He asked coldly, his only brother has let greed come between their relationship and he couldn't just bear to see him.Maverick chuckled, he walked out from behind his desk and strode to Darko casually, after getting close to him, he hissed and walked past him to the wine bar at the side of his office.He opened a bottle of wine and brought out two long glasses, he poured the wine into the glasses gracefully under the watchful gaze of Darko."Please have a seat, i heard about your Son's wife and unborn child, we knew that the lad would be this fast in scoring a goal..hehehe.." Maverick laughed in pure pride."What do you want Maverick?" Darko asked in an imposing manner, not in any mood to play along with his games."What is wrong brother? Can't we two grown ass men come together and
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