All Chapters of Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
184 chapters
Chapter 161
Alex sneered with distain, he gently pushed Camila to the side, shielding her from an incoming attack from the thug.Camila face was red with fear, she and Cathy watched on as more than twenty men approached Alex with those equipment."What are you trying to do? Are you out of your senses, don't you dare touch him!" Camila quickly yelled and stood in front of Alex.Her aura reeked of confidence, even though she appeared weak and petite due to her pregnancy, she was still somehow domineering.This particular moment, Alex heart suddenly skipped a bit, seeing the woman carrying his child being so protective of, he suddenly realized that he had feelings for her, he needed to protect her and their children."Ha! Do you think because you are a woman i would let you off? What do you take me for?" Ryder asked with a snort.The dyed haired men all paused in their tracks, seeing Camilla protecting Alex, they couldn't possibly attack her, after all, their boss had taken a fancy on her."Lady, i
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Chapter 162
Ryder was confused at first, the look in Alex's face did not show fear, rather it showed a look of bemusement, seeing such powerful force, it is only reasonable that he show fear.The more than hundred men got down from their motorcycles and stood behind Ryder and the six colored hair men.Ryder snorted, what if he doesn't show fear, based on this situation here, he was only trying to cover up within him."Hey brothers, this dude over there messed with me, i saw a beauty i liked and he wouldn't let me claim it, even beating up my men, say... What do we do with him?" Ryder asked with a deadly glare targeted at Alex.One of the men showed incredible killing intent, so strong that the surrounding environment was affected, people immediately ran with their children to hide, for fear of being involved in the blood bath.The man walked round Alex and observed his composure, he was impressed by his demeanor but he didn't say anything, rather he asked."Young man, is what my junior brother sa
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Chapter 163
Ryder almost wet his pants in fear, looking at the deathly and heart penetrating glare aimed at him by Alex, he shuddered."Boss, please forgive him, i didn't teach him well, please let bygones by bygones, how about this, why don't we work for us for the enternity of our lives?" Jensen suggested with pleading eyes.Alex sighed, "Today, because of you, i will let this slide, you are only a step away from your grave, why bother with you." Alex said and turned to leave, but to his shock and surprise, the more than hundred men quickly rushed and bowed hundred degrees in absolute respect to him as they chorused blindly."Please accept us under you boss, we all want to be your henchmen." Their resounding voices attracted the attention of more people and Alex couldn't help but curse internally why all thugs behave this way, after being taught a few lessons and let off, they suddenly wanna serve the person they had the intentions of killing just few minutes ago."I don't have any use for t
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Chapter 164
"Your Uncle has received the red seal and in fact, he is behaving strangely, the companies under him are suddenly falling out." Austin informed.Alex eyes darkened, he had known his Uncle wouldn't stand still until he brought the entire family down with him, if he have indeed received the red seal, then the BUA group have finally gotten some hold on them.Alex turned to his Camila and Cathy, " i wil be leaving with Sophia to my private Penthouse, i will call a driver to pick you up.""How shameless, how dare you even think of leaving with another woman while your pregnant wife is waiting, how heartless are you exactly?" Cathy fumed.Looking at the sophisticated face of Sophia and her commanding presence, she felt intimidated, her sister has lost some of her shines while pregnant and now Alex is going about, looking for another woman to turn into a mistress.Alex frowned. "What do you mean by that, i only said you guys should wait at home for me, what mistress are you talking about?"
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Chapter 165
Alex frowned, the patriarch of the Vanquish Imperial group was well known for his wellness and fitness, it was strange that he suddenly was so ill."If you don't mind, i can come take a look at him, i told you before, i know some medical skills." Alex tried to persuade.Sophia eyes titled to the side, she has lost all hopes, top Doctors in the country had been invited to treat her Grandfather but non could even make him conscious, they just pronounced him brain dead when they take a look at him and suggest they remove the life support machine from him.Her family has also given up, even going to the extent of throwing him out of the hospital, that is why she carried her Grandfather to her condo and invited top Doctors to treat him.But hearing Alex say he could treat him, she didnt have any hope, rather she nodded, thinking it will be as before.Alex was no fool, he could read the expression on her face, but there's nothing he could do to convince her except curing her grandfather."A
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Chapter 166
While the foundation of the five major families is strong and dates back to five hundred years ago, the BUA group isn't to be underestimated either, with the red seal, they will have anyone under their grisp."Alex said and the others agreed, after all, the red seal was a major obstacle in taking down the BUA group."For now, let's focus on finding the black box, that is the major way to destroy them." Great Tee said and the rest agreed."Is the black box not in your hands?" Martins suddenly asked bewildered and they all turned to look at him with raised brows."The BUA group thinks the black box is in your hands, before the accident..""It doesn't matter, does it, whether its in my hands or not, we just have to find it." Alex interrupted coldly, making Martins shudder."Before my accident, i was so close to finding the location of the black seal, but the Nexus group took me unexpected, call the intelligence network headquarters
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Chapter 167
"I don't have words for someone like you, but if it bothers you so much, i will fill your curiosity, i am the heir of the Maximilian conglomerate, any major discussion must go through me first." Alex said with a chilling voice."Prosperous!!" "How dare you, a punk who doesn't know his place in the society, you little brat, don't you even put the elders in your eyes at all?" This time, Maverick voice thundered in the entire room.Alex was perplexed, his Uncle wouldn't meet his gaze, his plan worked after all, he wanted to guage his Uncle's behavior and turns out he still has his senses."Am sorry elders, i just felt i need to make some asshole know his place, i didn't mean to sound so disrespectful." Alex immediately apologized, having accomplished his goal, there is no need to pursue the matter.However, Vander didn't think so, he scoffed. "What asshole, you son of a bitch! Am clearly older than you but you don't know how to show respect
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Chapter 168
Sophia frowned, her sister words sparked an angry reaction from her, her eyes suddenly turned cold and she glared at her."What do you mean quack? Alex is a professional who learnt directly from Dr. Richie, how dare you underestimate him?" Sophia shouted angrily.Rebecca was shocked to the bones, this is the first time her sister ever shouted at her and it is because of a man, she glared at Alex."No matter what you say, am already convinced that this man knows no medical skills, taking him to grandpa would only put his life at more risk.""Are you stupid, grandpa is at the brink of death! Shouldn't you be more bothered about that, at least we should try all means possible before giving up, shouldn't we?" Sophia shouted."All means possible shouldn't be him, he is only going to kill him, has this asshole brainwashed you, he...""Shut the fuck up Rebecca!" Sophia bellowed and Rebecca shuddered."I am the eldest in this family and anything i sat goes, now i don't want to hear any words
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Chapter 169
Alex brought out a tiny box from his chest pockets, inside the box, he brought out six silver needles and placed them gently on a tray on the bed side table.After that, he placed his hands on the chest of the old man, before he transmitted a tiny bit of internal energy into him, just enough for him to withstand the impact of the poison sucking needles.With a flick of his fingers, the six silver needles landed each on the acupoints on his chests, the body trembled a bit before relaxing.Everywhere was dark yet Alex could see and feel the old man's pulse, he noticed something and frowned deeply.***"How could you? Alex is a quack, why do you have to allow him in there? I talked to Dr. stephen and he is here already." Rebecca was beyond herself with anger.Sophia sighed, Dr. Stephen was a former attending Doctor of his Grandfather, his rank in the medical field is very high, but yet, he had failed to treat his grandfather."What can Dr. Stephen possibly do again? I thought he had give
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Chapter 170
The woman clad in red with an unnatural air of dominance glared at Sophia, her eyes held dagger deep within, if eyes could kill, Sophia wouldn't still be standing at her position right now."Mother please...Alex said we can't open the windows, just this once...huh..listen to me ju..""Shut up you slut!" The woman interrupted harshly, her voice was cold and her brows furrowed with displeasure and distain, she walked slowly to Sophia and stopped just few meters from her face."You bitch! I've been tolerating you for the past twenty three years but not anymore, who do you think you are to make decisions in this family, huh?" The woman was vicious and her every expression spelled deep hatred."Julia! Don't say that to her, even if she's not our kid, she still have the blood of the Patriarch running in her, you can't speak to her this way." The middle aged man even if appeared to be taking her side, but there was a gawd look on his face when he stared at her that made Sophia shiver."Open
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