All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
231 chapters
Back to the medical department
In the medical department, Ansel was still upset about what his wife had said to him earlier. He couldn't shake off his anger.Did she actually feel embarrassed to be seen with him in public?He gazed at his reflection, his eyes automatically scanning for any imperfections.Satisfied with his reflection, he flexed his muscles, admiring himself, and couldn't understand why Thora wasn't swooning over him like others usually did.This was the woman his grandfather wanted him to marry, but she didn't seem to be treating him like the husband he truly was.Ansel sighed deeply before making up his mind to stay as far away as he could from Thora.He decided that he wasn't going to force her to love him.And with that thought, Ansel walked into the medical room.The man who had been vomiting earlier was now watching some videos on his phone with Smith, his face shining brightly.The color on his skin seemed to have returned, and Ansel couldn't help but feel proud of himself.He decided to take
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The rooftop
As Ansel walked, his mind kept drifting back to the blood he had consumed. He couldn't understand why it hadn't had any effect on him. Lost in thought, he wandered aimlessly, unsure of his destination. Eventually, he decided to explore the outsides of the building and see what activities were taking place.The parking lot was packed with rows of sedans, SUVs, and luxury cars, each having the familiar company sticker and parking permits that identified their owners as building employees.Castillo Group's reputation for offering generous salaries was well-known, and it showed in the luxury cars that filled the parking lot—sleek sedans, high-end SUVs, and premium sports cars that gleamed in the light.As he strolled, a sudden buzz in his pocket broke the silence.Reaching his hands into his pocket, he brought his phone out to check what the buzzing noise was all about.In the end, he realized that the buzzing was coming from an alarm he had set hours earlier specifically to remind him t
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Unfortunate accident
Ansel immediately realized what was going on but it was too late.Without hesitation, he gripped the edge of the building, his free hand holding his phone as he prepared to carry out his next move.Ansel avoided looking down at the dizzying drop below, terrified by the realization that the Castillo Group building was one of the tallest in the city and his chances of survival were slim to none.It wasn't long before passersby began to notice the precarious figure on the edge of the roof, their attention drawn to the dangling human as whispers and murmurs spread among the gathered crowd.The sight of the dangling figure sent shockwaves through the street, with cars screeching to a halt and pedestrians frozen in fear, eyes fixated on the petrifying scene unfolding above them."Is that Spider-Man?" a young boy wondered aloud, his eyes wide with curiosity as he gawked at Ansel. His mother, however, swiftly yanked him away from the sight.Rather than dialing the emergency number, some broug
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Healing Cultivation system activated
[Healing Cultivation System fully activated][Congratulations Ansel Luther, you have been granted the full powers of the system.][Healing process has just begun][Restoring health back to normal]Ansel stared at the screen in front of him, wondering why it was a bit different from the virtual screen he had always seen.He immediately remembered that he had just jumped from the Castillo group.Was he in heaven?Ansel rose from his bed and strode towards the mirror, his gaze scanning over his body in the reflection. To his surprise, his body was looking way too normal than usual.A fall from a building as high as that should have taken his life but why was he very much alive?Ansel had no explanation for what was going on.[Healing points : 70/10][Host will be restored to full condition soon]Ansel laughed bitterly, he was speechless.A system? "Hello," Ansel said out loud.If his virtual screen hadn't weirded him out then this new system feature certainly did.Ansel could only star
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Back to the Castillo mansion: 1
When Thora saw him stare at her like she was some type of toy, she turned her head to the side.Ansel had a way of making her short of words.She wanted to scold him further but decided not to.A few minutes of silence passed and Thora turned to look at him with a sigh, bearing a small lunch box. "This is for you," she said softly. "The doctor said this will help you feel better. And your internal injuries seem to be healing quickly. That's good news." Ansel gratefully accepted the container and opened it to find chicken soup.He gazed up to find Thora already beginning to leave the room. "Wait, aren't you going to feed me?" he asked, his question filled with humor.Thora shook her head with a small grin. "You don't look like you need an extra hand," she said, amusement lacing her words. Then, she turned and left the room, leaving Ansel to his chicken soup.Ansel reached for the soup and began to sip from the container, savoring the warm broth and the tender chicken. He assumed that t
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Back to the Castillo mansion: 2
"I will help you to your room " Thora said in almost a whisper. Sliding her hands into his arms, she gave him a little support even though it was obvious that he didn't need any.Ansel didn't have any problems with it either, Instead he rested his weight on her and winced pretentiously.As they walked, he let out a pained gasp, his step faltering mid-stride. "My chest hurts so bad," he gasped, the words spilling from his lips in a breathless rush. "I'll call the doctor right away," Thora replied in a panicked rush, her features contorting with worry. "Stay right here, I'll be back with my phone. The painkillers must not be working anymore." "A doctor?" Ansel said with one eye closed, when he saw Thora's worried look, he winced again, his hands clutching his chest."I am a doctor and I will feel perfectly fine the moment I take a hot shower." Ansel added with a soft gasp which escaped his lips.Her hands which were holding him slipped away slowly. If he wasn't feeling ill then she wo
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Back to the Castillo mansion: 3
Ansel's eyes fluttered open the next morning.He woke up feeling weaker than he had the day before, a yawn escaping his lips as he scanned the room for his phone.His body felt heavy and sluggish, as if it had yet to catch up with the events of the previous day.Still not quite alert, Ansel stretched out his arm in a lazy gesture, reaching towards the bedside table in a search for his phone. His hands touched nothing but air.Ansel sprang up from the bed, his eyes scanning everywhere.Realization hit him and he immediately realized that he was in his wife's room.When Ansel's gaze landed on the time, his pupils dilated upon seeing that it was 12pm in the afternoon.Ansel made his way to the bathroom, his steps sluggish. He splashed some water on his face at the sink, trying to wake himself up and shake off the grogginess of sleep.A red bottle was sitting on the shelf and he picked it up.When Ansel perceived the scent, he found it extremely pleasing to the nostrils.Ansel then chang
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Back to the Castillo mansion: 4
Granduncle burst into laughter, there was no way he was going to allow Ansel handle any of the preparations.Grandfather Kian would be back in a few days and all Ansel could do was ruin the party.Granduncle scoffed loudly, his eyes narrowing. "You don't know what you are saying kid. Go on and treat yourself. You need to rest."Ansel didn't argue, he went ahead to pick up the long list of things which they needed.It was a really long list and it was obvious that they needed more than they could afford.Would grandfather Kian be happy if they celebrated his return massively?Ansel finally understood why he wanted an elaborate welcoming party.A lot of people would use the opportunity to make friends with the Castillo's and try to create some partnership with them in the business world."I will take care of the preparations if you allow me." Ansel stated clearly, eagerly waiting for their reply.Grandaunt was the first one to speak this time. "It will cost us a fortune and you can't ev
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Back to the Castillo mansion: 5
"Mira, you are home, wel__"Before Ansel could finish what he was saying, Mira's arms were already wrapped around his in a tight hug.After holding Ansel for what felt like an eternity, Mira gradually loosened her grip, her arms unwrapping from his as she stepped back. "First of all, big brother in law, I've got a lot to discuss with you. But before that, why the hell is your room a disaster zone?" Mira inquired with evident curiosity, only to be met with a startling realization. "Oh my God, did you sleep with my sister?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock.Ansel quickly shook his head in denial, not expecting the sudden accusation. With a nervous hand, Ansel scratched his head as he searched for the right words to explain. Indeed, his room was looking like a mess and he never got the chance to clean it before she unexpectedly arrived."You see, there was a cockroach lurking about, and I was in the middle of hunting it down before you barged in like a bulldozer," Ansel grumb
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Other ways to get fragments
The next morning, Ansel couldn't go to the Castillo group and so he stayed in the mansion.Knowing that a visit to the Castillo group would almost certainly draw the attention of the media, Ansel decided to maintain a low profile.After all, he had no desire to become the subject of intense scrutiny and speculation regarding his miraculous recovery.He decided to stay home for a few days before getting back to work.In the mansion's gym, Ansel pushed his body to the limit, finishing his final lap with a thunderous thud as he collapsed onto the ground, his breath ragged and his muscles burning with exertion.Carrying the heavy metal and running was doing a good job of helping him develop a strong physique.However, it has its side effects also.Panting was one of them and Ansel popped the bottle water open.He gulped down the cold contents before getting back on his feet.Earlier that day, he had snuck into the gym room.If a member of the Castillo group found him then they would defi
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