All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
231 chapters
Ansel stood tall, his eyes fixed on the two dragons before him.Their scales glistened like gold and crimson in the dim light while their eyes burned with fierce intensity. He knew he was no match for them in physical strength, but he had his Qi energy to rely on."You think you can defeat us, human?" one dragon sneered, its voice like thunder. "We will crush you like the insignificant insect that you are."Ansel smiled grimly. "I've taken down one of your kind before. What makes you think I won't do it again?"The dragons laughed, their flames dancing with amusement. "You were lucky last time," the other dragon said. "This time, you will not be so fortunate."Ansel scoffed at their reply, wondering how the dragons could talk so clearly.It was a game after all and so he wasn't surprised.With a fierce cry, the dragons charged at Ansel, their claws swiping through the air with deadly precision. Ansel on the other hand was quick to dodge their attacks.But he knew he couldn't keep th
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The date with Angelina: 1
The next morning Ansel got dressed up to attend the date with Angelina.He had selected Almond five star restaurant for their date with a specific purpose in mind. It was one of the most exclusive and high-end restaurants in the city, renowned for its exceptional cuisine and opulent atmosphere.With his Userwealth profile on Tikstream, Ansel was aware that Angelina would likely expect him to take her to a top-tier dining establishment like Almond. He had carefully chosen the prestigious restaurant to cater to her refined tastes, hoping to exceed her expectations.Ansel arrived at Almond restaurant, exuding confidence as he stepped through the doors. Upon entering, he was greeted by the sight of Angelina sitting elegantly in the exclusive VIP section, her beauty outshining even the most opulent details of the restaurant.Well in advance of their date, Ansel had secured a reservation in Almond's VIP section. She was wearing a short floral green dress which matched perfectly with her
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The date with Angelina :2
The door opened quietly and Clara entered, carefully carrying a large cart filled with an impressive variety of dishes. She had a huge grin on her face as she walked.Though seeing Ansel smile playfully with Angelina made her heart hurt, she masked it up with a grin.Ansel and Angelina spared her no glance and they continued with their discussions.While Clara was arranging, she made sure to stay so close to Angelina.Clara's eyebrows furrowed, her gaze fixed on Angelina's expensive-looking dress.The sight of the outfit only fueled the rising tide of her discontent."Can I get some extra sugar in my tea?" Angelina asked innocently, even going as far as having a polite smile on her face.Clara replied with a nod and dropped some cubes of sugar gently in the tea.While dropping some in the tea, a cube of sugar fell to the ground and she released a loud gasp."I am so sorry for this. I'll get it cleaned immediately." Clara apologized and then squatted down to pick up the cube.Clara cl
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Kicked out!
Atticus gave the command for the CCTV footage to be brought forth without delay.Clara, however, sought to dissuade him, her voice insistent as she insisted, "This is a complete waste of time! I know for a fact that one of them took it." "You have accused Angelina of theft. It is only fair that we ascertain the truth with proof. If your allegations are substantiated, then the consequences for her will be dire." Ansel said coldly, his hands placed in his trouser pockets in a carefree manner.Angelina responded with a small nod. The fatigue of the situation was beginning to wear on her. Her attempts to plead her innocence had left her throat parched and her voice ragged.She stood still, refusing to say any words.Hopefully, the CCTV footage would be able to save her from their claims.Clara on the other hand couldn't stop blabbing some words as they waited."I see no need to delay the inevitable with such frivolous investigations. This is simply a ploy to buy time." she declared, her
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A short visit to the herb store
Ansel watched as Clara tried breaking free from the guards grip.The guards' actions were swift and merciless, their hands closing around Clara's wrists with a grip of iron.She struggled against their relentless grasp, but to no avail as her legs flailed helplessly, her body pulled along the floor in a futile attempt to resist.As the door swung shut behind the guards, a contemplative silence descended upon the room. Atticus turned his thoughts inward, deliberating over how best to salvage the evening and ease the tension."As compensation for the unfortunate incident that has ruined your day, I will have fresh dishes prepared for you. Please feel free to order anything you desire, as your meal will be my gift," he stated, his expression conveying a sense of genuine regret.As Atticus turned to face Angelina, his posture shifted to one of supplication, his tone remorseful. "Please accept my deepest apologies, ma'am. I am disappointed that such an event occurred on my premises. As a
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Fake accident
Ansel returned to Castillo mansion in the middle of the afternoon, the sun still high in the sky.His expectation of being greeted by the usual sight of his housekeeper was disrupted by the presence of two unfamiliar women. The women wore white gowns that reached just above their knees, the elegant simplicity of the garments accentuating their figures.Their attention snapped to Ansel as he entered the room, prompting them to abandon their current tasks and approach him with haste.Ansel answered their greetings briefly, it was the first time he was seeing them in the Castillo mansion.He entered his room and dropped the herbs on the ground gently before walking to the bathroom.Splashing some water on his face, he breathed out in relief.He had informed Atticus of his plans to join them in their mission.In return, Atticus pledged to support Ansel in arranging a spectacular celebration for grandfather Kian and further assured Ansel that he would be present at the occasion. Now that
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Known scammers in the city
"Oh, this is serious," Ansel feigned concern, his voice dripping with dramatic overtones as he squatted down next to the old woman. "Let me take a closer look, dear grandmother. But be warned, the healing process may cause a great deal of pain." It wasn't swollen which only meant she was completely fine. They had been in the traffic for what he assumed to be three minutes. If her knees were indeed broken then he would be able to see a broken or dislocated joint. She had none of the symptoms and Ansel was able to see through her lies. However, He decided to play along. This woman was probably one of those people who scammed innocent strangers of their money. The old woman's facade of weakness melted away as her mask of irritation and entitlement slipped into place. She spat out her words with venom, her eyes sharp as blades as she glared at Ansel. "Keep your hands to yourself, boy! I will not accept treatment from the likes of you. And don't think for a moment that I can't tell
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The checkup
The old woman stopped her shouting as the taxi driver suddenly revved his engine.She was surprised, as she had not expected the driver to start the car while she was still yelling."Stop the car! You're trying to kill me!" The old woman shouted as she looked around for help. People quickly moved away from her and her granddaughter, not wanting to get involved in the situation.She continued to yell, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as the crowd dispersed, leaving her and her granddaughter alone in the midst of the commotion.When her granddaughter saw the car move with speed, she couldn't afford to lose her life and so she moved out of the way as fast as she could.As the street filled with smoke, the crowd grew increasingly worried that the old woman had been hit by the taxi.Fearful whispers circulated through the crowd, as onlookers wondered what had happened to the woman and whether she had been seriously injured, or worse.Just as the smoke began to dissipate, a remarkable sight
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A private lab
Inside a private building in another city.Ansel stood facing a large screen with a man about the same age as him. The two of them stared at the screen with intense concentration, their eyes fixed on the display. The two men shared a furrowed brow and their faces creased with concern and attention. Sebastian's face fell into a deep frown as he turned to Ansel, his voice heavy with concern. "Your sister has a unique illness that's not been seen in anyone else in the world. And the government won't lift a finger to help since it's not widespread. It's maddening! They will treat her like her illness doesn't matter if they get to find out." Sebastian let out a long breath after as he delved deeper into the digital files before them. "There was a similar case thirty years ago. It was called 'the sickness of the unknown,' and the person died from it. So there's a chance that your sister's condition could be more fatal than we think. This is alarming, Ansel.”Ansel took a closer look at t
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The hours ticked by as Ansel and Sebastian worked tirelessly, but to no avail. Their experiments yielded no positive results and the two began to lose hope. Ansel and Sebastian lost all sense of time.Then, out of nowhere, Sebastian's voice broke the silence, exclaiming loudly.Ansel who was sitting on the floor turned to look at him with a confused expression.He immediately became alert when he saw the joy on Sebastian's face.Hurriedly, he stood up from the floor and looked at Sebastian expectantly.Ansel straightened his back, his confusion replaced with a glimmer of hope as he asked, "Did you manage to create a successful vaccine?" Though the news was indeed positive, Sebastian's mischievous side couldn't resist a bit of playful teasing. He played it cool, keeping his expression stoic as he waited for Ansel's curiosity to reach a boiling point.After trying his best to create a vaccine, he was finally able to create one that didn't precipitate like the rest of the vaccines.Hi
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