All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
231 chapters
Drunk wife
Ansel carried Thora with the utmost delicacy into her room, her small hands gripping his shirt as if her very life depended on it. He placed her on the bed with great care.Ansel could see the fatigue etched into Thora's features and so he decided against waking her, allowing her to restAs he covered her with a soft blanket, Thora stirred briefly, her small hands pushing the blanket aside in a sleepy, yet rebellious gesture.He chuckled at her stubbornness and then tried to cover her for the second time."I feel very hot. I don't...want it " She said in a whisper while yanking the blanket off again. Her eyes half closed as she stared at the towering figure.Ansel wasn't going to let her sleep without covering herself properly.If he didn't cover her with the blanket then she would catch a cold.And so, Ansel grabbed the blanket and made sure to wrap her up properly this time.Just as Ansel was about to walk to the door, he caught sight of Thora yanking the blanket away.Ansel was ab
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A minor operation
While they were on their way to the Castillo group Thora informed Ansel about the party she attended.Though she didn't think of it as suspicious, she wondered why Ansel was saying she was drugged.She had only drank water and nothing else so how could that be possible?The couple soon reached the Castillo group and Thora bid Ansel a casual farewell before heading off to her office.Ansel, on the other hand, made his way towards the medical department, his footsteps clicking on the ground as he pushed the door open. Smith, who was busy chatting with some of the new doctors, immediately paused his conversation.His eyes widening in amazement, he ran to meet Ansel."You are indeed the magic doctor." Smith pulled Ansel in for a brotherly hug, he was beyond shocked to see Ansel in one piece.He had assumed that Ansel would be in a wheelchair but he was looking more healthier than the sick patients in the medical department.Smith's heart burst with joy and for a second, he forgot that th
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Welcoming party
Smith bought an extra drink for Ansel in the end and the two had a nice time while chatting and catching up.After a relaxing conversation with Smith, he was not only up-to-date with the latest happenings at the Castillo's company but also grateful for Thora’s kindness in allowing him a one-week break. As he took his final gulp of drink, he remembered Thora's drunk state the previous night.Having remembered Smith’s mention of president Thora’s recent attendance at a celebration party, Ansel seized the opportunity to ask about the event.He casually brought up the party, curling his question into their conversation as if it were merely another passing topic of interest, when in reality his curiosity was piqued by the possibility of a connection to Thora’s unusual behavior.Smith made sure to tell Ansel all that he knew.Ansel nodded his head while Smith kept on talking about matters of the company.He was starting to get lost in thought.The Kings group was a known company in the cit
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President Thora Castillo is married
The speech continued with grandfather talking about his son-in-law and giving praises.Meanwhile, the guests were left in a state of bewilderment, unable to place the mysterious ‘Ansel’ that grandfather Kian kept mentioning. They glanced around, trying to suss out any information from their fellow attendees, but to no avail. All guests were on the edge of their seats, curious as to who could possibly have earned such high praise from the Castillo family patriarch. On the surface, they projected an air of decorum, but their real feelings were filled with envy.The fact that a stranger, rather than one of their own sons had secured a place in the esteemed Castillo family stirred up jealousy.In the world of high society and business, arranged marriages were seen as a strategic way to forge alliances and ensure the continued success of both families.By joining forces through marriage, two families could combine their resources and influence, ensuring that neither would ever have to s
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Family time
Thirty minutes passed and the party finally came to an end.As the grand party came to an end, the hall emptied out, leaving only a few guests.Many attendees took advantage of this final opportunity to secure their futures with the Castillo family, submitting their contracts to the Castillo manager before taking their leave. Ansel on the other hand suddenly remembered his promise to Thora.He cursed himself with gritted teeth for forgetting about the pork meat.As Ansel searched for Thora in the thinning crowd, he soon came to the realization that she was nowhere to be found. With a furrowed brow and a growing sense of unease, he decided to entrust the clean-up to the skilled hands of the cleaners.Ansel gave them a few final instructions before making his way out of the party hall.Continuing his search for Thora, he heard faint conversation of people and it was coming from the dining table.Ansel walked into the room to find all members of the Castillo group showering praises on
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Slow poison
"Grandfather, you seem so happy to share the news. " Chris asked with excitement, ignoring the salty taste in his mouth.He immediately wondered if grandfather had finally decided to make him manage all of the Castillo business across the country.Everyone also wanted to hear the news.They were eager to know what grandfather Kian had to say.Ansel looked up from his plate, he was also part of the family so it was normal for him to also join in the conversation."I see that you've managed to keep yourself out of trouble while I've been gone, Chris," Grandfather Kian said with an amused smile. For the first time in a while, he hadn't heard the news of Chris getting drunk in different restaurants."Thank you grandfather." As Chris acknowledged his grandfather's words, the corners of his lips curved upwards. His eyes gleamed with pride as he lifted his gaze to meet his grandfather’s approving eyes. This was one of the rare moments when grandfather showered praises on him.The hatred he
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Visiting the Kings company
Thora slept well with Ansel watching over her and searching for any noticeable changes in her body.As the days passed, Ansel dedicated himself to intense training sessions with Vinny. The rigorous workouts pushed his body and mind to their limits, but the hard work paid off.Ansel's Qi improved noticeably with each session, allowing him to perform techniques more easily and with greater precision. As his training progressed, Ansel's proficiency with Qi grew exponentially. He learned to channel this energy within his own body which in turn fortified his muscles and bones, making him more resilient to physical injuries.Additionally, Ansel discovered that he could manipulate the Qi of those around him, infusing their cells with his own internal energy. This allowed him to accelerate the healing process of those who were suffering from ailments and injuries.He had done the same for Thora and luckily, she was able to heal temporarily.However, for some reason the poison was refusing
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Leaked secrets
"Well…I am Ansel, the CEO of L's company. You made mention of us being friends. We aren't friends and we will never be." Ansel said, resting his hands causally in his pants pocket.Dan Kings was amazed by Ansel's boldness, he had never gotten the chance to meet the CEO of the L's company and so he wondered if Ansel was able to see through his lies.As Dan Kings scrutinized Ansel, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. Though the young man standing before him exuded confidence and authority, he did not match the mental image Dan had of the L company's CEO. Dan Kings' smirk deepened as he raised an eyebrow, his words oozing with condescension.“Well, well, Ansel, if you were me, would you really believe that a man dressed in a cheap suit and a tacky watch, with hair that looks like it’s been styled by a blind barber, could actually be the CEO of a company like L? You might as well try selling me a bridge while you're at it, Ansel.”Ansel refused to let Dan Kings' taunts get under his
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Rumor spreads so fast
Returning to the Castillo group headquarters, Ansel was astonished to find that word of his actions at Kings Company had already spread so fast in the Castillo group.They were all talking about the CEO of L company and how he had locked Dan, the CEO of Kings company behind bars.Smith had already heard about the rumors and he was eager to share the news. He told Ansel everything that he had heard from his colleagues, about how the mysterious CEO of L company had taken down Dan, the CEO of Kings Company, for poisoning President Thora. "I heard the CEO of L company is terrifying, like a monster or something. And he's got this scary aura that’s supposed to be even scarier than a demon’s." "Also heard that he is called Ansel Luther, the one and only son of the biggest family in the country."As they were talking, they all stopped to look at Ansel.Ansel said dryly. "What? You think I'll be the CEO of L's company?"They all laughed at his response.Ansel was making a lot of sense.No o
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Call for help
Kim excused herself and left the office.As Ansel was also about to leave the office after telling Thora that her water was safe for use when he heard Thora's voice and stopped.He stopped walking and turned to face her.She asked him to sit down, so he sat across from her and leaned back in his chair. Checking the water for purity without any equipment had been exhausting for Ansel. He had to rely solely on his own senses and knowledge, making the task more time-consuming.The effort he had put in to ensure that Thora was not being poisoned had left him mentally drained.He had used his inner energy and the system had also granted him something called the Hafling eyes.It was now easier for him to see things that humans wouldn't be able to see without a microscope.He had tested this skill in the restroom but it turned out that it also exhausted most of Qi.Ansel let out a small yawn, but he became instantly alert when he saw Thora's pale skin and the way her eyes were fixed on him.
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