All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
231 chapters
A match?
Ansel had barely stepped into the room when Audrey walked towards him, his face creased with worry. "Brother Ansel, have you seen the president's reply?" he asked, his deep voice laced with a sense of concern.Ansel's eyebrows raised up, his eyes widening in surprise as he halted in his tracks. "How?... What reply?" he asked, confused as to what Audrey was saying."The communication device has been blinking nonstop since you attended the meeting with the elders," Audrey fixed his gaze on Ansel's wristband, his eyes widening as he wondered why Ansel hadn't noticed the consistent blinking of his wrist band when it was clearly obvious.As he spoke, the others in the room exchanged worried glances, their faces showing a growing sense of unease.Ami continued from where her brother stopped. " We thought it was just a glitch but then we saw the reply." She paused, her lips pressing together in a tight line. "It was from the president, and it was a reply to Atticus, but..." Her voice trailed
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The unfair match
The day of the match between humans and the King's chosen men had arrived, with the stage set in the middle of the king's castle grounds. The excitement was noticeable as the crowd gathered to witness the thrilling match. Thousands of supernatural creatures arrived, including Werewolves, Banshees, vampires, Elves and lots more. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, eager to find out who would emerge victorious - the humans or their own kind. Meanwhile, Ansel and the others were ushered to a separate area, where they were told to wait. On the other hand, King Atris seemed to be enjoying the cheers from the crowds, he smiled from ear to ear as he looked down at the people chanting his name. Ten powerful mages and ability users had been hand picked by him and they stood still, waiting for the match to start. A figure emerged from the crowd, his piercing gaze drawing attention. Two curved horns protruded from his forehead and he stared at the crowd before returning his
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Mana healer
Audrey's eyes widened in horror as he stumbled towards his sister, his heart racing with fear.He fell to his knees beside her, gathering her limp body into his arms.Her eyes fluttered open as she felt his warm touch, she gazed up at him with a faint smile even though she was in so much pain."Audrey, you are alive..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.Audrey nodded his head reassuringly, his vision getting blurry as he struggled to hold back his tears. "My sister's dying because of you!" Audrey seethed with anger as he stared up at Ryker who had a nonchalant look on his face.Ryker cared less about what was going on between the siblings and so he ignored the death stares from Audrey.On the other hand, the crowd released shocking gasps, their hearts skipping a beat as they watched the scene unfold.This would have been Audrey lying in the pool of blood if Ami didn't run into the Arena.The sword had gone deep into her stomach and they feared that she wouldn't survive.Ansel
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Ice ability user
The battle continued in the Arena and Vinny watched anxiously as the special task force members on his team fell one by one. Maya was defeated by her opponent's lightning-fast reflexes, Jax was overpowered by his foe's sheer strength, and Lena was outsmarted by her adversary's cunning tactics.His heart sank as he realized that none of his teammates had emerged victorious. The pressure was now on him to turn the tide as he was the second to the last one to fight on their team.The referee's voice echoed through the arena, "And now, put your hands together for Vinny, who will face off against... Glaciem!"Vinny braced himself as he gazed at his opponent, Glaciem, an Ice ability user with a formidable reputation. The audience began making little conversations, and from their words, he could tell that they feared Glaciem.Glaciem was looking like a tough opponent and so he knew he had to be at the top of his game if he was going to defeat Glaciem and secure a much-needed win for his t
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The final match (Ansel vs Caspian)
Finally, the announcer mentioned Ansel's name and his opponent.His eyes blazed with determination as he walked towards the Arena.He gave Vinny a resolute nod, as if to say, "I won’t disappoint you."His teammates had lost and none of them came at the top. Ansel wanted victory and he was going to get it.He braced himself, this time around, he decided to use his fist as he was more powerful when he used martial arts skills.The match began, and Ansel charged forward with a flurry of punches and kicks.His opponent, Caspian, countered with swift blocks and strikes.Fortunately, Ansel's movements were unpredictable, his body twisting and turning in strange, fluid motions.Caspian's eyes narrowed, trying to read Ansel's technique, but it was like nothing he had ever seen before.Ansel's arms seemed to stretch and contort, his legs coiling and uncoiling like a spring.The two of them exchanged blows, their movements lightning-fast.Caspian landed a solid kick, but Ansel absorbed the impa
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While Ansel was on the floor, he could only hear the chants and applause from the crowd.His hands went to his ears, but the noise was still too loud.As he pressed his palms against his ears, a sharp pain shot through his chest, making him grit his teeth.Ansel bit his lower lip, the pain threatening to escape as a scream. He bit down harder, the metallic taste of blood mingling with the bitter flavor on his tongue.His eyelashes fluttered wildly as he struggled to lift his heavy lids. When he finally managed to pry his eyes open, his vision blurred, and all he saw was a hazy outline of a man looming over him.Ansel couldn't distinguish if the man was Caspian or the announcer, but one thing was certain - a toothy grin was staring back at him.Ansel dug his palms into the ground and struggled to sit up."... Caspian!"The crowd's loud applause erupted once more as Caspian was declared the winner, and Ansel's body convulsed in a violent coughing fit, bringing out a reddish liquid from
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The healing room
Meanwhile, in the room painted white, Ami was trying to stop Audrey from hitting the healer in the face. She wrapped her arms around Audrey's waist, holding him back as she pleaded, "Audrey, stop! Don't hurt him!”"Let it go, Audrey! You heard the healer. He can't transport us back to the arena unless the king says so." Ami continued in a convincing tone.The healer who had transported them to hospital wasn't listening to her brother and there was no other way they could get out of there.They had been pleading for more than thirty minutes and Ami couldn't help but wonder if things were going okay in the Arena."I've told you before, he only responds to force," Audrey growled, his patience wearing thin. "Let me take care of this. If I break his jaw, he'll suddenly remember how to get us back to the Arena." Audrey's hands paused mid-crack, his eyes flashing with frustration as he turned to face Ami, who had grasped his collar with a pleading expression. "Please,don't do this. We can'
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Ansel and over ninety humans were led to a massive cave entrance. The group's murmurs filled the air as they stepped into the dimly lit space. He recognized the place immediately.It was the same place he had discovered the strange markings when they last visited this world.Could it be that the cave was not a secret place after all?They had walked a great distance and Ansel didn't know when they were going to stop.The group's initial murmurs had long since faded into exhausted silence, broken only by the soft rustling of footsteps on the rough terrain. To make matters worse, a witch had casted a spell on them, restricting their movements.Ansel sniffed the air. Something about this place felt oddly familiar.He could sense pain and torture.They continued walking and finally, they were able to see a light.A blue crystal illuminated a room and the guard gestured for them to halt their footsteps.Ansel stared at the room closely, it wasn't exactly a room.Perhaps, an opening to so
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A different Cell
While they were in the room, they discovered they could chat with all members and they created a group chat where they could discuss ways of getting out.But of course, they were so secretive and the guards didn't take notice.No one knew how much time had passed but soon everyone began to get tired.They slept on the floor and some cried their hearts out.Zach approached a prison cell with a guard.He was holding his blood sword in his hands, as if he was ready to behead someone."This is the man, my prince." The guard said as he pointed his hand at Audrey.Zach nodded his head and said calmly. "Come forward young man."Audrey's gaze fell on the blood sword, he had seen what a weapon made from the blood could do.He exchanged glances with his sister and Ansel."Don't be scared. I won't hurt you. Not now at least." Zach continued, gesturing with his hands as if he was welcoming a child to come over.Audrey shook his head in disagreement. Zach's voice didn't sound good.His heart thump
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Kill me, Sel.
"Ignore the bitch, young one." Robert said as he spat harshly on the ground.From the way he talked to the woman, Ansel guessed that she wasn't here for a good purpose.He heard the woman speak to the guard in an inaudible tone before turning back to look at Ansel."You are a lucky man." The woman said with a pretentious smile before walking past Ansel to meet the old man.As the woman's fingers wrapped around the slender needle, Ansel's instincts kicked in. He scrambled to his feet, his gaze fixed on the sharp tip.The needle's enormity made Ansel's blood run cold. Its sheer size and menacing glint left no doubt that it was meant for Robert, and Ansel knew he had to act fast."Are you kidding me?!" Ansel exploded, his voice fierce with anger. "There's almost no blood left in him! You can't possibly take any more!"He was mad at them for considering taking blood from the old man who they had inflicted so much pain on.The woman's smile vanished, replaced by a snarl. "And what makes y
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