All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
231 chapters
A reason to live
Ansel lay on the ground, thinking about what Old Robert said.He had been wide awake ever since, Old Robert's words replaying in his mind and refusing to let him rest.To make matters worse, it seemed like the only thing Old Robert wanted right now was death.Ansel swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the lump that had formed in his throat. His gaze remained fixed on the wall in front of him, his eyes staring blankly.He could only come to one conclusion, Old Robert had been giving a potion to make his life span increase.The pain that they inflicted on him was enough to make him dead a long time ago.However, he was still alive.He hadn't gotten the chance to speak with the other man on the opposite side and he didn't know how he got into the situation."Kill me... Kill me..."Old Robert's voice kept ringing in his ears and he clenched his jaw, making up his mind to ask old Robert some questions the next time he got the chance to.His wristband hadn't blinked and so he didn't bother se
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Taken to the green room
The two of them chatted for a while. Then, Ansel was summoned out of the dungeon, and he had never been happier to see the three moons in the sky.As they walked him to the building, he couldn't help but scan every corner with his eyes.Unlike his previous encounters, the guards didn't escort him to the opulent chambers of King Atris or the esteemed quarters of Zach.They were taking him to a different place.Ansel soon found himself in a green room with a bright touch."Sit down," one of the guards growled, his brow furrowed in displeasure.Ansel took a seat on the chair, elegantly crossing his leg over the other.His action made the guard scoff in mockery but Ansel ignored him as he glanced around the room.As a doctor, he immediately recognized the medical instruments laid out on the table.The guards left and he was now alone in the room.Ansel stood up and walked around, picking up a few objects and secretly keeping them in his inventory as they would make a good weapon if a figh
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Ansel's eyes fluttered open, but his vision was blurry. Everything seemed foggy and distant. He tried to sit up, but a jolt of pain shot through his head.As his sight cleared, Ansel realized his wrists and ankles were tied to the bed. He struggled against the restraints, but they were so strong that he couldn't lift his wrist. Immediately, he started to panic inwardly.Dr. Elara's face soon came into view, her eyes red-rimmed and her cheeks pale. She was shaking.Behind her, Ansel saw King Atris and Zach. They were talking, but Ansel couldn't hear a word. It was as if he was underwater. Only able to hear muffled and distant sounds.Ansel's gaze darted between the three, trying to read their lips. But their words were indistinct.King Atris' has a stern expression on his face, his jaw clenched in seriousness. Zach's gaze fell on Ansel and he furrowed his brows as he thought he noticed some movements from the pitiful human.Ansel pretended to be asleep. When he noticed that Zach wasn
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Aftermath of the explosion
Ansel's vision blurred, his body trembling as he struggled to break free from the restraints. The explosion's aftermath was evident through the ruined medical facility and everywhere became super smoky.[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION]The familiar metallic voice rang in his ears as he struggled to sit up.[VITAL SIGNS CRITICAL][BODY HEALTH: 23%][WARNING: ORGAN FAILURE IMMINENT][RECOMMENDED ACTION: INITIATE EMERGENCY REGENERATION PROTOCOL]He winced slightly as the pain from the broken shards of glass began to tell on his body.Ansel's eyes flickered to the virtual screen hovering before him. His system's urgent message made him grit his teeth with determination.Feeling a surge of adrenaline, Ansel mustered all the strength he had left and moved his arms and legs. Fortunately, he was able to break free in no time.The Metal made popping sounds, bolts snapping as he pulled away.Panting, Ansel collapsed to the floor, his vision spinning. The system's voice continued to ring in his ears.[SYS
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Elder brother Luca
Zach suddenly stopped midair as he was about to hit Ansel.He spat directly on Ansel's face before dragging him forcefully.Ansel dug his nails into the ground as Zach dragged him, as if to stop himself from moving but that didn't seem to work.He cursed the strange world and everyone in it loudly.Finally, with no other choice left, he felt his body get dragged along the hallway.A loud thud was heard some minutes later and Zach's leg reconnected with Ansel's chest.Coughing out blood, Ansel shot him a weak gaze, his eyes blazing with fury."Fuck you bastard!" Ansel cursed through gritted teeth.His body felt like it had been weighed down by lead and so he didn't bother to get to his feet.As he lay down there, he heard the footsteps of people approaching.The sweat trickled down his face as he managed to look up to see the people who had walked in.Doctor Elara and king Atris seemed to have gotten healed by a mana healer and the situation in the room was now in control, judging by t
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Ansel's eyes fluttered open, and he was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. As he sat up, a figure caught his attention. An old man with striking red hair, cascading down his back like a waterfall, stood beside the bed, staring at him intently.Ansel tried to move, but his body surprised him. The weakness was gone, replaced by a renewed vitality. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his eyes locked on the old man."Who are you?" Ansel demanded as he eyed the man from head to toe.He had never seen the man before, not in the castle or outside the castle.The old man's gaze never wavered, his eyes glinting. Soon, a small smile crept onto his lips."I am Luca," he said in a really soothing tone.Ansel's instincts screamed warning. There was something unsettling about Luca's smile, something that made him wonder if a crazed elder had somehow gotten into the room.As he took in his surroundings, Ansel realized he was in a much cleaner, more luxurious room than before. The
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Another announcement
On the other hand, Vinny dug his spoon into the meal that was provided.The rest of the people who were in the room were hungrily consuming the strange meal that the guards had given them.Vinny couldn't bring himself to eat the meal and so he played with it instead.A visible frown appeared on his face as he thought to himself.Atticus, who should have been with him, was in a different cell.He feared that the creatures would have an idea of what they were planning and so the wristband was used less frequently.Especially now that the guards were facing each cell.They made communication harder between the people.Just as he was wondering how long they would stay in the cold cave for the rest of their lives.He heard the noise of iron hitting against iron.Vinny looked up to see the guards unlocking the iron door with his key.It creaked open and the guard said in a commanding tone."Meal time is over! Follow me." Vinny slowly got to his feet.The sound of the iron door opening in t
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Angry villagers
Ansel woke up with a start, his eyes adjusting slowly to the dim light. He rubbed the fatigue from his eyes and gently looked around.He soon became restless, realizing that he couldn't do the things he used to do in their real world.There was no way he could invent new pills or help patients.Ansel's eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth curved upward as Thora's rare smile flashed in his mind.A hint of mischief sparkled in Ansel's eyes, and a sly smirk spread across his face at the thought of Little sister, Hira.Those memories ignited a fire within him. Ansel balled his fist, determination showing on his face.They couldn't continue to live in a place like this.They should have spent around seven minutes in the real world, but time seemed to slow in this place, making it feel like they'd spent almost a week.Ansel wondered what the MPK members and the special task force members were doing.He had not gotten any signal from his wrist band.Even if they had sent a signal to h
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Mysterious voice
Vinny heard the unfamiliar voice, he thought it was among the villagers pestering him and so he didn't bother to look back.He continued walking even though he didn't know where he was going.They had all planned to split up so as to not be deemed as suspicious and that explained why he was alone.The unknown man's words lingered in the air as he spoke, "You probably don't need my help then, but don't forget, no castle in this village is willing to accept a human. If you truly desire a place to call home, even temporarily, then consider seeking out Master's castle." Vinny's footsteps ceased abruptly, and he swiftly spun around, his eyes scanning the crowd to identify the man who had uttered those enigmatic words.Before him stood the same villagers who had parted to let him pass, their faces now filled with suspicion, but none revealed any hint of being the mysterious speaker.Vinny's instinct was to inquire about the mysterious speaker, but the villagers' cold, unforgiving gazes coup
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Strange indeed
Vinny wandered around the room, offering gentle words of comfort. He placed a reassuring hand on a young special force woman's shoulder, his voice soft as he whispered words of encouragement. He slowly stood up, his joints cracking softly as he unfolded his frame and cautiously made his way to the door, his eyes fixed as he glanced into the hallway, scanning for any sign of the guards' imposing presence.The hallway was as quiet as a graveyard, as if no one was living there.The dark hallway didn't help to ease the uneasiness that he felt.He went back into the room and noticed everyone drifting to sleeping, the tiredness showing on their faces.Vinny wasn't in the mood to sleep and so he sat down, his gaze fixed on Atticus'.Since he was an elder in the MPK and also a level above him, he couldn't just approach Atticus for a conversation.Vinny coughed violently in order to get his attention.Fortunately, old Mr Atticus turned back his head to look at Vinny.There was a cup of water
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