All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
230 chapters
Turning down the job offer
"Please wait Master" The shop owner called after a moment of silence.He ran to meet Ansel but then the door swung open.A stunning woman strolled into the shop. Her beauty was like something straight out of a fashion magazine, every movement she made exuded a kind of grace and elegance that could have rivaled a movie star. This woman was straight up stunning. Her skin was smooth and perfect, like she was carved by an artist. Ansel followed the shop owner's gaze and it fell on a beautiful redhead woman.Her freckles were perfect, everything about her was perfect.Ansel felt himself swallow a lump down his throat.Meanwhile the shop owner whose real name was Mark, ran to meet the woman.Kowtowing with so much respect that made Ansel wonder who the woman was.Ansel’s gaze followed the mesmerizing woman as she made her way towards him, accompanied by the shop owner. At first Ansel thought he must have been dreaming but no he wasn't, she was indeed walking towards him.Ansel decided t
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The business meeting
Ansel left the shop and was now in L's company.He had to attend some business corporations as some companies reached out to L group.Ansel needed to go there to find a suitable company that could partner with their company and bring profits.He strode into the meeting room, wearing the same casual piece of clothing that he wore earlier which consisted of a casual jean and plain top.The meeting room was large, with a long oval table as its centerpiece. Surrounding the table were several chairs, neatly arranged and comfortable-looking.Ansel walked toward a free chair and took a seat, keeping the single piece of paper and a pen on the table.Some of the representatives who were sitting at the table were surprised to see Ansel.They wondered if he had missed his way or gotten lost.This was an important meeting and not a place for beggars.Whispers began to fill the room and Ansel placed an earpiece in his ear.The meeting hadn't started and he decided to wait until everything was sett
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Spits on his face
"He must be a cleaner, Mac, look at his outfit! I'm sure he must be crazy or something." A man chipped in and the room erupted in laughter.Ansel tried his best to remain calm.Was this how representatives from companies behave? He wanted to hit them in the face but it would be a rash decision.Ansel’s patience had finally worn thin and he spoke up with a seething voice, his temper flaring like a raging fire. “Why do you think I can’t sign a contract with the L Company?” he challenged, his words sharp. “None of you can either, so don’t give me that crap.” Ansel was overly confident and Mac wondered why out of everyone in the room, the good-for-nothing beggar was the most confident.A man who was in his forties face contorted with anger, he stood to his feet and addressed Ansel with a venomous tone. “And you think you’re fit to sign a contract?” he seethed, his eyes blazing with contempt. “What gives you the right to sit at a table with us? Who the hell do you think you are?” He clear
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The beautiful personal assistant
Since Ansel had some more time left, he decided that he was going to leave the meeting room to take some fresh air outside.Standing up, he proceeded to leave the meeting room but Mac couldn't help himself from humiliating Ansel.Thinking that Ansel was about to leave, he yelled out.“Oh, don’t run away, Ansel,” Mac spat, his voice laced with mockery. “Weren’t you just saying you were capable? Thought you had some balls, but I guess I was wrong.” Ansel was acting like a boss minutes before so why was he suddenly leaving?Mac could only think of one thing. Ansel was a weak man with a weak mind.He only tried pretending like he was tough and capable whereas he wasn't.Mac wasn't surprised though. Ansel was not in his league but he decided that he would teach a lesson.Ansel chuckled, when will Mac ever learn a lesson?He activated his breathing technique, it was the only thing that could calm him down a little.But Mac thought of Ansel to be weak and he continued speaking.“Yeah, yeah,
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Three days
Samantha started the conversation but before then, she sat down on the high chair.It was meant for the CEO but since she was here to represent him, she had the full rights to do so.Samantha’s gaze swept across the room like a hawk surveying its prey. Her sharp eyes took in every detail—the positions of the representatives, their expressions and their body language.She had seen their pictures prior and so she was able to immediately recognize them."As you all know, we only partner with top companies. So I hope you all are here for strictly business and nothing else." Samantha asked with a stern voice. Most importantly, she was directing her statement to Mac.Mac adjusted his clothes, ready to defend himself if need be. He had already practiced his speech earlier and he felt that it was nothing.Samantha’s voice was measured, her words carrying the weight of authority as she addressed the room. “The MM Group representative, please stand up and explain why your company is the best fi
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Who is the CEO?
Three days passed within a blink of an eye.Mac was in the room together with the rest of the representatives.They all sat at a new table, it had been replaced with a new one since Ansel destroyed the former one.Mac, being all nosey and gossipy, couldn't resist blabbing to the other representatives in the meeting about how Ansel pulled out of the meeting. He was totally making fun of Ansel, cracking jokes and they all laughed at his jokes.Some few days ago, he had tried tracking Ansel to figure out what he had been doing.Mac didn't get much information, it seemed that Ansel was living a private life.He wasn't surprised, after all Ansel was a nobody.What could he bring to the table? Absolutely nothing!It was a pity that Ansel wasn't here to see his smile of victory.This time around, Mac didn't come alone, he came together with two of his subordinates and they all laughed in the room.Mac’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction as one of his subordinates chimed in. “Damn straight,” he
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Winners stay, losers leave!
“You think I’d waste my time playing pranks on you? Please. I’ve got better things to do with my day. And besides, there’s the small matter of our little bet,” Ansel chuckled darkly. “You know, the one where the loser has to leave the city? You were so confident you’d come out on top. Remember that, Mac?” Ansel then flashed Mac a devilish smirk before sitting down proudly on the seat meant for the CEO.They all went silent, unable to believe that a casually dressed man like Ansel was indeed the CEO.Samantha shot Mac a look of disdain then moved to stand beside Ansel.Now that Ansel appeared as the CEO, she could only watch as Ansel took charge of the situation."Forgive me, Mr Ansel." Mac had no choice but to kowtow and bow before Ansel.With Ansel being the CEO, he knew that there was no hope of working with L company.At that moment, he wished that the ground could open up and swallow him, the disgrace was too much and he had never felt that embarrassed in his life.His only hope w
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A fake herb
After settling some business affairs in the company, Ansel knew he had to meet grandfather Kian.Three days ago when he visited grandfather Kian, he was told that the dark bloom herb wasn't yet found.But today, he hoped that they had managed to find it.He was going to continue the treatment for grandfather Kian and hopefully, grandfather would feel better after getting the treatment.Walking into the living room, Ansel was greeted by some of the maids who had seen him walk in.They had grown accustomed to his presence even though he rarely visited grandfather Kian's mansion.Since his second visit, grandfather Kian wouldn't stop talking about Ansel. He would praise Ansel every once in a while.Ansel walked while whistling a tone. Thora, who had caught sight of him from afar, hurriedly walked to meet him."Good morning Ansel" She said, her voice sounding a bit loud. Showing a hint of happiness in her tone."Hey" Ansel greeted, his brow raised up. It was a surprise to see Thora acting
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Thora felt like Ansel was making a fool of her."Ansel, you are mistaken. This product comes from the country's most eminent herbalist, the only authentic source of this type of remedy. You must have made an error. Please check it more closely. I assure you, this product is of the highest quality.”Ansel felt like the conversation would go nowhere, so he decided to prove to them that it was indeed fake."All right then," Ansel declared, "let's settle this. A true dark bloom, when placed in water, will take on the deep blackness of the ocean's depths, whereas an imitation will remain colorless and transparent. Observe." After saying that, Ansel went ahead to throw the dark blooms inside the boiling water.Chris, Thora and grandfather Kian watched with interest.Ansel's face went pale when he saw the water go dark.That was impossible!His old knowledge was good and there was no way the dark bloom would turn black if it was fake.Unless it had been manipulated."The water has turned da
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A stern warning
The guards came pouring in and grandfather Kian finally decided that it was time he interfered in the situation."Do not lay a finger on Ansel!" With the little strength that he had on him, grandfather Kian warned the guards.His tone made them shiver and they backed off.Grandfather Kian held more authority than Chris and so they respected grandfather the most.Ansel also gave an intimidating Aura, he didn't bother hiding his Qi.The room became chilly and he gave the guards a terrifying glare."I'm only here because I want to help grandfather Kian and you think you can treat me this way? How ungrateful!"Ansel made up his mind. If they were going to treat him like a piece of trash then he would leave."Ansel wait" Grandfather said in a croaked voice, he didn't want Ansel to leave.Aside from the fact that he had grown fond of Ansel, he wanted Ansel to stay and help with the treatment."No grandfather Kian, I cannot stay anymore, they think I'm lying. The dark blooms are fake and I d
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