All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
230 chapters
100 push-ups
Ansel was now back in the suite.He had just taken a bath to clear his mind and so he went ahead to pick a casual dress.He decided that he was going to practice his breathing technique and also try to increase his Qi energy.Ansel, wearing a plain gray t-shirt and a pair of classic blue jeans, made his way over to his bed and lowered himself onto the mattress. To practice his breathing technique, he needed to be in a quiet place.In the silent room, with the television's chatter silenced, Ansel found himself in the ideal environment to focus on his breathing technique. With his eyes closed tight, Ansel cut out all the noise around him. He wasn't going to let anything get in the way. If it was up to him, he would have made sure there was nothing to distract him from what he was trying to do.Closing his eyes was the first stage to practice his breathing technique.He had already gotten to the mid stage and he needed to scale higher.Ansel inhaled deeply, focusing his thoughts on the
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Auction day
Three days had passed and Amelia told Ansel to meet her at the parking lot.The day for the auction had come and since Ansel was free, he decided to meet her there.As usual, he was dressed in a casual top and a pair of jeans.However, because he was going out with a beauty like Amelia, he decided to wear some of the new clothes that Samantha had gotten for him.He didn't like flashy clothes that brought attention and so he picked a gray top and black jeans.With his simple outfit, he wasn't looking that bad.Since Amelia had offered to drive him, he took a cab and didn't bother to disturb his driver, Anthony.Ansel soon arrived at the parking lot, it was the parking lot of a five star hotel.After exchanging a few words with Amelia, she drove out of the parking lot and they arrived at the auction center.The auction was indeed a big one and Ansel could hear slow and quiet music.He guessed that they must be having some kind of party."Ansel, I want you to stay as close as possible."
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The little boy who needs help
While Amelia was greeting the fellow elites, she made Ansel follow her around and he was beginning to get bored.Ansel's smile was slowly but surely losing its sparkle. All that forced grinning was starting to have a negative effect on his cheek muscles, and they were aching from the effort. Amelia was a natural at socializing—she made small talk like she'd been doing it since she popped out of the womb. Ansel was pretty impressed by how easily she could hold a conversation with anyone, regardless of who they were. It was quite understandable for a person like Amelia.Even though they'd come to the event for the auction, Amelia wasn't about to miss out on a chance to network. She slipped her business card to anyone who seemed like they might be interested in what she had to offer, all while keeping up the small talk like it was second nature. Ansel couldn't take it anymore, he hated fake smiling to people and so he took an excuse to leave.He wanted to explore the place and see wh
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Don't touch my hero
Felix decided that he had enough of the drama, he stormed toward them while Kingsley followed him closely behind."If this is a prank then you better stop this Amelia. You can't be with a person like this!" Felix said in a calm tone even though he was fuming inside.He didn't want to act like a rascal in the presence of everyone."Yes please Amelia. You need to wake up! I'm sure he must have given you a charm. The old Amelia that I know would have screamed her lungs out if seen with a man like him" Kingsley pointed his index finger at Ansel, trying to make her see that Ansel was just a nobody.Surprisingly, Ansel spread a wide grin across his face and then began speaking. "The only place Amelia will scream is in my room, laying on my bed in the middle of the night." Amelia felt the heat in her cheeks, her face reddened and she bit her lip.How could he say something as embarrassing as that in public?Felix didn't fail to notice Amelia's blush, his anger increased rapidly and he raise
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A mere sword
The auction started and most people had decided to flaunt their wealth.It was like a show of power between families.Ansel didn't see anything that caught his interest, they were mostly female wears and he didn't have anyone to buy it for.He wasn't ready to argue and fight for items in the presence of people here.Ansel was starting to get tired of sitting, he looked over to see Amelia, she was so invested in the items.But he noticed that she didn't raise her hands to buy any.Ansel wondered if she just enjoyed watching auctioned items.It was obvious that she could afford it but why wasn't she buying it?Just when Ansel was getting lost in thought, he heard Mr Crowley yell and he immediately snapped out of his thoughts."One thousand""Anyone? You can get this for just one thousand" "One thousand and it's all yours" Mr Crowley held the black little sword, it didn't have any design to it.The sword caught Ansel's interest, it was a little similar to the knife he had seen in the a
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Heart doctor
"What are you talking about young man?" Master Crowley joined them in the conversation, he didn't understand what Ansel was saying."Yours is more serious even though you should have a stronger system than a child. It is going for your heart Delilah." Ansel said, as if he was in a trance.Soon he got back to his senses and stared at them, his hands were placed on his bag, just in case there was an emergency."Master Crowley, Ansel said Delilah has been poisoned. That's a big joke." This time around, Felix wasn't the one who spoke, it was Kingsley.His words dripped with mockery and both Kingsley and Felix burst into a round of laughter."What are you talking about? C'mon, let's leave." Amelia whispered into Ansel's ears but he nodded slowly."5""4""3""2"Delilah was about to open her mouth to speak when she felt her body shaking violently, she tried controlling herself but she couldn't.Then, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest, her hands instinctively flew to her chest, grippi
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Not much Qi was left
By the time got back to his suite, it had already gotten late and the sun was starting to set.Ansel pushed the door gently open, his hand still placed on the door knob.After all the excitement of treating Delilah and navigating the social scene at the event, Ansel felt like he'd been low on energy.He could feel his Qi reserves running low after expending so much of his energy to help her, and his body was begging for a break.A soft bed and a good night's sleep sounded like a godsend, a chance to recharge his Qi and recover.His gaze traveled down to the card in his hand, he knew he needed to keep it in a safe place and so he quickly copied the valuable information and saved it on his phone.Just in case he were to lose it, he would be able to get some of master Crowley's details on his phone.Ansel proceeded to walk into his room but he caught a glimpse of Samantha coming out with a wet towel.The towel highlighted her features and her curves were visible, her hourglass figure was
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The commotion
Ansel didn't tell Samantha of the real reason why he was going to the toy store.He didn't want to ruin the surprise.After hearing Samantha confess that she didn't have a boyfriend.He decided to get her some plush toys for her birthday.Ansel had seen her birthdate in the office and today was her birthday.He wondered why she had kept it a secret from everyone.However, he decided he was going to give her the Mr Goldy fish plush toys. Her room was filled with a collection of Mr Goldy fish and he was able to easily guess that it was her favorite.Ansel had already gotten close to the store, it was not far from the suite and so he didn't bother calling his driver.Ansel was just about to walk into the store when he caught sight of a crowd forming around a parked car, completely blocking traffic. Pedestrians began to gather, ogling and gawking at the spectacle while the cars behind started to honk and complain. He wanted to ignore it but when he saw the crowd increase, he squinted his
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He is a top healer
Doctor Lancelot was the one who led the way. He was a doctor but still he wasn't able to treat grandfather Kian.He was ashamed of himself and so he decided to see the person who made the crowd jump up happily.Removing his hands from the trouser pocket, his jaw dropped upon seeing that the person was Ansel.He didn't need anyone to tell him that it was Ansel who miraculously treated grandfather, it was obvious.Dr Lancelot wished for a bullet to go through his heart but it wasn't possible.If he could hide under a little plant then he would have.Now he knew who the master truly was.Ansel was a master in the field and he ought to be learning from Ansel.And so, Dr Lancelot kowtowed, making the crowd gasp.Dr Lancelot wasn't just a doctor, he was quite famous for being the best doctor in the country.If Dr Lancelot of all people could bow down to greet Ansel, then he must be a junior doctor to the young man who had treated grandfather Kian.But how could a man who didn't look like he
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Happy birthday Samantha
Stepping into the toy store, Ansel made his way to the Mr Goldy fish toys. His eyes quickly scanned the shelves, and he picked up every last toy he could find, filling the white plastic bags with a smirk on his face.Ansel carried the bags of Mr Goldy toys back to his suite, feeling good about his successful purchase. The toys were heavy, but Ansel was used to carrying things and it wasn't hard for him.In about five minutes, Ansel arrived at the suite.He went straight to Samantha's room and knocked on the door with his head.His hands were full and that was his only alternative.Meanwhile, Samantha was preparing to sleep when she heard a knock on her door.She had a facemask on and thought it was probably the room service agents so she went ahead to open the door.Samantha gulped an invisible lump down her throat when she found out that the person was Ansel.Without warning, she ran into her bathroom to wash off the beauty face mask away from her face.It would be so embarrassing fo
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