All Chapters of MICHAEL WEST'S JOURNEY FROM TORMENT TO TRIUMPH : Chapter 91 - Chapter 98
98 chapters
Two men walked into a bar and sat down. They ordered drinks and when the waiter had brought them, began to sip their drinks. Intermittently, they would look at their wristwatches and then at the door. Michael was in his office waiting for Abraham and to hear from Luke his Henchman. Abraham was not coming, so he called Luke to come into his office.‘I want to do something. Abraham is not here but I want you to look into the possibility of acquiring more assets into Roberts.’‘But sir, we have tried that and it is not going our way. I know a way we can get to the Roberts family and hit them where they will feel it the most.’Michael adjusted his body. ‘Tell me about it.’‘I am aware of some dealing the Roberts are doing with Amelia’s father, the girl who claims to have your child and sent videos and pictures on the day of the wedding, leading to the calling off of the wedding.’‘Yea, I remember her.’‘I heard from the underground that they were involved in some drug dealings and traffic
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Cynthia went out as Michael continued reading the newspaper. Thirty seconds later, the door to the office opened and someone walked in. Michael puts down his newspaper and stands. He has met Mr. Samuel before, when he was set up to be killed by Liam and Clara. This man had come to his aid and saved. Liam and Clara thought that they had killed him but Mr. Samuel came to the ditch, picked him up and sent him to the hospital. ‘Thank you for having me at this odd hour. I know it is past work time and I had to come at this time so that no one will notice my presence here.’‘It is fine my Samuel. Thank you for coming. I also want to thank you for the other time, for saving my life.’‘You and I have been acquainted before. And I thank you that at this time, you have decided to come to my rescue once again.’‘Well, it is a small world. You can be my helper tomorrow.’‘Yea. You are correct.’‘So, donaldation is going through quite a lot but there is nothing that cannot be salvaged. I intend t
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Michael returned to the living room. He and Isabella discussed the cost of living crises and what the government should do. Isabella thought to herself, ‘so he heals and is intelligent too. What a good combination.’ She likes his use of words and the way he lays out his point carefully. ‘Let us stop now. Enough of politics and talk. Let us go and have some food.’Isabella laughed, dropped what she was holding on the table and walked with him to the table. The food was in bowls and plates sat in front of ach of the chairs, together with cutlery, the bottle of wine and glasses.Michael drew back her chair for her and allowed her to sit. Then he went over to his side. Opening the bowl, he dished some food for her before dishing for himself. He was telling her about the food and the process it takes to make it. She looked interested and asked questions too. Then they started to eat. The view from the penthouse was breathtaking, covering most of the city. She asked him about his backgroun
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The officer in charge walked briskly along the corridor. Liam and Steven followed behind staunchly, confident in their steps. The officer knocked on a door. A voice responded from inside.‘Come in.’The officer opened the door and stepped aside for the two men to step inside. Then he stepped outside and closed the door. The office was sparse, except for a few standing cabinets and picture frames on the wall; one was for the president of the country and the other was of the mayor of Beaumont city. There were other picture frames that showed the commissioner receiving awards. The commissioner’s desk stood on the far end on the other side of the room, directly opposite the door. ‘Mr Liam. Good to see you again.’ the man behind the desk stood up and walked over to where Steven and Liam stood. ‘Ah commissioner, it has been a while that we have spoken or seen.’ Liam responded.‘Ah yes.’ The commissioner said. ‘to what do I owe this honour?’‘I am here to an old friend concerning a matter.
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The knock came again, it was on his door. Who would be coming to his house? He had no friends or lovers? And Isabella had stopped speaking with him. Grudgingly, he walked to the door and opened. It was Isabella. Unlatching the locks quickly, he opened wide the door and bade her to come in.‘You are welcome. I am sorry I have been engrossed in a lot of work and didn’t hear the knocking on the door. How have you been?’Michael was not sure why Isabella would suddenly appear at this door without notice. Had something happened to her father? He thought to himselfShe smiled at him and tugged a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He smiled too. They were both standing in the centre of the room, uncertain what to do. Michael suddenly remembered that he had not offered her a seat. He was being a bad host.‘I am very sorry; I should have offered you a seat. Please have a seat.’‘No, its fine. I should be headed out now and allow you to finish up on your work.’‘Not so fast. At least have a d
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Liam returned to his drinking, taking a sip while stealing glances at the game. A moment later, he turned to his friend, he found him looking smugly at his glass of drink.“Talk to me Nel. What’s going on? If it is about the listings, we got in and that should not be a problem.”“It is not about the listing, bro. It is something else. I guess you haven’t heard.”“Heard what?” Liam was signaling the barista for another drink.“Wells is being devalued.”Liam looked at him, saw the seriousness on his face, and waved for the barista to go. Realization hit him and he mumbled.“AB listings was just a cover. The wolves have gathered and want to have a feast.”Nelson nodded and added,“Whatever you do, don’t go face to face with the execs on Wall Street. They will kill your case before you even get a chance to present it.”“What do I do then?”“Be calm, receive the buy-out offer, and look through it carefully to find a way out. It could be an ambiguity in the words or misrepresentation. That
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They were in a house on the beachfront of Beaumont city. It was a little far from the beach but had fantastic view of the beach and the sea. The sun had risen early, as usual and there were few tourists on the beach.Steven was shocked and raised his hands but felt a surge of anger within him but he didn’t move. Instead he stood where he was. The other men had pulled out their guns too. Liam knew he was outnumbered to pull out his gun, so he appealed for calm.‘Please gentle men; let us be civil about his. The diamond belongs to all of us but we have bigger fish to fry and that is Michael west. Today is the day that we take his down at the Heroes’ Parade. After that, there will be more diamonds and money that our children will never know hunger for the rest of their lives. Let us embrace caution.’There was silence again before the first of the men who pulled out his gun began to laugh out loud. The rest joined him and started laughing. They raised their hands in surrender and put the
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As Michael West thought back on that day he noticed that night had settled in over Beaumont City. In the distance he could hear the news coverage of the Heroes' Parade playing on the television.The coverage was showing many troubling events including the arrests of Diana Roberts and Stevens the shocking moment when Liam had jumped to his death from the stadium and the overwhelming chaos that erupted after the truth came out about the Roberts family.Sitting alone in the room drinking a glass of whiskey Michael felt a profound sense of emotional distance and isolation from everything that had happened.He was very surprised when he saw Isabella standing at his door. Her shape was only partially visible because the light was dim and not very bright. They had gone through a really difficult breakup in the past and since then she had moved away to a different place.He hadn't seen her at all for many years so her sudden appearance caught him off guard. To make things even more complicated
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