All Chapters of MICHAEL WEST'S JOURNEY FROM TORMENT TO TRIUMPH : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
98 chapters
The following evening, Clara stood before the assessing wrought- iron gates of the Donald estate, steeling herself for the battle ahead. She cut an intimidating figure in her satiny burgundy dress and towering stilettos, every inch the power player ready to claim her due place among Beaumont's nobility. Liam cast her a reassuring regard as the gates swung open, granting them entry to the strictly manicured grounds." Just flash back what we bandied. Stay confident, do not let Donald rattle you." Clara gave a curt nod. She did not need his advice- she had been preparing for this moment her entire life. The woman of a fat businessman, prepped from birth to navigate Beaumont's savage social waters with cunning and grace. They were steered into a cavernous study, the walls lined with bottom- to- ceiling bookshelves and priceless vestiges. Behind an assessing mahogany office table sat a white haired man with cold, setting eyes. Jonathan Donald in the meat. "Ms.Robert," he said by way of g
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After the arrest of Diana, the Roberts enterprise took a hard blow. Clara decided to meet Michael again. Her mother and brother were not around to help her and she was all alone. The company’s creditors were on her neck and she didn’t have anyone to turn to. Clara reached out to Michael several times. At long last, he agreed to meet her again.‘Michael, why have you done this to us? Was it all to hurt us? Didn’t we leave on amicable terms? ’Michael looked at her. it was clear that she had not learnt her lesson. She still didn’t realize that she had done him wrong.‘Have you forgotten how you and you family treated me? Have you forgotten how you treated me as a husband and after all the love I showered on you, you treated me like garbage? If you don’t remember, that is alright, but this is the consequence of your actions and I’m not sorry that you are facing it alone.’The tears swelled in her eyes as she responded. ‘I didn’t want any of this. I thought I was reaching for happiness. I
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The officer in charge walked briskly along the corridor. Liam and Steven followed behind staunchly, confident in their steps. The officer knocked on a door. A voice responded from inside.‘Come in.’The officer opened the door and stepped aside for the two men to step inside. Then he stepped outside and closed the door. The office was sparse, except for a few standing cabinets and picture frames on the wall; one was for the president of the country and the other was of the mayor of Beaumont city. There were other picture frames that showed the commissioner receiving awards. The commissioner’s desk stood on the far end on the other side of the room, directly opposite the door. ‘Mr Liam. Good to see you again.’ The man behind the desk stood up and walked over to where Steven and Liam stood. ‘Ah commissioner, it has been a while since we have spoken or seen.’ Liam responded.‘Ah yes.’ The commissioner said. ‘To what do I owe this honour?’‘I am here with an old friend concerning a matt
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Indeed now, times after the dissolution of that disastrous union, Clara's influence and instructed beliefs about joker/ womanish relations still visited his subconscious. Dragging his wandering mind back to the present, Michael eventually managed to meet Isabella's steady, unembarrassed regard. Her eyes were still spangling with the foreshocks of the important desire he'd roused within her- a heady, molten look that Sweet heaven, what kind of potent witchery did this woman apply over his senses? Her bare presence burned Jones so visceral, so each- consuming, that Michael's hard- won conditions began to fray at the delicate seams. Isabella was the spark hanging to sacrifice his iron discipline into cinders of flirter desire. t banged the smoulderingThe conference room was tensed up. Isabella sat directly opposite Clara while Diana sat at an angle between them. Together, they formed a triangle. The table between them was white in colour and had a recorder on it. ‘Why are you doing thi
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Diana returned one week after Liam and Steven visited the police commissioner. She went straight to a house provided by Steven and Liam. Then they asked her to wait; Liam and Steven were formulating a plan to bring down Michael West and donaldation. They didn’t tell Clara about the release of her mother or any of their plans. Michael and Nicholas, the investigator who got him the documents about the Roberts family, met. Nicholas gave him the details of the discussions between Liam, Steven and the police commissioner concerning the release of Diana Roberts from prison; including how the justice department okayed the release. Michael saw to it that the details were to his taste and had the appropriate dates and photos. They shook hands and left. Michael decided to leave the evidence for a while, till when he feels a need to use them. Clara closed the laptop she had been writing on. She had just adjusted her curriculum vitae and had sent it to the printer machine. Now she walked to th
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Clara closed the laptop she had been writing on. She had just adjusted her curriculum vitae and had sent it to the printer machine. Now she walked to the printer machine to collect the paper and fold it, put it in her file and walked out. She had succeeded in selling everything the family owned to settle debts and pay salaries before laying off all her employees. Now she was about to become an employee. Her job hunt had just begun.She had an interview today at Bakers’ Incorporated, a company that is involved in selling stocks. The woman who had interviewed Clara said she thinks Clara is a good candidate and assures Clara that she scored high on the test. The interview was carried out in front of a committee of five persons in a large hall. They asked for her curriculum vitae and asked her a series of questions. Clara was happy that none of the questions they had asked her pointed to her past as Chief Operating Officer of Roberts enterprises. When Clara left the company grounds, she w
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Clara was excited when she got the news that she had been selected for the job she had applied for. The role she applied for would make her a junior staff and an assistant to a supervisor. She was happy that she had gotten a job and could make a living for herself. The email stated that she was to resume the next day and at eight o’clock. She looked at the clothes she had in her bag, and saw that she didn’t have the type of clothes specified in the mail for her work. She had sold most of the clothes she had and the ones left were looking too classy for the job. So, she decided to head to the market to get some low grade clothing to help her. She decided to go to the poorer part of the city so that she won’t be easily recognized. She got the clothes from a store. Luckily the woman who sold the cloth to her didn’t recognize her. She put the clothes in a bag and left. As she was walking out of the market, her eye caught someone who looked familiar. She tried to remove her eyes but the p
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Michael and the drug lord had just finished a cup of cognac. It was nightfall already and it was already time for him to go. He didn’t believe that he had just met with and spoken to his biological father. The man hugged him again before he entered the car that brought him. The car dropped him off at the same place it had picked him up. Michael called a taxi to take him to his house. When he got home, he opened the safe where he had evidence about his father, the drug lord and the Roberts family, namely, Diana Roberts and wondered if she was his mother too. but he shook the thought from his mind and wondered how this new information he had just gotten from the drug lord that he is his father, would affect the revenge he was about to mete out on the Roberts family and Liam. Michael didn’t know what to do. He felt weakness in his knees and found a place to sit. Isabella has dealt him a bad hand. He didn’t see this coming. Luke noticed his master’s sudden change in mood and approached h
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‘Are you surprised that I know that you killed him? I always knew that you were so easy to crack open. Now that I have your attention, I will give you another chance. You will make sure to kill Michael West this time. Failure to do so, and I will kill you myself. You cannot destroy three hundred years of building this family to this point. Your cousin from Denmark will be coming to oversee operations of the company.’‘That cannot happen. Roberts enterprise is my baby. I got the idea and built it to the point that it is now.’‘And with whose funds and connections? I gave you life, gave you a family to live in, gave you education and the life of luxury that you have now. I equally gave you the money and connections to see you little experiment to the stage it is now.’‘And I have put in my energy to make into the way it is now.’ Clara retorted.‘Don’t talk when I am talking young lady.’ Diana barked at her.Clara kept her mouth shut. Diana continued.‘You have always been a disappointme
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Mr. Samuel came back from his trip to the United States. Beaumont city didn’t change in his eyes. As he climbed down the stairs from the private jet, he fished out his phone and dialled Michael West's number. Michael picked on the third ring. ‘Mr. Samuel, it is nice to hear from you.’ Michael said excitedly. He had looked forward to hearing and seeing Mr. Samuel, his saviour. Mr. Samuel had left Beaumont city a long time ago and was not picking his calls. ‘It is nice to hear from you too. How is business going? I hope my investments are doing well?’ Mr. Samuel said, while descending the stairs.‘Yes, they are. We just reviewed our returns from the last quarter and it was huge. I can’t wait to share it with you in person.’ Michael responded.‘That is great. I just landed, so how about we see in the evening.’‘That would be great.’ Samuel responded and clicked off his phone.Samuel walked to his car that was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and when he entered, drove away. Mr. Samu
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