All Chapters of MICHAEL WEST'S JOURNEY FROM TORMENT TO TRIUMPH : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 chapters
Jonathan Donald showed no outside response, his face an inscrutable mask as he digested the information. An agonising silence stretched between them until eventually, he spoke. “ An emotional donation, MS. Robert. Easily, you are a woman with remarkable drive and vision.” His steely aspect bored her.” But I’ve toast. What makes you suppose I would entrust my substantial coffers into the hands of someone like yourself?” Clara’s impeccably arched brows knit together in confusion.” I am hysterical I do not understand the question.” “ Of course you don’t,” Donald said with a shake of his head.” You are Robert. A family that values plutocrat and status over all additional- indeed introductory mortal decency.“ Her blood turned to ice in her modes. Ever, some way, this man knew. He knew all about how she had ruthlessly cast Michael away like a piece of scrap after using his hard work and immolation to elevate her status. But Clara was nothing if not a consummate pantomime. Widening her eyes
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Michael rushed in and donned a green shirt. He wanted to leave a good impression. Isabella was watching something on CNN. The speakers were talking about the inflation rate on the prices of goods and services in the market.Michael returned to the living room. He and Isabella discussed the cost of living crises and what the government should do. Isabella thought to herself, ‘so he heals and is intelligent too. What a good combination.’ She likes his use of words and the way he lays out his point carefully. ‘Let us stop now. Enough of politics and talk. Let us go and have some food.’Isabella laughed, dropped what she was holding on the table and walked with him to the table. The food was in bowls and plates sat in front of ach of the chairs, together with cutlery, the bottle of wine and glasses.Michael drew back her chair for her and allowed her to sit. Then he went over to his side. Opening the bowl, he dished some food for her before dishing for himself. He was telling her about t
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Diana didn’t like the men that Liam had brought to the team to carry out their plan. She didn’t like that they were Asian and liked to stay only with themselves. They rarely mixed and had no known associates in the city. There was no one she could ask about them. When she had confronted Liam with this, Liam had said to trust them to carry out the task. And when she had asked him where he found them, he had kept mute and walked away.Diana realised that to do what she needs to do; she needs to have an alternate plan. It was then that her mind went to action; concocting plans for alliances and meetings. She was at Liam’s house one afternoon; she had always been in Liam’s house since the time of her release from prison, when an idea struck her to visit the police commissioner for help. She stood up and walked to the door.‘You are not supposed to leave the building.’ One of the Asian men announced.‘I am going for a stroll.’ Diana responded.‘You know that you just got out and your famil
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The police commissioner shifted his legs when Diana came closer to him. They had been together for two hours now, as she tried to convince him to go with her plan.‘What you say is true.’ He said. ‘But it puts my job on the line.’‘You won’t lose your job, I assure you. I will make sure nothing happens to you but I need those records so that my next plan will go into effect without any hassles.’‘I can’t.’Diana moved closer to him. And put her right hand on his lap. He looked at her and looked at the hands on his lap, then on her again.‘Have I ever let you down before? Just trust me. Give me those records.’The police commissioner looked at her again. This time, he knew that she had him in her power. He liked the sensation he was getting from the touch.‘Before we proceed, I want something from you.’‘Anything.’He stood up and walked to his table, wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to her.‘Come to that address whenever you are free to. You are going to spend the night
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Young woman, get a hold of yourself. I am still your mother and I deserve respect from you. That which you have read from the newspaper is just a story until it is proven. And I have done nothing wrong but to care for you and your brother, so keep your judgmental attitude to yourself.’‘Mom, this is where you get it wrong. The city has decided to hire an investigator into the matter and sooner than later, you will be found out. You have to leave the city as soon as possible.’‘No I will not. There is nothing that ties me to that drug deal and the investigator will soon find out. Moreover, we can get in contact with the investigator and make sure they are on our side.’‘Mom?’ Clara exclaimed‘Don’t shout at me. That is the difference between you and me. I see opportunity where you see challenge and I take that opportunity in its stride. So, get off my phone if you have nothing else to talk to me about.’The phone line went silent and as Clara put down her phone she couldn’t believe tha
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The line went off and Diana remembered that she still had a friend in donaldation. Liam was the man they needed to talk to the new director of the project and secure that slot for them. She almost clapped her hands. As she was thinking about the conversation she had with Liam and how much good he would be to their family and company, then the door to the ward opened. The nurse who was to go and find the healer for her walked.‘Oh, this is a great evening. I have searched for you all over this hospital. Thank God you are here. Where have you been?’‘I am sorry for the long silence ma’am. I have been searching for the healer but it is difficult to get him. The person who told me about him is no longer in the city. She traveled to see her mother. She heard about it from a friend who used to work in the household where the healer had done his work.’‘Don’t you know a way to contact him?’‘I am sorry I don’t know him personally. I heard his story and thought that he was around. Your daught
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Liam looked at her and said in a low voice. ‘It is over.’ He willed his way out of the door and was now in the hallway. She ran after him, she didn’t care if the neighbours heard or not. She will let him go like that.‘What do you mean? How can you say it is over?’ she cried. She wanted him to see the way she felt about him, even feel her brokenness. She had a lot of questions on her mind. She wanted his reassurances; his calm, calculated voice to tell him that we can pretend to be quarrelling while continuing our affair. She held on his shoulder and when that was not enough, wrapped her hands around his chest, stopping him from moving forward. It didn’t seem to work. He managed to wrest himself out of her clutch and walked away. As she stood watching him walk away, the scene from the breakup in her last relationship flashed back to her mind. Something in her melted and tears rolled down her eyes. Then she charged at him, determined to get him to come back to her. She was bent on not
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Isabella was the one to break the reverie - suchlike study, pulling back slightly though their bodies remained a hair's breadth piecemeal. Michael incontinently mourned the loss of her nearness like a physical pang. " Did you mean what you said?" she asked in a hushed tone, her amber eyes searching for him with naked vulnerability." That you will allow me myself? No prospects, no judgments?" Michael felt his throat grow thick with the weight of her question- and all it represented. This remarkable woman had been manacled by the ludicrous pressures of her birthright for far too long. What she craved further than anything was the freedom to define her own identity, to make her own choices without the spectre of status and duty brewing over her every move. He traced the delicate wind of her cheekbone with one rough fingertip, authentically astounded by her quiet strength, her adaptability in the face of similar grim demands and scrutiny. " You have my solemn oath, Isabella,
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Clara stood at the door with a smile on her face. Michael almost didn't recognize his wife, unlike the morning when she left home, she was putting on a red fitted jumpsuit that hugged her body and displayed her curves so effortlessly. Her black heel called for attention as she strolled to her chair and sat down. "Clara, what exactly is going on here?" Michael asked. He forced himself to ignore the change of outfit and the full make up on her face. She tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. "No reason for you to act unreasonable now, Ash, just sign the papers and take the house plus a car and ten million dollars." His eyes squinted. It was like he was staring at a whole different person. "What is the meaning of this? A divorce? Out of the blue?" "It isn't out of the blue, Michael, obviously you have seen the signs I have been giving you." "Yes, I did see signs but I thought it was because you were stressed from work." Michael fell silent as she broke into a mocking laughte
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“A gypsy just changed the timeline. And the energy was coming from your brother's pack, the Evergreen Pack.”The words played in my mind over and over again, threatening to shatter my very mind. How was this possible? For the small amount of time I stayed in the pack, I knew Elder Maria was the only and most powerful gypsy known. What about maybe, just maybe, it was that little girl who had grown so powerful? She was so fragile, yet strong, when we were kids. She was one of the most resilient little girls ever, and I liked that in her. She was fierce and never wavering, a true attribute of Luna. Luna was supposed to be mine before my brother unknowingly took her away from me. Zara, I missed you. And really, I did. But the fact that she bore such power within her made me want her even more and, at the same time, fear her. A chill ran down my pack as I thought about what I could do with such power. A gypsy changing the timeline? And the energy coming from my brother's pack? This wa
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