All Chapters of MICHAEL WEST'S JOURNEY FROM TORMENT TO TRIUMPH : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
98 chapters
Michael walked back to the wards and after asking a nurse, located Isabella’s room and walked in. The machines beeped and the air was heavy with disinfectant. In the center of the room, Isabella slept, as peaceful as a baby and with the careless abandon of the aged. Michael had never seen her look so fragile. For the first time, she noticed the stress lines around her eyes and mouth, the deepening cheeks, and lush black hair. He walked to the window and looked out to the city. He was going to be a father soon. Isabella was carrying his child and he was scared and excited. How could she keep such news from him? Did she plan to raise the child alone?“Hello Michael. What are you doing here?” it was Isabella.Michael jumped and turned to her. “You look worried. Why?” Isabella said“Don’t worry. I am just a little tired. Are you feeling okay?”Michael felt the effort in her voice.“Then you must get some rest. Have you had something to eat?”At this point, a soft laughter forced its way
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Michael was still in the chair and was looking at the man. When the man approached him, he stood up to shake the man. But the man removed his cap and glasses and after a moment’s hesitation, wrapped himself around Michael and hugged him. In the man’s embrace, Michael was still not sure what was going on. He stood still and waited till the man released him from his embrace.‘What is going on sir?’ Michael asked.The man turned to one of his men and asked them to being him a chair. When the chair was brought, he drew close to Michael and said.‘When I saw a photo of you, I didn’t believe it but now it is clear to me than I had imagine.’Michael looked at him still perplexed. ‘How do you mean sir?’The man pointed to the scar that was prominent above Michael’s left eye, just below his eyebrow. Clara was excited when she got the news that she had been selected for the job she had applied for. The role she applied for would make her a junior staff and an assistant to a supervisor. She was
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The storm of controversy was far from over when Diana and Steven became the hot topic of the next morning’s headlines. There has been a video of them circulating where they molested a bystander for refusing to give them her front seat.On the other hand, Clara was sure that her plan would work when she walked into the Castle hotel. She wore a seductive dress and a charm around her neck. The charm was hanging just above her breast, so that it would draw the eye of anyone who came around to her eyes. The porter at the door opened for her and stared for a long time as she waltzed in. the other people looked at her too, both staff and patrons. She walked majestically to the lift, glanced around for a bit before entering and shutting the door. She was going to the fourth floor.When Michael stepped into the reception to talk to his assistant, he was shocked to find Diana sitting there. Diana was shocked as well. She saw his clean clothes which were high quality and the wristwatch too. Dia
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Clara sat up in the bed. Diana ran to her daughter’s side, relieved that she was awake.‘How are you my love?’ she said. Clara could only nod. The doctor was inside the room a moment later. He used his stethoscope to check her pulse and heart rate. He declared that they were.‘We are surprised because the way the monitor rang made me think that something wrong had happened.’‘She must be very string doctor. You see, my daughter is a strong woman. She bounces back from every problem she has encountered. And she comes back stronger and victorious. Just as I am sure that the legs will work whether with or without the doctor’s aid.’The doctor eyed her. He didn’t want to say anything. It was clear that she wanted to belittle him. He knew Diana was a troublesome woman and only wanted her way to happen. She never liked to consider anyone. After the doctor was done, he walked out of the room.‘Now you can see that that doctor is ashamed because he thought that my daughter will never walk aga
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Clara closed the laptop she had been writing on. She had just adjusted her curriculum vitae and had sent it to the printer machine. Now she walked to the printer machine to collect the paper and fold it, put it in her file and walked out. She had succeeded in selling everything the family owned to settle debts and pay salaries before laying off all her employees. Now she was about to become an employee. Her job hunt had just begun.She had an interview today at Bakers’ Incorporated, a company that is involved in selling stocks. The woman who had interviewed Clara said she thinks Clara is a good candidate and assures Clara that she scored high on the test. The interview was carried out in front of a committee of five persons in a large hall. They asked for her curriculum vitae and asked her a series of questions. Clara was happy that none of the questions they had asked her pointed to her past as Chief Operating Officer of Roberts enterprises. When Clara left the company grounds, she w
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Clara and Liam hired another killer to kill Michael. Michael fights off the killer, as he went on a company tour of one of his factory with Samuel Pearson‘How come he is always escaping us whenever we plan for him?’‘He has an informant.’ Liam said.‘How can he have an informant when it is only the two of us that are here making the plan?’‘Well, the walls have ears. Did you not notice that he was at the hospital after we thought he had fell in that ditch and died? We were celebrating at home when we got the call that he was already well and had been discharged from the hospital.’‘So you mean that someone had heard our plans and done something to stop it from coming to pass?’‘That is exactly what I am saying babe.’‘Firstly, I am not your babe. I am no one’s babe. If that is the case, I am not in support of us meet and discussing our plans. We should plan individually and carry our plans individually so that if one of us does not kill him the other one can kill him.’‘That is a goo
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The drug lord smiled at the suggestion. It pleased him how the plan had put him in a position where he could meet the person who had lied to him all these years. Michael nodded and walked to his office. Having just found out that the drug lord was not his father made him a little uneasy. Someone out there was trying to mess with his head and he was not going to have it. The company was doing well under Michael West. In fact, they had just been given the brand of the year award. On top of that, Samuel Pearson wanted them to have a partnership and extend it to other cities around, ultimately catapulting them to new heights, as the biggest company in the whole of England. Michael was on his computer when he heard the first knock. He hoped that the knock was not on his door; and he continued what he was doing. He was working on a plan to present to the board to mitigate the effect of their recent economic woes. The knock came again, it was on his door. Who would be coming to his house?
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Cynthia went out as Michael continued reading the newspaper. Thirty seconds later, the door to the office opened and someone walked in. Michael puts down his newspaper and stands. He has met Mr. Samuel before, when he was set up to be killed by Liam and Clara. This man had come to his aid and saved. Liam and Clara thought that they had killed him but Mr. Samuel came to the ditch, picked him up and sent him to the hospital. ‘Thank you for having me at this odd hour. I know it is past work time and I had to come at this time so that no one will notice my presence here.’‘It is fine my Samuel. Thank you for coming. I also want to thank you for saving my life.’‘You and I have been acquainted before. And I thank you that at this time, you have decided to come to my rescue once again.’‘Well, it is a small world. You can be my helper tomorrow.’‘Yea. You are correct.’‘So, donaldation is going through quite a lot but there is nothing that cannot be salvaged. I intend to pump in some billi
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Michael froze as he saw the prostitute stroll into the lounge and threw herself between Isabella and him. The prostitute stroked his chin, totally ignoring Isabella.‘Baby has missed you, though it is healthy and strong.’ The prostitute continues, rubbing the curvature of the emerging bulge that was her stomach, with one hand while still rubbing Michael’s chin.Isabella dropped the glass and stood up to leave. Michael stood up quickly and distancing himself from the prostitute, who was still on the chair, ran to Isabella’s side and held her arm.‘Please Isabella, it is not…’‘It is not what?’ Isabella’s response shocked him but he didn’t let go of her arm. Isabella continued. ‘Every time, you say it is not what you think, but she is always around you. I thought we would have this place to ourselves to talk things over.’‘To talk what things over?’ The prostitute intruded. She had stood up and was holding Michael’s other arm. ‘So Michael, you would leave me, who is carrying your child
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Isabella had just come back to the apartment. She had expected to meet Diana on the way but she didn’t. At the apartment, she unpacked her dresses, swept and arranged it to her taste. Then she decided to lie down on her bed and rest for a while. The room had a toilet, bathroom and kitchen, together with a small balcony which gave a good view of the street below. Her phone beeped and she saw it was a message in inviting her to the actors and actresses party. Isabella was thrilled. She jumped up and down on her bed. Then she reached out for her phone and dialed Michael’s number. Michael picked up after the first ring.‘I just got the invite to the party.’ Isabella shouted excitedly into the receiver. Michael laughed. It had been a long time since someone was this excited because of anything and it made him happy. ‘Did you have anything to do with it because I know that I was not incited before?’‘Why would you think I had anything to do with it? Didn’t I tell you that wishes come true
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