All Chapters of Slap Them Back: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 chapters
Chapter 11. Because Of You
Uh!Dennis smiled sweetly, making their encounter feel like an intensely passionate and unbearable photo shoot.Olivia knew this was what they needed to make Cleo more jealous, and Dennis kept intensifying their kisses, making him seem like the star of this show.Certainly, what Olivia and Dennis were doing encouraged the paparazzi outside the restaurant to take even more intimate pictures, Dennis's smile widened, and he realized his partner supported his revenge plan.After feeling that the photos taken by the paparazzi were more than enough, they then sat at the table Dennis had reserved, and soon, the waiter approached them to start serving their warm lunch.While lunch was still ongoing, photos of Dennis and Olivia taken by the paparazzi were finally picked up by the gossip media in Vanguard City, and it didn't take long for Cleo to find out.As Dennis wanted, Cleo was consumed by jealousy until she felt like smashing the screen in front of her."Damn it! Why do they have to broad
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Chapter 12. I'm Not Sure
Of course, that statement was met with cynicism by David. "Are you sure you're going to help me, Cleo? I'm not sure."Cleo grabbed David's hand, who was sitting in front of her, and then smiled with a confident expression that this time her plan would work. "I want us to work together against Dennis. I believe this plan will return you to your starting position, David. Isn't that right, Cory?"Cory, still drunk, quickly nodded to reassure David of what Cleo said, but David still frowned, not convinced."First, tell me what your plan is, Cleo. I don't want to worsen my situation with your ridiculous plan."Cleo then began to whisper her plan to Cory and David. Cleo didn't want any of David's servants to overhear and potentially leak the plan until Dennis knew about it.After laying out all her plans, David, who initially didn't favor Cleo's arrival, finally smiled again. "I think the plan makes sense. I'll get Owen to execute your plan, Cleo."Cory smiled at Cleo and praised her. "I di
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Chapter 13. Show Me Everything
Dennis and Romaria then headed to the car and arrived at the Vanguard Fire Stadium when the company's Lawyer was already waiting for Dennis at the door of his office. "Good morning, sir."Dennis glanced at the company's Lawyer, who looked neat in a dark blue suit with a bow tie. "Good morning."Romaria then opened the office door so Dennis could sit in his chair before continuing their conversation with the company's Lawyer.Once Dennis sat in his chair, the company's Lawyer continued his report by handing over a file to Romaria."This is a sales report of jerseys for the past week. There is a significant increase in sales of Mr. David's products, so I think you should consider terminating the cooperation with Mr. David."Rom
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Chapter 14. Recognize
Cory furrowed his brow at what David had just said. "Are you that weak now?"David, who didn't accept it, immediately stood up from his chair. "What are you saying? Damn you! If it wasn't for this unlucky woman, I wouldn't be like this, Cory. Why do you still not realize that this woman is a jinx!""Bad luck?" Of course, those words couldn't be accepted by Cleo and Cory easily, even though what David said was true. Even so, Cory didn't want Cleo, the woman he loved, to get hurt, so he stood beside David and patted his brother's shoulder to calm him down. "That's not the case, Bro. Cleo and I are trying to get back everything Dennis took from you."David sighed heavily and glanced at Cory, who still believed that t
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Chapter 15. Just Strangers
Mr. River didn't answer; he smiled because he was thinking about something. The look in his eyes seemed to imply he knew everything, but Dennis' secret shouldn't be known to everyone so quickly. "What do you know about him, sir?" Cory demanded; who knew River knew something? "Me?" River pointed at himself, then chuckled. "I don't know anything about that foreign man. "He's just a lucky man to be able to sit in his current position," explained Mr. River, but Cory narrowed his eyes as if he knew this old man was hiding something from him. "No way," hissed Cleo, thinking the same thing as Cory. "I know he wasn't that lucky. There's no way he could suddenly be in that position, Sir," Cleo became increasingly uncomfortable in her position. Read more
Chapter 16. The Reason Is Cleo
Dennis took a deep breath and opened the door as hard as possible. "Any guests for me?" Dennis asked Romaria, who knew that the owner of this club would be furious if anyone eavesdropped on his conversation. David looked awkward in front of Dennis, then chuckled before finally holding his hand to Dennis. "Hi, I came to talk about…" Slap!Dennis's hand flew so hard that it landed on David's left cheek, which immediately touched his cheek.  "Wh–why did you slap me?"  Dennis widened his eyes as if David knew he was unhappy about Cory's cousin's presence. "You shouldn't be here!" Dennis was annoyed and then pointed towards the exit. "Go!" <
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Chapter 17. Undecided
"Why are you silent?" asked David, realizing that his words had succeeded in influencing Cory."No!" Cory answered, choosing to walk away from David because he didn't want his brother's words to destroy his relationship with Cleo, which he had been protecting all this time, torn to pieces."Where are you going, you loser!" shouted David, who was not finished with his anger."I want to go!" Cory shouted angrily, then walked away.Dennis, who saw Cory's fight with David, just smiled from a distance. He realized that the worst revenge for Cory was to make him continue fighting with his brother, not by letting him sit on the bench or firing him from the club he now leads, but by making the man who divorced Cleo him from Cleo.This realization made Dennis's smile even wider, and it felt like he was getting closer to the gate of the destruction of Cleo and Cory's life, which had left him with deep wounds."Sir, the team coach wants to meet you," s
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Chapter 18. Badass
"It's not like that, Dennis," Rob looked embarrassed. "Hehehe! I do not mean," "Coach, don't call him Dennis. He's our President now," Romania stopped Rob's words. "You have to call him Mr. President." "Oh!" Rob put his palms together in front of his chest. "Sorry, Mr. President. I was rude to you," "It's okay, Romaria. Maybe he just forgot. I don't mean to be presumptuous." Rob's eyes glanced sharply at Romaria, who had been observing her confused face. "Okay, I'll just say goodbye. "I know what your decision is, Mr President," said Rob as he prepared to get up. "Yeah, go!" said Romaria irritably. Read more
Chapter 19. Long Short Story
"Yes, sir. I know you want to know everything, and let me tell you, after all this time, I kept all this a secret."Doctor Martin kept his words as if the man before him was not the Dennis he had previously helped so that the President would not lose his authority.Martin then told us about Dennis's past, which was a target for everyone because someone powerful didn't want him to become a great player at the club where they played. This strong figure was mysterious and very scary, and it was so frightening that everyone obeyed, especially when the figure asked all the players to injure the man who was now the club president."Who's he?" asked Dennis, who felt Martin's story was too complicated and understandable."If you ask who, honestly, I don't know. But what is certain is that this figure hates Dennis. He wants Dennis removed from every upcoming match played, and he didn't want anyone to know about the plan," "Who?" Dennis h
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Chapter 20. Dennis Should Know
"He is Mr. Rollin," Suddenly, Dennis' heartbeat stopped, and his eyes became clear crystals full of emotion. "He?" "Yeah, I might not have proof for you, Honey. "But I know that from the stories of many people out there," Olivia continued. "Rollin," Dennis hissed as he touched his chest, which was beating rapidly again. "Why would he do that to me?" "For the reason I don't know, I hope you can find the reason,"Dennis fell silent again; this time, the image of his mother slowly filled his eyes. Is it possible that because he was born from his mother's womb, the man who was supposed to protect him made him always perform poorly on the field?Dennis remained silent until Olivia's warm body finally hugged him again. "Calm down, Dennis. "I know this isn't easy for you, but believe me, we will find out who is the person most responsible for your past," Oliva's fingertips then touched Dennis' cheek, which was already wet wi
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