All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 chapters
Chapter ninety one
Adrian sat, and leaned back on the chair, then let out a sign.“What am I to do?” Adrian questioned as he folded his arms, not interested in eating what had been laid down.“You have to date me until after your contest. But this time, it has to be like real dating. You have to kiss me deeply, we are going to sex, and other things. That way, I can feel my wounds, being nursed from the hurts you caused me.”Adrian sat up, and scoffed.“You really are funny, and should I say you are quite shameless. You have a husband already, and damn! He’s wealthy, well-known. He is also sought after for things people don’t have. He does everything you want, and cares about your emotions. Yet, you are here, looking for other men.” Adrian spoke, feeling so irritated by her.“That’s none of your business, Adrian. You hurt me, so you should pay for it.”“Hurt? You came to me even while you were married, and wanted to have a thing for me. Just because I didn’t agree to it, shouldn’t count as hurting you. A
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Chapter ninety two
Adrian connected the heel of his palm, against his face, and dragged it to his chin. Sometimes, the system gave him ridiculous tasks. He was certain that the system didn’t mean for him to pick anybody to credit that amount.It was certainly someone who was in need of it. How was he going to know anyone who was in need of it? Even the wealthy who was going bankrupt, but still dressed well, could be in need of it.“Damn! I hope this won’t be the death of me.” He uttered under his breath.Then he started the car, and drove off to the nearest bank. On getting to that bank, he looked around. Everyone was busy with different activities, and he had to place both hands on his waist.He had to go close to the attendants who were attending to customers, to know if there was anyone in need, or in problem, but all he could see and hear were big deals.“There’s literally no one with a visible problem, here. How do I find that one person who would be in need of money?” he spoke, almost feeling frus
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Chapter ninety three
Adrian got down from his car, trying to understand what the hell was going on, at that moment. He had helped the boy to get what he needed to save his mother, so it was baffling to hear the task had not been completed.“How could this happen? I just gave someone the 50 million dollars that was needed. How is it that the task wasn’t completed?”THE TASK WASN’T DONE SUCCESSFULLY. The system was beginning to get annoying as it wasn’t explaining things in a way he would understand.“At least, explain further for me to understand.” Adrian spoke out in frustration.But there was no response from the system, and about ten minutes had been wasted.Now, he had to start from getting the young teenager whom he had given that money, as it was obvious that he couldn’t leave it, and give out another one. Judging from the way the system did things, it still wouldn’t count it as a task, successfully completed.It had told him to spend 50 thousand dollars, and not a hundred.“Alright, bring out Danie
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Chapter ninety four
Adrian watched as Daniel thought deeply about it, and each move Daniel made, made him anxious. He was running out of time, here, and if he acted too pushy, it would only make Daniel more suspicious.After all, he was a teenager, and not a toddler who could be easily fooled. “So, you’re trying to say that in a few minutes or hours, I would be credited triple of the basic amount you sent to me?”“Yes, kiddo. Seems like a dream, right?” Adrian smiled, revealing his good set of teeth. “But you must ensure to keep your end of the bargain, which is to advertise, and testify to people.”“Alright then. It’s a deal. Kindly send your account details, sir. And thank you so much for willingly being the angel who came to turn my life around.” Daniel appreciated him, and Adrian smiled widely.In no time, the money was sent to him.“Thanks.” Adrian uttered, and walked out of the house.Daniel was baffled on how his demeanor changed, all of a sudden.“Sir, you didn’t say anything else.” Daniel utter
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Chapter ninety five
On getting to the company, he was briefed on all he had missed, and he got to work, immediately after that.Adrian worked happily until evening when it was time to go home. Before he left his office, he got a knock on his door.“Come in.” He urged as he continued with packing his things up.“Hey. You seem happy, today.” Sophie said as she walked in.He noticed that she was without any document, which means, what she came for wasn’t business-related. At least, he was 60 percent certain of that.“Well, I’m just in a good mood, because I have a good premonition that things will turn out well for us.” He uttered, not being able to share the experience which he had, today.“Oh, I see. Well, I’m beginning to have a good feeling, as you have said that.” Sophie spoke as she played her fingers on the top of the chair.“Were you having a bad feeling, before?” Adrian asked, out of curiosity.“Not really. But I heard about what I missed out on when I was away, due to that freak Steve Wilson who a
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Chapter ninety six
Adrian drove off to the restaurant, which Josephine had asked, for them to meet, and when he got there, he only sat down, without greeting her or anything. “You called to see me for what reason?” Adrian asked, with his arms, folded.“Look Adrian, I’m only trying to give you another chance. You know very well that if you choose to stay with me, then you won’t really need to worry about this contest.”“Oh, so, I should give myself to you, just for something which is short-term?”“Oh, Adrian. You know very well that if you ask for something which is long-term, I would give it to you. I mean, if you want this relationship to go on for as long as you want, you’ll be privileged to so many things.”“Which I have. Josephine, look at me. Do I look like someone is suffering? Because I believe that those are the people you can be able to get to, easily. They need what you have, but I don’t need anything from you, and not to brag, you can never make me have nothing.” Adrian said to her, without
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Chapter ninety seven
He walked into her home, and he loved the way she decorated things. There was this creativeness in her that he loved, at that moment.“Please have your seat.” She urged him, and he did that, with pleasure.The paintings on the wall, and the different writings, caught his interest, captured, and he continued staring.“You can take your time, looking at them, while I prepare a cup of hot tea. The weather seems to be getting cold.” Sophie uttered, and Adrian nodded; not minding whatever she was going to bring to the table.A few minutes after, the cup of tea was ready, and she served it to him.“Here.”“Thanks.” He appreciated her.Sophie then leaned against the sofa she sat on.“So, are you certain that she has really backed out?” Sophie asked, out of curiosity, and majorly to bring up a topic, rather than allowing silence, reign.“Well, it is her choice to back out or not. I have done what I ought to do, which is to tell her the consequences. So, if she is ready to experience the conse
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Chapter ninety eight
The next morning, Adrian woke rather early, staring out at the window, as the rain fell on, seeming not to stop. It cast cold blankets everywhere even with the windows closed, trickles of rain running down the glasses.The rain had stopped for a while in the middle of the night, but had started up again, just as the clock struck four. Outside the window were the shimmering, but blurred street lights casting lovely shadows on the sidewalks. If the day was plagued with that much rain, would it be a good day? For a reason Adrian couldn't comprehend; whenever a day started out with rain, it always felt like a bad day. About two hours later, it stopped raining, and Adrian took a warm bath. Just right as he stepped out of the bathroom in his bathrobe, a knock appeared on the door, and he went to it. It was Sophie. “Good morning.” She said, with a bright smile. She stared at his wet hair, and her grin broadened. “It seems I'm right on time.” She shoved a pair of clothes into his hands.“O
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Chapter ninety nine
A pang of horror shot through Steve Wilson, and he ran to the wounded executive along with others. The ladies were screaming, making him feel even more jumpy and irritated. Morning was happening to them, yet they were making a fuss of it.“You all should keep quiet!” Steve Wilson bellowed, and the place fell into total silence, except for the man who was still groaning in pain, writhing on the ground. The acrid smell of the executive’s blood filled his nostrils, and he feared something worse would happen. An employee took off his shirt, and wrapped it around the executive’s bleeding stomach, wanting to stop the bleeding, so he wouldn't lose too much blood before getting to the hospital.“Hurry, hurry.” Steve Wilson said, rushing to lift the man into the arms of another employee, who ran immediately, making for the car, so he could rush him to the hospital. After calming down, he turned to the horrified employees. One of the women was in tears, and he barely managed to put the irrita
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Chapter hundred
Steve Wilson froze from within, and ice, instead of blood, flowed through his veins. “What did you say?” He voiced out “Take it down now. Hurry.”“I was on it right before I called. I just thought you should know.” He replied, and Steve Wilson ended the call.He went straight to the media on his phone. It had soared to the number one search term in just a couple of hours. He clicked on the video, and watched, ignoring the water drops from his hair, falling onto his screen. The video looked bad. It looked worse than it had actually been, and the ladies screaming didn't make it any better. The shares were massive, and comments were overflowing already underneath the video.What the heck? Is that a product they're intending to serve to us?Gateway to hell. That's what they're making.They're not making this for us, are they?They should be shut down! Did that man just get hit? Did he get injured? This is dangerous. Their license should be revoked.If the man gets injured, let's all m
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