All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
165 chapters
Chapter eighty one
Adrian opened his eyes slowly, and met himself in his car, but he couldn’t move. His eyes were still all fuzzy and unclear, and it was an uncomfortable situation for him to be in.The style and method those men used against him was what was confusing him because he didn’t understand why a group of people would want him, but would leave him without abducting him or whatever.He was also wondering what he had been injected for. His eyes searched through his car to know if something had gone missing, but with what he could lay his eyes on, he didn’t find anything amiss.“Sh…shit.” He cursed under his breath, although, he found it hard to mutter out those words.What got him more frustrated was the fact that he had to meet with the tech expert, and now, he was way beyond late.To the tech expert, it would seem as if he wasn’t serious about it, or like he was being nonchalant. Not long after he thought about the tech expert, a text popped up on his phone.Thankfully, his phone wasn’t too f
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Chapter eighty two
When morning came, Adrian got excited, and the rays of his hope, shone brighter. At least, he felt that if he waited for a while, he would be able to set his eyes on the tech expert. He didn’t want to knock on his door as early as that, so he decided to just stay and watch.While watching, a call came in for him, from Lucas, and he answered the call.“Hey, man.” Lucas voiced out, over the phone.Adrian remembered the dream he had, last night, so hearing how hale and hearty Lucas sounded, made him sigh in relief.“Hey bro. What’s up?” Adrian asked, wondering why he had called him this early in the morning.“Do you want us to work a little on the gadget this morning before going to the office, or what do you think?” Lucas asked, and Adrian glanced at the tech expert’s home. Adrian couldn’t afford to lose his chance here, as he had come all the way here to get something tangible, done, and obviously, even if he were to leave this place, he couldn’t get back to his home early enough for
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Chapter eighty three
Steve Wilson on the other hand, had met with the hypnotist, and had also seen Sophie. He was quite pleased with the method the hypnotist used, because it was certain that the result was sure to last. “I’m not going to send her to Adrian, yet. I’ve got some use for her.” Steve Wilson said, with a smile on his face.Then he stepped out of the room which they had kept Sophie, in. He had a arranged a different room for her, and because of what had been done to her, she saw Steve Wilson as no one but her master who owned her, rightfully.As he stepped out of her room, he glanced at one of his guards. “Fetch me, Regina.” “Okay, boss.” The man left to call for Regina who was currently staying in one of the rooms here, because she was here for Sophie. Once Sophie was ready to be released, she would go back with her, and be the one in charge of monitoring her.Regina was chatting with her ex-lover before he put a call through to her as she seemed to be replying late, sometimes.“Well, you a
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Chapter eighty four
“Oh, no.” Sophie ran as fast as she could, with Claire, and they ran inside the main building and began to run up the stairs which seemed endless. She stopped, trying to catch her breath as she couldn’t take it any longer.“Wait. I can’t run anymore.” She managed to speak out as she gasped for breath.“They ran up these stairs!” Sophie heard one of them yell out, and her eyes widened in shock.Claire grabbed Sophie’s hand again, and they did their best to run as fast as they could until they ran into an empty class, and hid somewhere safe. They both laughed and chuckled, happy that they were away from those guys.“Who were they?” Sophie asked, out of curiosity.“Well, they are ‘Pride Boys’. But I call them Pee Ride.” Claire chuckled.“Whoa. But why did we have to run from them when all I did was a mistake.”“Well, the Pee Ride Boys do not take things lightly, especially that you scratched his face. I can’t imagine what he could have done to you.” Claire replied as she sat comfortabl
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Chapter eighty five
She didn’t understand what she saw, but then, her current situation overshadowed her thoughts. Sophie knew that the moment her nude photos would get out, that would be the day doom would befall her.Steve Wilson might take all her explanations as an excuse. The fact that there was a high chance of him punishing her, or even getting rid of her after the whole incident made her feel scared.“Hey! The coach is headed this way. You can continue with whatever you’re doing and get caught, or you leave!” She heard a familiar voice speak out.“You escaped this one. Don’t think you’ll be lucky enough to escape another.” The leader said, and then they all ran out of the basketball court.Sophie fell to the ground, traumatized by what had just happened. She was close to enslavement which could turn to public ridicule if she didn’t allow herself to be enslaved. Then she turned to the direction of the voice of the person who saved her, and coming towards her was Claire.“Hey, are you okay?” She as
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Chapter eighty six
Adrian couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he walked into his home, knowing that the system had been successfully degraded. It had been unbearable, and fear had constantly plagued Adrian. Who knew the more vile things it had been planning to request him to do? Maybe harder tasks that he wouldn't be able to bring himself to carry out.He took a quick shower and thought of Lucas who was probably on his way to the house, so they could deliberate on, and finish their mastermind plan. Adrian smiled, loving every bit of the plan.It was going to be a crucial step in their plan to gather intel on the impossible tyrant, Steve Wilson. Although it involved a lot of risk, Adrian was ready to go through it. They were going to deploy their secret weapon— a cutting-edge piece of technology known as the Caterpillar, which Lucas had developed. He stepped out of the shower, wrapped himself in his bathrobe, and blow-dried himself. It was just so hard to stop thinking about it. The ca
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Chapter eighty seven
Sophie had gotten back home, feeling happy that she was no longer alone, and she had someone who she could share her pain with.On getting home, she met Steve Wilson, tapping his feet like something had gone wrong. She couldn’t bring herself to ask, and couldn’t even go to her room, pretending like she didn’t feel there was something weird with the situation.“And where are you coming back, from, Sophie?” He questioned me, in a calm manner, like he was trying not to let all hell, loose, on me. “From… from school. I kind of had to do an assignment, using the library.” She defended herself, hoping he was going to take that as a good response. “School?” He questioned, with his brow, raised.“Yes.” Sophie responded, trying her best not to act shaky.“So, who were you with, while doing the assignment?” Steve Wilson questioned as he crossed his legs.“I was alone. It wasn’t a group assignment, so I had to do it myself. And immediately I was done, I left.”“Sophie, you are going to ‘The Gr
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Chapter eighty eight
“If you felt that you could get away with this, then you are kidding me. I’m going to ensure that both of you never try to cross my path, even in your second life.” The leader said, with an annoyed expression.“What do we do?” Sophie muttered under her breath, to Claire.“I’ll say we just keep moving backwards until we think of a perfect escape.” Claire suggested.And even though the suggestion was lame, it was still more like the best thing to do at that moment. They began to take steps backwards, while the Pee Ride Boys, only laughed, knowing fully well that there was no way of escape for them.Just as their backs touched the wall, and were already surrounded by the Pee Ride Boys, the door barged open, which caused all of them to look towards the door.“Sophie!” Adrian called out as he rushed in.As Sophie’s eyes fell on Adrian and Lucas, a loud piercing sound went through her ears, and she covered her ears as she couldn’t bear it anymore. Her head felt like she was going through a
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Chapter eighty nine
“Well, he has to pay for what he did. By the way, with what I remember, Claire’s life is in danger. He had warned me not to mingle when I got to college, but you know… I got into situations which made Claire always have to bump in for me. So, he found that out, due to the spy which he installed to watch me.” Sophie explained, and Adrian sighed.“I see. We’ll find a way to ensure she is safe.” He assured Sophie, and she leaned back on the bed’s headboard, feeling relieved.“By the way, how did you guys find me? The way Steve Wilson did everything. It must have been really difficult to get to me.” Sophie asked, out of curiosity.“It was really difficult, I tell you. We came to his house, and the guards didn’t allow us in. In fact, there was no proof that he actually took you. So, what we did was to invent a caterpillar tech which helped us to eavesdrop on conversations. Luckily for us, we were listening, when he voiced out the name of the college you were attending.” Adrian explained to
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Chapter ninety
Steve Wilson knew exactly what kind of person Adrian was; at least the basics, which were that he was intelligent and had tactics that could destroy a person if he actually had the right resources. "And what do you have in mind?" Steve Wilson questioned, curious to hear what he had in mind."Well, you're about to enter a contest, and truly, you need the people's trust. I'm just going to have to upload it to the masses, and you're gone. Including all you've built." Adrian uttered, with a satisfied look.Steve Wilson twitched his lips and clenched his fist while he was holding his wine glass, firmly."So, if you don't want to go down, back off!" Adrian warned him and turned to leave."You may think you have won, but I want you to know this. You can never win against me." Steve Wilson voiced out, but Adrian ignored him."Wow. That was some guts you showed, over there." Lucas uttered as they went out of Steve Wilson's mansion."We both know that to shake a man like Steve Wilson, one has
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