Chapter eighty four

“Oh, no.”

Sophie ran as fast as she could, with Claire, and they ran inside the main building and began to run up the stairs which seemed endless.

She stopped, trying to catch her breath as she couldn’t take it any longer.

“Wait. I can’t run anymore.” She managed to speak out as she gasped for breath.

“They ran up these stairs!” Sophie heard one of them yell out, and her eyes widened in shock.

Claire grabbed Sophie’s hand again, and they did their best to run as fast as they could until they ran into an empty class, and hid somewhere safe. They both laughed and chuckled, happy that they were away from those guys.

“Who were they?” Sophie asked, out of curiosity.

“Well, they are ‘Pride Boys’. But I call them Pee Ride.” Claire chuckled.

“Whoa. But why did we have to run from them when all I did was a mistake.”

“Well, the Pee Ride Boys do not take things lightly, especially that you scratched his face. I can’t imagine what he could have done to you.” Claire replied as she sat comfortabl
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