Chapter eighty five

She didn’t understand what she saw, but then, her current situation overshadowed her thoughts. Sophie knew that the moment her nude photos would get out, that would be the day doom would befall her.

Steve Wilson might take all her explanations as an excuse. The fact that there was a high chance of him punishing her, or even getting rid of her after the whole incident made her feel scared.

“Hey! The coach is headed this way. You can continue with whatever you’re doing and get caught, or you leave!” She heard a familiar voice speak out.

“You escaped this one. Don’t think you’ll be lucky enough to escape another.” The leader said, and then they all ran out of the basketball court.

Sophie fell to the ground, traumatized by what had just happened. She was close to enslavement which could turn to public ridicule if she didn’t allow herself to be enslaved. Then she turned to the direction of the voice of the person who saved her, and coming towards her was Claire.

“Hey, are you okay?” She as
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