All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
165 chapters
Chapter seventy one
He finally answered the call, and there was Mr. Daniel’s elated voice, over the phone.“Yeah. I’m sorry I had to take a break. You know anything could just pop up for a businessman, but I’m just glad you were able to answer the call.” Mr. Daniels said, with an obvious smile.“Oh, it’s fine, sir. We are all into business, and since you and I are talking about business, I should be able to honor every time you’re able to give to us.” Adrian uttered respectfully.Mr. Daniels chuckled a little and gave out a relaxed sigh. “You are funny, Mr. Adrian. Alright! Let’s get back to the main deal.”Adrian could feel his heart, beating out loud, and he felt that if he wasn’t careful, his heart was going to beat out of his chest.“I’m all ears.” He responded faintly, even if Mr. Adrian wouldn’t hear how faint his voice, was, because he would have asked if anything was wrong.“Alright. So, I told you I’m going to help you with the Pretiosus metal, and I’m going to ensure I keep my word, so you can
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Chapter seventy two
The trio rejoiced without having to voice out as Adrian was still on a call, with Mr. Daniels, receiving all the instructions he needed, to get the Pretiosus metal, successfully. After the whole instructions had been given, and that he had written them all down, it was time the call ended.“Thank you so much, sir.” Adrian appreciated him, from the bottom of his heart.“You are welcome, Adrian George. Have a nice day.”Then the call disconnected, and Adrian, Lucas, and Sophie rejoiced again, happily.Adrian didn’t care if Mr. Daniels had actually just made that deal to save his face, as obviously, he would have felt he had lost the respect that Adrian had for him as a person.“So, tomorrow morning. We’re going to make the right move, people.” Adrian uttered, and they chuckled.A meeting was arranged between Adrian and the production team, and they were also informed of the news, which made them happy, and they all rejoiced, ready to work as much as they ought to. That night, Adrian w
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Chapter seventy three
Although, Lucas felt kind of skeptical about letting things just play out, because the kind of people they were dealing with, were top ranked, and also knew how to get rid of people, so it was only understandable that he was panicking and uncertain that things would work, just the way they wanted it to.But then, he decided to trust Adrian, since he had always come out victorious in anything, no matter how tough the problem was, at that moment.“Alright, boss. So, the contest is said to hold in two weeks’ time, which means we have just 14 days to prepare all we need, to make this a success.” Lucas informed.“Okay. And when will the registration, commence?” Adrian asked, trying to see how things could be beneficial for them, if they worked with time, and used it well.“Tomorrow morning. The registration, and introduction of participants and judges, will be happening, tomorrow.” Lucas responded as he informed him of the news which Sophie had researched.“Alright then. Where is Sophie, b
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Chapter seventy four
“Sir. I… I don’t know what’s going on. Did I do something wrong?” She asked, looking like tears were going to fall from her eyes, if Adrian went further with being cold to her.“So, when I give you something to eat, it is a bad omen to you, right?”“No. Mot that, sir. Just that… the way you’ve been asking me to eat.” Martha said, looking quite uncomfortable.“Look. You’re wasting my time, Martha. I have a whole lot to do, and I don’t like the way I’m acting towards you, now. It could get worse if you don’t give me what I want.” Adrian threatened, expecting her to confess if she couldn’t bring herself to eat it.“Alright, sir.” She spoke, and then bent to pick up the spoon, then slowly, took a spoon of the food, and ate its content, and Adrian watched as she swallowed it.“Good. It’s not as difficult as you made it seem. Now, take it to the microwave. I need it to get hot, back. You made my food go cold, just for some reasons I don’t understand.” Adrian uttered, and she picked up the t
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Chapter seventy five
Adrian got to the venue and so many people attended, just to see the faces of those who were contesting. Although, he had faced a merciless traffic congestion on his way, here, but all that was forgotten, the moment he got to the venue."It's a very big one, isn't it?" Lucas uttered as he looked everywhere."I know, right? The whole audience who would be here would be really cool, and it's going to be more like the whole world, automatically, has come to watch you.""Exactly. You are right."Just while they were talking randomly, they heard a loud piercing sound which was caused by the microphone that was going to be used."Let all contestants get ready to introduce themselves."As they said that, Adrian left Lucas and went to sit where the other contestants were. "They all greeted each other, and while he didn't know who was representing Steve Wilson's other company, he knew he was going to end up knowing about that, once the person came up on stage to introduce him or herself and
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Chapter seventy six
Adrian couldn’t believe his eyes. He had to blink them, and also rub them to be certain he was seeing right, as that was the least person, he was expecting.“Please kindly introduce yourself to the judges.” The Announcer urged, and Adrian cleared his throat, first, before putting the microphone, close to his mouth.“I’m Adrian George, the CEO of AD Tech. I am here for this contest, just to show you that there is a bigger hope for humanity; for our better living, and much more, with the use of technology.” Adrian spoke out loud.And as he said that, the crowd who had come to watch the contestants, began to clap as much and as loud as they could. They felt so positive with the way he put his words, and due to the things, they had seen his company do, the faith was automatically vested in their hearts.Adrian left the stage, and went back to meet Lucas.“I thought the judges were supposed to introduce themselves before anyone else.” He spoke, wondering why they hadn’t done that, and had
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Chapter seventy seven
They had to go home without Sophie as they had gotten a message from her, saying she had something really important to take care of, and that she would explain to them once she is back. Although, Adrian wasn’t quite okay with that as that was somehow a rash behavior coming from her.They were attending to something really important at that moment, and it was only weird that she got herself working on something else.“Well, we both know Sophie doesn’t act anyhow, or do things she ought not to, so let’s just wait until she’s back, before she explains what really made her not attend the registration part of this contest.” Lucas said, trying to calm Adrian down.He knew Adrian already had a bad or would he say, a stressful day, so Sophie sending such kind of message, could only fuel the pending issue.“Alright. We’ll see tomorrow.” Adrian said, and then they parted.Later that night, Lucas was in his bedroom, having wine to himself as he had a few things going on in his mind, until he got
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Chapter seventy eight
Immediately after the meeting he had, Lucas showed him the comments on some posts about who people feel, would win. And then he was among the top three they expected to win. This cheered Adrian up a little more, as he felt if the judges and audience would be pleased with him, then there might actually be nothing which Josephine could do, against him.“Alright, we’re going to celebrate tonight. I’ll be inviting some other people as well, and our workers. Let’s celebrate in advance, as it is certain we would win.” Adrian said, and Lucas noted it.“Alright then. I’ll notify everyone quickly, so we can all get ready for the party tonight.” Lucas said, with a smile.Adrian went to his office, and began some paper works, but he closed earlier than usual, since he had a celebration, tonight. Meanwhile, Sophie had also sent another message, saying she wouldn’t be able to attend, and that when she is back, she would explain things to them.Although, he was a bit bothered, but he had to tell hi
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Chapter seventy nine
Sophie on the other hand, had been in captive, but she wasn’t aware, due to the special technology that was being used, at the mansion they had taken her to. Right there, it seemed like time was passing by, slowly, but if they got out of the mansion, they would realize that days might have passed.Presently, Sophie still thought that she had some time before the contest registration would start or end, if she had to spend a longer time than she thought. Steve Wilson had not been able to see her, throughout those days, and that was the major reason he made them to take her to that particular mansion, of his.Sophie was alone, admiring the beautiful garden, and although, she felt weird about the fact that almost every single time, she felt hungry, and they always brought her food at intervals, without minding that she was probably acting like a glutton.Although, she preferred not to accept the food she was being given, but then, she knew how weak she felt, the first time she didn’t acc
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Chapter eighty
It had been two days now since they found out that there was a high chance that Sophie was in Steve Wilson’s hands. It was in the morning, and Adrian was preparing to go to his office. Although, he and Lucas had sparked up an idea, regarding getting a proof that Sophie was right in there, but before they could make such device, a few days more might have to pass. Hopefully that Steve Wilson wouldn’t do anything to her before then.But also, in those few days, the system had a glitch, and had been giving him tasks which weren’t to his liking, or would he say it was unlikely of the system, giving him such tasks, which would make him seem nothing more than a villain. He also had questions on how the system got into his head, because as far as he could remember, he never had any surgery.Fortunately for him, there was someone who knew about the system in his head, and had reached out to him after he got an alert that the system was misbehaving, so Adrian was more than happy to meet with t
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