All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
165 chapters
Chapter sixty one
On the other hand, Lucas was with his camera, around Steve Wilson’s house, that is; Adrian’s previous house.“What the hell does Regina keep looking for, here?” He uttered, under his breath.He felt that Regina was naïve to what Steve Wilson could do, even if they were both planning something together which she is a hundred percent aware of.He took the picture of her stepping in, as evidence, in case it was needed by Adrian for something. Either to believe that Regina kept going there, or for any of his wit games. He was about to remove his mask, while turning around to leave, then he bumped into a huge body. Lucas looked up to find out who it was that he had bumped into.Behold, it was a man, in dark suit. He looked so rigid, and his facial expression was firm.“Why does his face look like someone who is capable or murdering without any traces, found?” Lucas thought to himself, fearfully. “Who are you, and why do you keep on staring at that mansion?” The man questioned, with his e
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Chapter sixty two
Adrian immediately regained his composure and took a step back."Listen, I have my ego too, lady. Tell me if you're interested or not. You were all into me this morning, bugging and clinging onto me. Thinking about it, I decided that there's nothing for me to lose so I could tally with you.” He uttered and paused for a while.“But next, you accuse me of using you. Who's using who in this stuff? You want to use me because your oldie is not enough for you. Isn't that what's happening here?" He attacked her, feigning anger and she blinked, rethinking everything and the anger cleared from her eyes."Well…" she was saying but he held up a hand."And did I ever suggest you help me with your husband? Think back on our conversation. I only commented about how the dinner wasn't perfect because your husband wasn't exactly pleasing. You're the one who went off bragging about how you could turn his heart of stone into foam." He shot at her."I wasn't bragging!" She said and her eyes began to shi
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Chapter sixty three
That same night, Lucas was at a restaurant, eating, as he had no strength to cook up something for himself.He had ensured he worked pretty hard, today as he didn’t want it to seem like both he and Sophie, rested, when he wasn’t around. Even though it wasn’t his business he was handling, Adrian was his best friend, and whatever he owned that was left in his hands to take care of, he would take care of it, like his own.After all, Adrian would do the same.“This is the grilled meat which you asked for, as well.” The attendant presented to him, with a smile.Lucas received it with joy. He had been craving it, for hours, especially at work, but he couldn’t find it in the nearest restaurant, so he just had to wait until it was evening to get it from this restaurant, which he knew, were especially good at it.“Thank you.” He appreciated her, with a smile and she left.While he was eating, he noticed someone with a familiar scent, walk past him, and then what was even more bothering was tha
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Chapter sixty four
“I don’t understand what you mean. Do you realize that I’m your friend’s man?” Adrian questioned, perplexed that she would even say a thing like that.“I know, right? But you know, you have a great physique, you’re young, healthy, and it feels like you’ll do just great in bed. You know. Also, you don’t have to worry. You’re going to have a benefit in this. I will help you with anything you want; even thrice of whatever Maya is going to help you with.” She assured him, with a wink.“I’m sorry. I can’t do this. You can keep all these to yourself, or get another man. But as for me, I’m not interested.” Adrian rejected her, in the calmest manner.“Come on. Don’t be a kill-joy. I’m assuring you that you won’t regret listening to me. I’m going to buy you any car you want, anything, just name it.”“And I said I’m not interested.” Adrian repeated, now looking serious about it.He didn’t want to come off as being rude, especially as it was the first time, they were meeting. He wondered why he
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Chapter sixty five
Adrian couldn’t help but feel a surge of joy in him. What he was after, seemed to have a bright light at the end of its tunnel.He knew that it wasn’t really possible to convince Mr. Checker as he was a very obstinate man. If the wealthy, couldn’t convince him, then how much more Adrian, who was still trying to gather his wealth?“Oh, my goodness. I always knew I chose a kind-hearted woman, and I am so lucky to have you in my life.” Adrian spoke, trying to sweet-talk her.“Awnnn. You can say that again.” Maya uttered, burying her face in her palms.“You know how much I appreciate you, right now. I’m going to hold you tight, just so no one else takes you from me.” Adrian added, with a smile, and opened his arms to give her a hug.They both hugged, and Maya’s friends clapped, happy for both of them.“Alright, guys. My man and I, will be going to a restaurant to have a private dinner, so, don’t feel offended.” Maya spoke as she disengaged from Adrian.“There’s no way on earth we were goi
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Chapter sixty six
“How did it go?” Adrian asked, out of curiosity and anxiousness.“He wants to see you, Adrian. And I think what you present to him, matters. It’s going to determine if he really is going to give in to your request.” Maya uttered, like that could be a problem for Adrian.But then, Adrian felt the major problem had been solved, already, so he didn’t need to panic, or feel things could go south. All he needed was to make a good presentation of what he wanted to convince him, on. “I understand. I’ll try my very best. I can be on my way, now, right?”“Yes, you can.”Just after he ended the call, he picked up his jacket, and stepped out of the hotel room, and hailed a cab as soon as he got to the entrance.His drive to Mr. Checkers’ home, was smooth, and fast.In no time, his ride got to Mr. Checkers’ home, and he paid the man off, before he walked to the doorstep, and rang the doorbell.Maya was the one who opened the door, and she welcomed him.“Are you prepared?” She asked him, looking
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Chapter sixty seven
It was Maya telling him how much she loved him. He rolled his eyes and blocked her contact, so he wouldn’t have to see more annoying things from her.Two hours passed by, in no time, and he had gotten back to Mr. Checkers’ home.“So, I guess this is the last thing I need to sign, right?” Mr. Checkers asked, trying to confirm.“Yes. It is.” Adrian uttered immediately and watched as Mr. Checkers signed it off.Finally! It was all over. “Thank you so much, sir.” Adrian appreciated him, with so much joy in his heart.“You are welcome.” Mr. Checkers said as he rose to his feet to head back into his room.Then Maya walked up to him. “We can actually see each other now.” She said, with a smile as she placed her hand on his shoulder.But then, he acted like he didn’t hear her, and he could only achieve that, due to the ear pods in his ear.”He turned away, and headed to the door, leading out of the house.As he stepped out of the house, Maya caught up with him and removed the ear pods.“I d
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Chapter sixty eight
Adrian put back his phone into his pocket, and focused on Mr. Nichole. He wasn’t comfortable since the moment he got that text, so he wanted to put an end to the unnecessary conversation.“Uhm. Mr. Nichole. I’ll like to take my leave, as something urgent came up.” Adrian said to him, and Mr. Nichole found no offense in that.They could still talk if they had any untouched conversation or something. As he stepped out of his office and got to his car, he put a call through to Lucas, and Lucas answered the call immediately.“Hey, bro!”“You just texted me, saying something is up.”“Oh, yeah. That was a mistake. It was a draft which I sent mistakenly.”“A draft?”“Yes. The one I should have sent, during the time you just acquired the building.” Adrian let out an exhausted sigh, and rolled his eyes. Although, he was glad that nothing was up, but then, the manner in which he had to quickly leave, had gotten him worked up. He couldn’t go back to Mr. Nichole, so he just decided to go back to
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Chapter sixty nine
"We’ll talk more on this, tomorrow. As for today, you know how sacred it is for me. I won’t be engaging in any work, no matter how pressing it is.” Adrian said, standing on his ground.“I understand, buddy. It’s noted.” Lucas replied, acknowledging what was more important to Adrian, at this moment.They both stayed at the cemetery until it was 6pm.“Alright, it’s time to leave.” Adrian urged as he rose to his feet.Lucas also rose to his feet and helped Adrian pack up the few things he had set up and then placed it in the car.“Thanks for your help, Lucas. You should go home to rest and then tomorrow, we’ll look into the problem we have. Thanks for your concern again.” Adrian appreciated him and then got into his car.Lucas smiled and then walked to his car as well, then got into it and stared the engine immediately Adrian drove off.He was glad that Adrian was okay and nothing bad had happened to him, but he also hoped that their current problem at work would have a solution. They ha
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Chapter seventy
“Hey baby.” Regina spoke with a smile as she just finished setting up the table for dinner. Her ex had come over to her house as they had seen each other at a restaurant, and Regina had not been able to get her mind off him, ever since that moment.So, they decided to hook up in her house. Her parents had welcomed him in, and had gone out for their own special outing, so it was only both of them, left.While he stared at her as she cleaned the kitchen, the atmosphere around them, changed, and all that filled Regina’s eyes, was love for him. He moved closer to her, and held her hands, then stared into her eyes. At that point, Regina could feel herelf get wet, desiring all of him.“I really love you, Regina. And I will do anything in my power to prove that to you. I will ensure you never regret this day.” He said as he grabbed her waist, closer to him.A gasp escaped her throat, and bursts of pleasure like fireworks, came from down there, and sprang up to her head.Before I knew what w
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