All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
165 chapters
Chapter fifty one
Adrian felt really good and didn’t know how else to express his joy or he would seem crazy. No one knew he was happy about two things, so, if he expressed his joy over two things, it would seem really weird to him.After the conference meeting, Dorothy went out with Adrian, she thanked him so much that tears were almost dropping from her eyes. She didn’t know what else to say or do to show him how grateful she was.“You don’t need to thank me. I can tell that you’ve done many good deeds when you still had enough, so I feel you’re just being paid back, such good deeds.” Adrian said as he got into his car with her.He was going to drive her back to the hospital to see her kids before she would go home.After dropping her off at the hospital, he drove back to his own company to check on how things, were.“Welcome.” Sophie greeted, with a smile.“Thanks. How is everything working so far?” Adrian asked as he sat on his executive chair.“Yes. Everything has been going well. The only thing w
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Chapter fifty two
The next day, Adrian got up from bed, beaming with smiles. He felt so good today, and couldn’t wait to get to the company.On getting to the company, his employees all greeted him as he walked in, and then headed to the elevator which button he pressed, to take him to the last floor.“Good morning.” Sophie greeted him, happily.“Good morning. How was your night?” Adrian asked, out of concern.“It wasn’t cool. But I had to endure since it was for a greater cause.” She replied, with a slight smile.“It’s going to be just for a while. By the way, that reminds me, let’s head over to the production lab, to see what they have cooked for us, and how well, it is going.” Adrian mentioned, and rose to his feet, then stepped out of the office.Sophie smiled at how energetic he always was, and always ready to use his time, wisely. She followed him, down to the production lab.“Good morning, sir.” They all greeted Adrian as he walked into the lab.“Morning, everyone. I hope you’re working hard on
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Chapter fifty three
Nathan Reeds had already agreed to have a meeting with Adrian, in the afternoon, and Adrian was more than prepared for it.“Are you sure this is going to work?” Lucas asked, trying to be certain things weren't going to go south.“Trust me. I've got this under control. Just relax and follow things the way they ought to play out.” Adrian said to him, hoping he wasn't also going to mess things up with his little faith. When it was about time for their meeting, Adrian went to meet with Nathan Reeds at a particular garage and Nathan was the one who picked the location.“So, you are the man who sent my niece to jail, then! Who are you, and what do you own?” He questioned, with his brows, raised.“Oh, come on. Do I have to be someone on your level, before I can send your niece to jail?” Adrian questioned and scoffed as he dipped his hands into his pockets.“For a young man, you are quite bold and daring. Anyways, today will be the day you learn your lesson.” As Nathan said that, his men be
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Chapter fifty four
The woman managed to get him to stay stable before she was able to inject the sedative into him.“What did you inject into me?” Nathan questioned at the top of his voice.He tried to move, and his eyeballs were dancing left and right, looking like he wasn’t comfortable with what was going on.Slowly, his eyes began to close up, and Adrian glanced at the woman.“Alright, I think you can start, now.” Adrian urged as he placed his hands on his waist.The hypnotist then closed all the curtains around and turned on the AC. So, the only sound that could be heard, was the AC.“If he were awake, I would have used a pendulum, but in his sleep state, I could also work on him. The cool atmosphere can also help, so I’ll need perfect silence, alright? Even though he makes any noise, or does anything you don’t expect, don’t make a noise.”“Alright, just hurry up with it. We don’t have much time. I just need this done with.” Adrian uttered, trying to show how urgent it was.He had so many things to
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Chapter fifty five
Talia shouted at him, in anger, and then he moved closer to the glass.“Well, you don’t need to scream too much. Enjoy the consequences of your actions” Adrian said, and walked out of the station, with Talia screaming she would make him regret.Now, the pending issue had been resolved, and the next thing was to continue with the project which he wanted to monitor closely. He got back to his company, in no time, and headed into the production lab, immediately. Adrian smiled to see that the project was almost finished.“Alright, everyone. You can take a break once you’re done with a particular stage, and then tomorrow, you can continue.” Adrian informed, and they all responded happily.Adrian went back to his office and finished going through some documents until it was time to go home.On getting home, he felt so hungry and had even passed all the restaurants where he could get some fast food, so he had to rely on the food that he would tell his maid to cook for him, just now.“I need
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Chapter fifty six
Adrian was in agony as he held his tummy, tight. He couldn’t bear the pain, and blood mixed with his spit as he fell to the floor, and tried to drag himself, at least, to the door, probably he would be able to reach down the stairs, which was seeming so impossible.“Arrgh…” He groaned, squeezing his face in pain.He could barely reach halfway into his room before he began to feel so weak. His eyes became fuzzy, and his head also felt so heavy that it became so difficult to raise.His breath was heavy and raspy as well, and his body went limp.Just before his eyes went shut, the door barged open, and although Adrian couldn’t hear a thing, a high-piercing sound filled his ears.He didn’t know who came in; if it was an enemy or a friend, and what intent they had as they came in, but he hoped he wasn’t going to die so soon, and even before dealing with his enemies.~The next time he opened his eyes, he was in a ward, in the hospital. Everywhere seemed serene, and the only sounds he could
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Chapter fifty seven
The day happened to pass, so fast, and with each hour that passed by, Adrian couldn’t help but feel excited over the end results of his project.It was about 5 pm when he gathered the production team lead and his members, for a meeting.“So, I’d like to thank you all for being so hardworking and focused on this project. You took my desire as yours, and that’s so mind-blowing. I already know this project is a success, so I will be rewarding your hard work, by giving each and every one of you, a bonus to your salaries. By month’s end, you’ll receive it.” Adrian informed them, and they all clapped happily.“Thank you so much, boss. For having faith in us, and our work. We promise never to disappoint or fail you.” The team lead assured Adrian, and he nodded, acknowledging his words.“Alright then. My men would be acting on it, tonight. Thanks for your co-operation. Dismissed.”~It was nightfall already, and Regina had just had her bath, not long. “Oh, jeez. If they had been able to take
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Chapter fifty eight
Adrian phoned Mr. Nicole a little to midnight after he had thought his plan over and over, through and through, and on the second ring, Mr. Nicole answered the call."Well…" Adrian started, not knowing how to bring about the topic, at first."You've made up your mind?" Mr. Nicole asked, wondering what Adrian’s decision was going to be."Yes, I have," Adrian replied as he played with a loose wool from his pillow. "And what is it?" Mr. Nicole asked, and Adrian smiled, over the phone. He could sense the eagerness in Mr. Nicole's voice. Mr. Nicole really seemed to be looking up to Adrian, and it was all the more reason for Adrian to feel pressured to make it work. "I'm going to try my best to convince Mr. Checkers," Adrian replied, and Mr. Nicole couldn't contain his smile."Thanks so much, Adrian. I really appreciate it. I really do." Mr. Nicole told him honestly, and Adrian smiled still twirling the loose wool around his finger. "So, I'll arrange your flight. You just need to get the
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Chapter fifty nine
Well, Adrian decided to ignore it, thinking maybe she was just like that—weird, and smiling."Jameson is having a meeting right now. He actually didn't plan for it. It was a sort of impromptu meeting. It was uncalled for so he had to attend to it using Skype. He'll be down in a moment, so in the meantime, I can keep you occupied. I'm Maya, Jameson's wife." She explained, then introduced herself as she walked to him, extending her hand.He shook it politely and she held onto his hand. Adrian wondered what was wrong with her. She had just called herself Mr. Jameson's wife so why was she still trying to flirt with him? Was she there to sabotage his mission?"Would you let go please?" He asked, the words polite and soft but nothing like the hard look in his eyes, and she smiled, then left his hand.He was highly irritated by her actions, but he had to keep it calm and cool, so he wouldn’t blow up his chances even before he could start."You're just what I like. Well, follow me. I want to
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Chapter sixty
Adrian stared at the magazine not knowing how he was going to sneak his way into Mr. Checker's heart, if he wasn't even going to listen. Then Maya picked up the magazine and stared at it, but didn't make a comment. She only sipped her wine, carefully as she stared at it, and then seconds later, her eyes met with Adrian's and she raised a brow. He looked away from her, and turned to Mr. Checkers."What day do you think would be perfect for you to listen?" Adrian asked, and Mr. Checkers looked out the window with a look of utter disinterest pasted on his face. "I'll call you very soon. Although, I do not assure you that I will still agree to sell the land." He continued, raising his glass to his lips."Honey, don't drink too much wine. Whenever you drink too much, you do not eat whatever I cook." Maya whined and she went over to him, taking the glass of wine from him gently, and he looked up at her, with a smile on his face."I can't help it. The wine is delicious." Mr. Checkers count
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