All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
165 chapters
Chapter forty one
“Consider it done.” Austin Clementon spoke and then signaled his guards to get Damien out of the office.“Thanks for your cooperation.” Adrian appreciated him, with a smile.“It’s my pleasure. Please let’s go over to the office to get some paperwork done.” Austin Clementon urged, and both Adrian and Sophie followed him.But before they got into the elevator, they saw Damien being dragged out, and when Damien spotted them, he immediately ran to meet Mr. Clementon.“Sir, these people are nothing but fraudsters. Don’t take them in.” Damien voiced out, pointing his hands at both Adrian and Sophie.“And that is the reason you got fired. Because you do not have the ability to recognize potential customers. Just imagine, you would have sent him away when even most of my able customers were finding it difficult to buy it.” Mr. Clementon complained.“What!” Damien exclaimed softly.“Yes. And he has insisted that you get fired. Next time, you watch your mouth.” Mr. Clementon spoke, with a glare
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Chapter forty two
Adrian walked up to the reception, with one hand in his pocket, and then looked at the woman, crying, hopelessly.“Good morning, sir. How can I help you?” The receptionist asked, politely, with a smile on her face. “I’d like to pay up her children’s hospital bills,” Adrian said to her.And on hearing that, the woman looked up at him, shocked. She rose to her feet immediately, with her eyes tearing up.“Sir, did you just say paying up my kids’ hospital bills?” She asked again, to be certain she heard right.“Yes, I did. I’m going to pay up your kids’ hospital bills.”“Oh, my goodness. I can’t believe it, sir. Thank you so much. Thank you very much, sir.” The woman appreciated him, more and more.“You’re welcome, ma’am,” Adrian responded and then turned to the receptionist, who was beaming with smiles.“So, how much is it?” Adrian inquired, and brought out his card.“Both her kids’ hospital bills sum up to 2 million dollars.” The receptionist responded politely.Adrian found it difficu
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Chapter forty three
That night, Adrian would have shared his testimony about how he was helped by someone he had once offered assistance to, but he couldn’t, because anything about the system, was confidential, and he shouldn’t be telling anyone about it.“So, cheers to our first progress.” Adrian raised a toast, and both Sophie and Lucas raised their glasses of wine and clinked it.“Yeah!” Lucas voiced out happily, and they all had their seats. “So, I have put it up that we’re in need of workers, in the tech field, and I have been receiving emails of their CVs. It’s so difficult to choose any, because they’re all good.” Lucas spoke, with a smile, revealing his nice set of teeth.“I understand things like that. Sophie should also be in charge of that. Pick the ones you feel should be elected, and then we send them an email to come for an interview, tomorrow morning. I think by 11 am, they should have checked their mail or something.” Adrian spoke and sipped his wine.“Yeah, they should have. I’m going to
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Chapter forty four
Adrian didn’t know if he was to move closer to her, or not. He decided that he would act like he didn’t hear what she said, and was going to stay for a while, before walking up to her.At least, she wouldn’t know that he had been here, all along, because she seemed too occupied with her present mood.Although, he wondered why she wanted to kill him, even after saving her grandfather,“Why would she still be after me, even when she had made it clear that we had nothing binding us.” Adrian thought to himself as he stared at her.Then he took steps forward until he got close to her.“Never thought I would see you.” He spoke as he also placed his hands on the trail. Then Talia glared at him, with so much hate, visible in her eyes.“Oh! I thank the heavens that you’re alive.” She said, and sneered at him.“I should take that as an insult, I guess,” Adrian uttered as he looked far beyond the river.“Whatever you wish.” She spoke harshly.“And why are you suddenly sounding too harsh? Isn’t
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Chapter forty five
Adrian turned away from her, not in the mood to even deal with someone as despicable as she was.“Are you trying to run from shame? Acting all big, and something?” Adrian turned back at her, beginning to get annoyed at the way she was speaking to him.“I think you should just stop, and leave. I’m not here for you.” Adrian uttered sharply and turned to the attendant waiting for him. “I’d like to have a black leather bag.”“Alright, this way, sir.”Regina rolled her eyes and blocked his path before he would make a step, further.“Rather than watch my ex-husband, make fun of himself, I would leave. I’m so happy no one knew we were once married. If not, it would be so difficult for me to raise my head up high.” She voiced out sharply, meaning to hurt Adrian to the bones, but none of it got to him.He watched as she walked out of the store, and then turned to the attendant, whose head was dropped down, to show respect.“Please show me.” He urged and followed her the moment she began walki
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Chapter forty six
“Gotcha!” Lucas voiced out, heartily, then turned to both Adrian and Mr. Daniel. “It wasn’t easy, but I managed to find him, using an extra-something, you know.” Lucas said, with so much pride.He had put so much focus on it, and wanted to badly get it done, just so that Mr. Daniel wouldn’t have anything on them, whatsoever. And now that he got it, he couldn’t help, but show how happy he was, to have gotten the job done.Adrian smiled, and then turned to Mr. Daniel.“Now, you have your man. And here is his location, and I’ll advise you go in a way that none of his minions would alert him, when they sight you, getting closer.” Adrian spoke, with a little concern.“Thank you. I really appreciate it. What can I do to show my appreciation?” Mr. Daniel asked, looking really grateful.“Well, maybe when I need your help, I’m going to ask.”“Then we might need to exchange contacts.” Mr. Daniel spoke, with a smile.Both Mr. Daniel and Adrian, exchanged contacts, and he left, after that. After
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Chapter forty seven
“Wait here while I go over to call our boss.” He said to Adrian and walked upstairs.The mansion was quite nice, and Adrian wasn’t actually surprised that they would be living in such a place as good as this. At least, all the money they had earned should have been enough for this. Then he sat on a couch, and crossed his legs while admiring the interior design of the mansion.About a few minutes passed, he heard footsteps, coming down the stairs.“Adrian George.” He heard his name, but he decided not to look back. Then the boss walked towards the sofa, and had his seat. “And you are?” Adrian questioned as he released his crossed legs.“I believe for you to have gotten my location, then you know my name.”“Adams. Also known as Sharp Blade.” Adrian spoke, staring at the man, without showing any hint of fear.Adrian didn’t find any reason to fear him, because he knew that would only make their conversation, not turn out nice; the way he wanted it to be. “People don’t respect the fearf
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Chapter forty eight
Adrian had managed to get into a meeting with the shareholders and had even also managed to convince them to sell their shareholders.Although, it proved quite difficult, but with his insistence and giving them a share in whatever the company gains, they agreed.Now, Adrian was the largest shareholder, and he announced Talia’s dismissal.Talia who was at home, sipping her morning tea, gasped out of shock when she saw the breaking news on the internet.BREAKING NEWS: TALIA REEDS’S DISMISSAL PROCESSED.She couldn’t believe her eyes and had to scroll down to be certain she was reading the right news. She was truly dismissed from that company, and the new CEO was not mentioned.“Shit!” She cursed out loud dropped the cup of tea on the table, and headed out of the house.As she got into her car, she drove off to her company.On getting to her company, she went straight to her office which seemed to be her former office. She knew for the news to have carried it out, then she must have real
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Chapter forty nine
Adrian was still trying to understand why the system had given him just three hours to establish a person.“It seems you begin to get more ridiculous as time goes on,” Adrian uttered under his breath as his eyeballs danced left and right, thinking of how he could get the task done.Then he rose to his feet, abruptly.“Well, I’ve got no time to waste, so, I got to get going, now.” He said to himself, and walked towards the door, then stepped out of the office.As he walked out of the company, he got into his car and began to drive along the road and other places he could think of. Most people he saw, either looked like they were going to work or they looked more like illiterates that wouldn’t know what kind of business they wanted, and how to keep it alive.He searched around for over two hours, and then leaned on his car seat, taking a break for a while. He obviously couldn’t just give the opportunity to anyone, not worthy or capable, or it wouldn’t be an establishment, and he would h
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Chapter fifty
Adrian took her to a shopping store, first to give her a new, confident look. At least, the executives were not kids who would see a woman, looking poor, and a bit tattered, and then allow her to become the CEO, without questions.“Now, you look much better,” Adrian uttered, with a smile.“I really don’t know how else to thank you.” She said, with trembling lips.“The only way you can thank me is by doing good at the meeting. Sound confident, and ready for the position you’re about to take. The reason I’m having faith in you is because you have once headed a firm. So, please I have helped you up to this level, the best you could do is to act good enough for them to be convinced.”“I will try my possible best. It’s just like an interview.”“Yeah, you could put it that way,” Adrian said as he urged them to both leave the store.He had about fifteen minutes left, and that was actually the reason he came over to a store that was not far from the company.In about three minutes, they got t
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