All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
165 chapters
Chapter thirty one
He headed home immediately, with Sophie, and when he got home, he was welcomed in by the security guards.As he walked into the living room, he was surprised to see his grandfather sitting on the sofa, with his lawyer sitting on the same sofa with him.“Welcome home, my grandson.” His grandfather uttered, with joy filling his heart.Adrian really felt good and also concluded that family was the best, and only they would be happy about his progress, and would also support him when needed.Despite the fact that his grandfather had left him to go on that mission, just to prove that he was ready to take over his businesses, he still provided him with some necessary funds. That was to show that he cared about him, and would do anything to ensure he was safe and sound.“Thanks so much, grandfather,” Adrian responded, and then gave his grandfather a deep hug.After they disengaged, his grandfather noticed Sophie standing, with a smile on her face. He was also captivated by her smile, in the
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Chapter thirty two
On the day of George Lawrence’s burial, Adrian’s grandfather, so many people attended and mourned him, but the one who felt the greatest pain was Adrian.Apart from the fact that he was about to be willed one of the greatest possessions in the world, he lost the only family he had. The family who proved to him that blood was thicker than water, and love reigned very much between them.Adrian was quiet while everyone wailed, but a lot was going through his mind. He only knelt and stared at his grandfather’s smiling photo.“Why did you leave, so suddenly? Why didn’t you spend more time with me? Were you that in a hurry to go to a world where peace reigns, and leave me here in a world, filled with evil?” Adrian thought to himself as tears welled up in his eyes, but unwilling to fall.Days before the burial, he didn’t come out of the house, and only kept to himself. Neither Sophie nor Lucas could get to him, and day by day, they hoped he was fine, as they communicated through the maid in
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Chapter thirty three
Steve Wilson walked in further and laughed again.“Oh, how interesting life can be, isn’t it, Adrian?” He questioned, rhetorically.“How did you…”“Oh, you don’t need to sweat it, Adrian. It was really a simple thing, and which is why I said you’re nothing but a lad. You don’t understand how things work, in this life, and even in the business world. However, I will commend you for one thing, and that’s your wit, your intelligence, and ability to think fast. It’s just that the inexperienced will always be the same if they haven’t experienced a thing.” Steve Wilson lectured and then grabbed a seat.“You are meant to be in jail. Did you break out?” Adrian questioned, with bloodshot eyes.“Come on. How is it possible for a middle-aged man like me, to break out of prison? You watch too many movies. Anyways, if you really want to know, all I had to do was to give a little bribe, and I was released.” He spoke and closed his eyes in satisfaction.Those words irritated Adrian so much that he w
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Chapter thirty four
Adrian looked at both his front, and back again. He knew what they planned to do with him, without even having to ask. What he didn’t know, was who sent them, and why they were after him, as they didn’t look like the usual robbers who only came at people, when they are alone, and harmless/Besides, he didn’t have anything that robbers could take away from him.“Who are you, guys? Who sent you to me!” He confronted them, with a squeezed face.At least, even though he was surrounded by dangerous people, he didn’t want to give off the fact that there was no way he could beat them all, at once.“That should be obvious to you, by now.” One of the men spoke.“Steve Wilson?” Adrian voiced out, but not totally certain.“Bingo.” Before he could say a word, they dashed towards him and began to beat him with the batons, kicking him in the stomach, and even pulling his hair, like they were going to yank it out.“Let me go!” Adrian yelled, trying to fight back, but these men, were twice his size,
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Chapter thirty five
“Look, Adrian. I know a lot has happened, and you may not be in the right state of mind to make decisions. And…and that’s why we are here; here for you. Don’t say that. We… we can figure this out, together.” Lucas uttered, trying to dissuade him from going solo.“Lucas. You know that feeling when something seems to be calling you, out there. You can’t see it, but you can feel it. And you know that the end of it is going to be bright.”“Yeah,” Lucas responded reluctantly.“That calling has to do with me, alone. I’ve got to start from scratch, get experienced, to be able to show those people that I’m still going to be boss, regardless of how many times they win.” Adrian uttered, staring into blank space like he could see his words, come alive.Lucas let out a relented sigh, connected the heel of his palm to his face, and dragged it down to his chin.“I’d like some rest.” He said, after drinking the tea which Lucas served him.The tea made him feel relaxed and calm, and all Adrian wanted
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Chapter thirty six
Adrian shook his head and decided to take his mind off it.“A lot has happened recently, so it shouldn’t be a surprise when I see weird things. But it ought not to come back.” He said to himself as he continued walking, aimlessly.Thanks to hours that had passed by, the sun’s brightness was no longer having a disturbing effect on him.“Well, well, well, what do we have here? The male version of Cinderella, or what do I call you?” Regina spoke as he spotted him.Adrian stiffened his face, and rolled his eyes, unwilling to feel ashamed. Her skin was glowing, and the bag she carried, along with the makeup she wore, made her look really outstanding.“Why are you here? And what makes you call me that?” Adrian questioned, wondering if she knew something.“There was no way she could know. I kept it from her that I am George Lawrence’s grandson.” He thought to himself as he looked away from her.“Tch! You think anything can be hidden from the sun. No wonder you were acting so high on your hors
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Chapter thirty seven
“Oh, my goodness! Did heaven just smile at me? Did luck just shine on me?” He voiced out, still finding it so unbelievable that real money had been credited into his account.At this point, he was willing to play more games. He wasn’t going to care if he was tired or not. After all, it was a money matter, and who knew, the system could decide not to show up, after today, and ever.“I’d like to play again.” He voiced out, excitedly.I ’M SORRY. YOU CAN ONLY PLAY WHEN THE NOTIFICATION POPS UP FOR YOU TO PLAY. HAVE A NICE DAY.Although Adrian was disappointed, he was glad that he was able to gain the money. Now, he had a total sum of eight thousand dollars with him, and could also do something with it. For example, the hotel.He didn’t waste any time before he headed back to the hotel, and with a little more confidence, this time.“So, I’m back again to pay for the room. I hope it’s still available?” He asked, hoping he wasn’t going to get a bigger disappointment from the receptionist.“Y
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Chapter thirty eight
Adrian followed Steve Wilson’s men into the car, and when he got into the car, he was made to sit in the back seat, while the other man sat with him.“If you want to have your seat at the front, you can do that, actually. There’s no way I’m running from here.” Adrian spoke, looking out of the window.But he got no response from the man.“Hmm.” Adrian sighed, feeling the burden of starting from scratch. It wasn’t an easy thing, and he was barely surviving. He also couldn’t rely on the system, and that was because the system would only pop up when it wanted to.Soon, the car halted, and Adrian stared at the house, he was once living in, with his grandfather. “So, he got this too, then.” He spoke, directing his rhetorical question to the man beside him.Adrian got down from the car, and walked into the house, with his hands in his pockets. On getting to the living room, he saw Steve Wilson, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.“Oh! You’re here!” He voiced out, with a smile, revealing
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Chapter thirty nine
Adrian started with the whole game, and this time, it was a harder one, but he was able to win it.CONGRATULATIONS! YOU LEVELED UP!Then 30 thousand dollars was sent to his account, and he almost jumped up, feeling the reality of the luck that had shone on him. He was glad, and felt on top of the world, over the money. This made him so determined to continue working harder, and to also ensure he won all he had to, to get money.~As time went on, days turned into months, and months turned into a year. Adrian began to build up his wealth. From playing casino games to having solo food contests, brought by the system, he was becoming much more stable.CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE REACHED THE THIRD STAGE AND WILL BEGIN TO RECEIVE TASKS. GOODLUCK!Not long after the system notification popped up, about ten million dollars was credited into his account.Adrian smiled as he dipped his hands into his pockets while staring at the beautiful sky from his balcony.“Sir, they’re here.” One of his gua
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Chapter forty
“Adrian?” Damien voiced out, looking surprised, but somehow, that surprised look held a hint of sneer.“Yeah, it’s me.” Adrian smiled, overlooking that.When some of his classmates bullied Adrian for being so poor, Damien would always tell them that Adrian could turn out to be wealthy, someday. And even when the other kids laughed, Adrian had always taken that word as a ray of hope.“Wow. It’s been a long time since I saw you. The last time I saw you, you were still looking for a job.” Damien reminded him, and Adrian laughed a little.“Yes, that’s right. So, you work here?” Adrian asked, happy that Damien found a good job, and was certainly living a good life.“Yeah, I do. What about you? You came here for a job or what?” Damien asked, out of heightened curiosity.“No. The receptionist called you minutes ago, to inform you of a client who is here to acquire a building. I’m the client.” Adrian gladly told him.He was happy to let him know that, just so he could refer to those times whe
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