All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
165 chapters
Chapter hundred eleven
Theresa and Adrian couldn’t help but admit within themselves that they were overwhelmed by fear. Adrian knew how dangerous the journey was, and this made him even more scared.“Well, hello.” The man spoke, in an eerie tone.“Who the hell are you?” Adrian managed to question him, as they were both wary of him.“A question which actually isn’t the major concern. But I’ll tell you one thing. If you dare try to escape, because it’s only expected of you to want to run from me, you won’t be able to get to the Mystical Forest.”“Uhn!” Adrian exclaimed softly, not knowing whether to believe the man or not.“Yeah. To make things more understandable for you, I am the passage to the Mystical Forest, which only means without me, you can’t go into the Mystical Forest. So, now, I hope you know that it is only unwise of you to run from me. And if you have enough time to waste, you can actually run from me, and when you realize you’ve been wasting your time, you’ll come back, and definitely meet me h
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Chapter hundred twelve
Adrian couldn't understand the fear and anxiety filling him up. It was just too much, and even though this wasn’t the first time he was faced with situations that seemed a bit dangerous, but this one was on a different level.That whispering voice that told him that his fears were not twisting lies in his head, but trying to bore the truth into him.Something really awful could happen, and he felt he might be unable to escape it with Theresa by his side. Either way, he hated the feeling. The whole place spoke, and gave an aura of power, dark power, and it boasted too easily of how they could get killed. It was the main reason for his fears. The man looked at them, and even without the features on his face, he was somehow able to tell that he had a smile on. Then, Adrian looked at Theresa. She also seemed lost in thoughts, and it would be the best time to try to convince her, but she would despise him for it.To him, it was better he carried out her wish, than to let his fear get the
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Chapter hundred thirteen
It wasn't just Adrian who felt the tendrils of fear squeezing his heart. Theresa felt it too, and it felt like her chest was on fire, just from wondering what would happen. The mere terror that the clanging sound generated made her heart beat faster at every clang. It was too much for her to handle. She looked around repeatedly, and the soft wind whipped her hair into her face, which she brushed back with both hands. Already, her palms were cold and sweaty, and the anxiety was just too much. She needed the suspense to be over. “What do you think that is?” She asked Adrian, still looking around, trying to guess what could be the reason for the weird sound. “I have no idea.” Adrian replied, as the sound grew louder. “We should… I think we should move on.” Theresa suggested, wanting to make a move. It was so obvious that whatever was approaching them with the weird sound wasn't single. It wasn't two, nor was it three. It was definitely a lot.“I say we wait.” Adrian replied, pulling
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Chapter hundred fourteen
They fell mercilessly, hitting the rough edges, getting bruises all over. Theresa landed on the ground with her head in an awkward position, before straightening up, and looking at Adrian, who was sprawled on the ground, breathing hard, as he looked up at the sky. Theresa looked around. Apparently, they had fallen in some kind of hole. Due to taking quick hasty breaths, the dust managed to get into her nose, and she sneezed hard. Both Adrian and Theresa then heard the strange buzzing sound, and Theresa covered her mouth, only for another sneeze to come tthrough.Theresa sneezed again, and Adrian scrambled to his fist to cover her mouth. Theresa held his hand there, willing herself not to sneeze. Eventually, she let out a tiny one, and with her eyes watering, she looked around, taking Adrian’s hands off her mouth. Everywhere was dusty. It was probably because they had fallen through it. All the dust seemed to be settling. “What do we do now?” Theresa whispered, giving a little cou
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Chapter hundred fifteen
Egg after egg dropped, filling the space, and she couldn't help the feeling of raw panic eating her up. Theresa had never seen such a monster with different traits. It had pincers like scorpions and made loud noises. It buzzed like a bee, and was so solid even though it was made of ants. It was laying eggs which was really unbelievable, but what scared her was the fact that she didn't know what would happen if the eggs happened to hatch. What creature would they see there, and how would they eat us up? Those were the questions which were streaming in her mind.Theresa took in deep breaths, as she and Adrian were pushed together. She couldn't help herself. It felt like she would suddenly scream, and go out. The eggs fell against them, and it was then she knew that she couldn't help herself. “Adrian!” She called out, as her hand closed over his shirt tightly. Her mouth opened wide, and she fought for breath, but couldn't find it. “Theresa, Theresa, breathe!” Adrian voiced out, lookin
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Chapter hundred sixteen
The water filled her mouth, ears, and nostrils, as it joined hands with gravity to beat her down. There was no way she could let out a scream. She was busy gurgling water as she fell down the terrific height, hoping that she would not be smashed to death upon a rock. The fall was agony, and all of her fought to find stable ground, but it was impossible. Finally, she crashed into the water, diving headlong into it. More water filled her nostrils, and forced its way into her throat. The water was icy and it felt like she had fallen under frozen winter waters. Theresa went further downwards into the dark abyss of the water, feeling panic come into being, threatening to devour her, and she fought recklessly to swim upwards, but the cold made it hard for her fingers to find movement easily. It forced her to give up, as the surface seemed to get farther, the higher she swam. She fought as hard as she could, but it seemed impossible. Not until she noticed Adrian cutting through the ice-
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Chapter hundred seventeen
Theresa screamed, sitting up straight, and was ready to bounce off the bed if it wasn't for Adrian who held her. Blinking hard, she could no longer see any hands or a horrible face. “It was just a dream.” He said, but she shook her head, unwilling to believe it was nothing but a dream. It had been so real.“No, it wasn't just a dream. There was an odd creature staring down at me with a wicked smile.” Theresa said, wanting to leave the bed, but Adrian held her back.“And did the weird creature suddenly disappear?” He asked, and it was then she finally calmed down.Maybe it had truly been a dream. One of those hauntingly real dreams that she hated to have.“You're just scared because you're in a strange place, and a lot of strange things have happened. That's probably it.” Adrian said, and her breathing slowed down.“Damn. It was so real.” She said, still looking around. “Do you want to stay up till morning comes?” He asked, and she nodded immediately. “Yes, please.” Theresa replied,
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Chapter hundred eighteen
They were all bent, old hags, walking around, chattering to themselves, as they went about their chores.Adrian and Theresa looked back, and they were beautiful maids again, smiling and laughing.But in the mirror…Then they both stepped back together. “Don't make a noise.” Adrian said to Theresa, and she nodded slowly. Hags were cunning and deceitful creatures. Everyone knew that. Nothing good could come out of them. They were jealous, conniving and dirty creatures always seeking to bring others down. Apparently, they had given themselves glamour.They walked away from the mirror, and tried to find their way to the entrance door, walking casually, and pretending they weren't suspecting anything. Some of the maids greeted them, and they greeted them with smiles. Unfortunately, upon getting to the large double doors that would lead to the outside, they saw that they were barred and chained thoroughly. It was evidence that something was terribly wrong. Adrian took the map from Ther
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Chapter hundred nineteen
Theresa let out a cry as the arrow pierced into her arm. Her blood spilled onto the sand in generous amounts, and in fear, Adrian sank to the ground.“Theresa!” Adrian shouted, looking at her bloody fingers that tried to stop her bleeding. Then he looked around, and finally looked at the thick scroll in his hand, before using it to apply pressure on Theresa’s wound. “Ah!” She screamed, as the scroll burned. Then, Adrian tipped the bottle of the invisibility potion into her mouth, and did the same.“I forgot about this. If I had, this wouldn't happen to you.” He said, looking at the hags, who screamed around, shooting the arrows recklessly, hoping to hit them by accident. “Ah, it burns!” She exclaimed, pushing the map away from herself.“Theresa.” Adrian called softly, and they saw that the map was beginning to fill up with descriptions written in her blood. “Sacrifice. It meant blood.” Theresa whispered. They began to see the map of the whole place. Far now dangerous paths lay bef
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Chapter hundred twenty
On getting home, Adrian got access to his phone, and the first person he contacted, was Lucas.“Hey, man. You really got me concerned, with this business trip you went on. I mean, what business trip won’t allow you to make use of your phone, for days?” Lucas complained.“I know I must have gotten you worried, but I’m fine, now. You can come over. I’ll be waiting here.” He said to Lucas, and hung up.After disconnecting the call, he immediately went to the bathroom to have a nice shower, which would scrub off the whole dirt, which had accumulated on his body. The warm water that sprouted out of the shower, gave him this sweet, intensifying feeling which he had missed, for so long.“So good to be back home.” He uttered, with a smile on his face, as he stepped out of the bathroom, with a towel, wrapped around his waist.Just then, a notification from the system, popped up.“YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED YOUR TASK, AND YOUR ACCOUNT HAS THEREBY BEEN CREDITED.”Adrian was glad that he act
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