All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
165 chapters
Chapter hundred twenty one
Both Sophie and Lucas had left Adrian’s home, after they were done conversing on the important things, so, Adrian headed to Steve Wilson’s home.On getting to the gates, he was allowed in, as he was already known to be someone who their boss always wanted to see, for reasons which they didn’t know about. Adrian chuckled as he walked in, because he was flattered that they allowed him in, without asking any question, and all.He was ushered into the living room, where he sat, and waited for Steve Wilson. While he was still waiting for Steve Wilson, he scanned around the house, with his eyes, without moving a limb. Steve Wilson hadn’t changed the interior designs, yet.“Tch! Did he do that to torture me?” Adrian uttered, under his breath.Although, he wasn’t moved by any of what Steve Wilson would do, to make him feel he had been conquered, and that Steve Wilson would always be bigger than him. “Well, well, well. Look who we have here. I never expected I would be getting a visit from yo
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Chapter hundred twenty two
“She…She…”Before Theresa could complete her words, Adrian was beginning to feel dizzy for no reason. The system in his head, seemed to be sparking, and then suddenly fell to the ground.~DREAM STATE~The next time Adrian opened his eyes, he met himself on a strange field. It was very large, and also a field good enough for any kind of sports.And then he saw people gathered around him, like they were celebrating him. Although, they didn’t close up on him. They were just a crowd around.But it seemed like there was a purpose he had, here. He recognized everyone here, although, it didn’t seem like that in reality.Suddenly, he felt a strange, yet, familiar power. It felt dark, because whoever it was, the person had dark intentions, and was definitely around us.He looked around cautiously until he caught sight of Anna and a woman, walking towards them. Silence fell, and he moved forward, with his brows raised.He didn’t need anyone to tell him what was going on. Anna had definitely par
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Chapter hundred twenty three
~back to reality~She wondered what the dream meant, but she hoped that she would understand, because from when she was little, there was always something tangible about her dreams. Also, she didn’t know why there was this voice, calling out Adrian’s name, every single time she remembered the dream.“If mother was here, she would have interpreted these dreams into something nice.” She said, under her breath, then got down from the bed, to the living room.She headed to the kitchen, and gulped down a glass of water which made her feel relieved.“Now, it’s time to sleep.” She said, feeling relaxed.But first, she was going to take a shower, so she would feel sleepy, immediately.Sophie walked back to her room, and had a shower. After the shower, she relaxed on the bed. But for some reason, she had this strange feeling like something wasn’t right, but she decided to shrug it off. She wouldn’t allow some nightmare haunt her like she was still in kindergarten.Sophie closed her eyes, ready
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Chapter hundred twenty four
A few days later~A few days had passed, and Adrian was nowhere to be found. Even the contest had been won by Steve Wilson, as Adrian’s presence was not found. Now, the company was about to be affected.Lucas dressed in his room, trying hard so time wouldn't run out on him. There was a conference meeting scheduled for the day, and he had to attend instead of Adrian.The executives had sent in multiple envelopes, all demanding to see Adrian.‘Where is the CEO?’‘What is the CEO planning on doing?’ Another person asked.‘Is CEO Adrian aware that things are becoming even worse, without his presence?”They had sent in all kinds of questions, and Lucas understood their impatience. It was all stemming from the fear that someone else had woven into their hearts, and that was none other than Regina. Steve Wilson had given her the power to do so.A knock came on his door. “Come in.” He said, brushing his hair. If he didn't look his best, they would assume Adrian didn't know what he was doing,
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Chapter hundred twenty five
Regina looked at them all, enjoying the looks of shock on the faces of the men. Then she walked over to him, and bent, placing a hand on the table, and the other behind his chair. He wouldn't deny the ice in her eyes. Everything about her seemed cold, and although he hated her being that close to him, he did not budge. He stared at her right in the eye, without fear. “You must be having a hard time, right?” She spoke softly. “Well, I've had a harder time.” She said, then straightened up, without taking her eyes off Lucas for a second. She seemed to build for revenge, and in her eyes were the echoes of pain, and cold. She took a few steps backwards, before giving a smile that didn't reach her eyes, then she turned away, walking out of the hall. The executives all looked like they had been holding their breaths, and they let it out quickly, looking at each other. “I believe we've discussed all we need to discuss.” Lucas said, getting to her feet. Sitting around, doing nothing was s
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Chapter hundred twenty six
The next day, Lucas was informed that the executives wanted to have a meeting with him, as they had something they needed him to know, before he took any action.As he knotted his tie, his mind couldn’t help but drift to what the executives had to say to him, when they could have said, at the last meeting.It meant they had discussed among themselves after then and had concluded on something which they would like to tell him about.His phone rang, and saw that it was a call from Sophie, so he answered it.“Lucas, I heard the executives wanted a conference meeting as they have something to say to you.”“So, I heard. Well, I’m done dressing up, so, I’ll be on my way to the company soon.”“Hmm. I don’t have a good feeling about this. Any news about Adrian, yet?” Sophie asked, worriedly.“No, not yet. Let’s just hope for the best.” Lucas uttered, trying to sound positive.“Alright then. I’m also on my way to the company.”“Okay. See you later, then.” Lucas said, then the call disconnected
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Chapter hundred twenty seven
“Mr. George, you, you actually understand what we're doing, right? You know that all this is for the sake of the company.” One of them said, waving his arm around the building. "He’s right. What else would this be for if not for the company's sake, Adrian? It's just a way of, you know, sorting things out strategically." Another pleaded, his voice trembling."Save it," Adrian snapped, with his eyes hard, and harsh. "You're doing it to save your own skin.""No, Adrian, please listen—" The first one tried to interject."I don't want to hear it," Adrian cut him shut. "You're either with me or against me. And right now, it looks like you're against me. Doesn't it? Everything you were saying, I heard it all. You didn't even give a damn. You were so ready to take me out."“You have to calm down. It's not as it seems, and…” They were saying and Regina's eyes narrowed, her fingers curling into fists. She stared at the executives with her jaw clenching, and her voice came out low and menacing.
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Chapter hundred twenty eight
They all drove to Adrian’s home, and he served them both a glass of juice, each, and sat before them as he placed his, on the center table.“So, I decided that I would have a conversation with you both, once I saw you. And here we are. I’m certain you have a lot of questions, but I’m going to answer what I can, and it’s going to be answers to a primary question.” Adrian said to them, and Sophie, especially leaned closer, ready to hear what he had to say.She would have started with nagging him on why he had disappeared, and left so many things at stake, but since he had spoken first, and was going to explain to them what happened, she remained clam.“So, I’m certain that the first question which would be on your mind, is where I disappeared to. And my answer is I went on a business trip, with someone important. I’m not sure yet, if what we went for was successful, but I hope it would.”“Adrian, this isn’t right. When did you start having secret business trips which you wouldn’t inform
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Chapter hundred twenty nine
Adrian got to the restaurant, and walked up the stairs, which took him to the rooftop. Just as Josephine said, the rooftop looked much better, even though Josephine meant his presence would make it look much beautiful than the first few times they went there.The breeze was inviting as the day was just beginning to end. It was certain that any conversation could go smoothly, especially if it was one in which they agreed on the same thing.“Alright, I’m here. Why have you asked to see me?” Adrian asked her as he slipped his hand into his pocket.Josephine scoffed lightly, and she sighed. “Well, don’t you recall you were the one who asked where I was?” She spoke, and folded her arms.“You obviously wanted to see me. I only asked for the location. And if you have nothing to say, I can just leave. I have better things to do.” Adrian uttered, looking like he didn’t care much, which truly, he didn’t. “Take a chill pill, Adrian. You always have this nonchalant attitude, and I believe it’s b
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Chapter hundred thirty
“Who the hell?” He managed to say, under his breath, before he fell to the ground, hoping that a bigger trouble won’t have occurred if he ever woke up.~The next time he woke up, he woke up on a bed, and the fact that he was bound in shackles, while on the bed, made him feel uncomfortable, and killed the thought that he might be in Andrew’s home.He tried to break free from the shackles, even when he knew that it was somehow impossible, due to how strong it was. “Who is out there! Get me out of this thing!” Adrian yelled out, in anger.He was tired of the whole thing. Having to jump from one fire to another fire of trouble, without even being able to bounce back at people doing these things.To him, he was beginning to feel like he hadn’t made a comeback at all.“I said get me out of these chains!” Adrian yelled out again, disgusted at the fact that it made him feel like he was a beast that they had to detain.Then the door opened, and he adjusted himself while he sat up. To his sho
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