All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
165 chapters
Chapter hundred forty one
Adrian and Lucas were a little shocked to see Sophie in the office, dressed like nothing was going on with her. She was in a white T-shirt, and black cargo pants. There was a faint blush on her otherwise pale face. She ought not to be walking around. “What? Why are you staring at me like that? You don't like what I said? I'm taking your side, Adrian. I don't believe we should give in to Wilson.”“Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm glad you think that way. I'm not going to give in to Steve Wilson. Look, Lucas, I know that seems like the smartest thing to do right now, and it probably feels like the safest too, but trust me, we would regret doing that.” Adrian pressed on, and Lucas sighed.“I’m just— it feels like we're the ones who have more to lose, so I'm just thinking of the best way to, you know, just avert whatever perilous danger might come our way. By the way, Sophie, are you okay?” He asked, and Sophie leaned against Adrian's desk.“If I wasn't feeling a little okay, I think I'd be back
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Chapter hundred forty two
Adrian immediately went upstairs to check on Sophie, only to meet her standing right in front of a crashed lamplight, and a few plates which he had left for her, for breakfast.He felt relieved that it wasn't something dangerous, then he moved closer to her and began to check her body.“Are you okay?” He asked, out of concern.“Yes, I am.” Sophie responded softly.“How did this happen?” Adrian asked as he bent to pick up the broken pieces.“I felt a little dizzy when I suddenly stood up, so I crashed into them.” Sophie replied, and rubbed her body, smoothly.She had goosebumps all over as she had experienced shock when those things fell to the ground.“It's fine. You should sir for a while before you stand, okay?”“Yeah, I will.”“By the way, I was interviewing three house help before I got distracted by this. The one I choose would take care of you, and the house so you don't have to stress yourself on anything.” Adrian informed her, and Sophie smiled.“You didn't need to.” She said
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Chapter hundred forty three
“I hope you do understand, Lucas. Loyalty needs to be tested, sometimes, to be certain of our acquaintance, or alliance.”“Yes. You are right. And that’s why I asked you to know what I need to do to prove that I am in.”“Well, it all depends on you, Lucas. You should be able to do anything. Just show us. What do we need to see or know, to be certain that you’ve totally left your cheap gang?”Lucas sighed, and then thought for a while.“Alright, I know what to do. Listen up.” He urged Regina, and Regina listened keenly. “I have a log book of ideas which Adrian and I came up with, for our technological launch. Each idea if it is to be sold out, would cost about half a million dollars. Here it is.” Lucas said, handing over the log book to Regina.Regina opened it, and stared at each of them, with widened eyes.“Wow.” She exclaimed softly. “You’re really giving this out?”“Yeah, I am. It’s going to be really beneficial for Steve Wilson’s companies, or whichever company he wishes to bless
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Chapter hundred forty four
Adrian couldn't believe his ears. Did Lucas just threaten him, without budging, or feeling like he was saying the wrong thing?“Lucas?” He called his name, still feeling unsure that he heard well.“You heard me well.” Lucas spoke, and then rose to his feet. “Tired of seeing this loser's face. I think I need to go.”“Even I am tired of seeing him, as well. Let's leave the restaurant together.” Regina said to Lucas and also rose to her feet, clutching her purse in her hands.She smiled at Adrian and then sneered at him.“I hope this teaches you one lesson; you can never win against Steve Wilson and I. So, if you're smart as you claim to be, it's time you back off.” Regina said, and then left with Lucas.Lucas stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to say or what to do. This had never crossed his mind, that it could ever happen.If there was anyone who he could still not be dumbfounded over, that would be Sophie, because he hasn't known or bonded with her, just the way he has done wi
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Chapter hundred forty five
“Governor?” Adrian voiced out, still looking shocked.“Wow. You know me.” The Governor spoke.Then they heard the siren, which meant the police were close. Adrian who didn't want to miss his golden opportunity, decided to strike immediately.“I would like to meet with you, sir. It's over something I wanted to talk about, but I wasn't given the chance to speak with you.”“Oh, I get a lot of letters, and all, everyday. Can't recall which is yours, but here is my card. You can come over to my office, tomorrow.” The Governor said to Adrian.Adrian felt so happy. That was like the highlight of his day. Although, he had gone through a mess, tonight, but he was glad that he managed to achieve something.The contact card had all the necessary information that even the secretary wouldn't be able to deny that he met with the Governor.Then the cops arrived, and some of them covered the scene, while three others walked up to Adrian and the Governor.As they noticed it was the Governor, they call
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Chapter hundred forty six
The next day, Adrian woke up, and the first thing he set his eyes on was the ceiling. He had slept off in that position and remained in that position.Then he sat up, and brushed his hair to the back, and yawned. He looked back at the toilet, and headed towards thay direction.The first person that came to his mind was Sophie, but he wanted to brush his teeth before doing that.As he stepped into the bathroom, he did the necessary while staring at the mirror, and when he was done brushing his teeth, he focused on only the mirror.“Today isn't going to turn out the way yesterday did. So, brighten up, Adrian.” He encouraged himself and then stepped out of the bathroom.He changed into something else rather than wearing a robe, then he stepped out of his room and headed to Sophie's. But on getting to Sophie's room, he didn't see her on the bed like he had thought he would. Then he knocked on her bathroom door, hoping she was there, and just taking a bath.“Sophie? You in there?” he call
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Chapter hundred forty seven
Lucas on the other hand, was at his lodge drinking whiskey, and staring into space. Remembering the look on Adrian's face when he threatened him last night, he felt a little in pain.He saw the pain of betrayal in his eyes and he wished that he could soothe him, but that would be the most foolish thing to do.As he gulped down one more shot, his phone rang. It was an unknown number. He was hesitant to answer it, because he was hoping that Adrian didn't try to use another number to call him.He has already blocked him from being able to do that on his main contact.“Well, I'll just block the contact again.” He said to himself and then answered the call.“Hello. Is this Lucas?” The voice was familiar to him, but he couldn't recall where he had heard such a voice; and it was definitely not Adrian's voice.“Who is this?” He asked, calmly.“Oh! So, you do not recall my voice. Anyways, not everyone is able to do that. Regina told me that you have finally come to your senses and will be wil
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Chapter hundred forty eight
Lucas was nervous, and didn’t know what to do or how to avoid this situation since Steve Wilson wanted a test of loyalty, but he had to keep up a straight face to look confident, and like it was no big deal.“I’m just kidding.” Steve Wilson chuckled, and returned the hand of truth into its box, and the person holding it, took it back.Lucas could almost sigh out of relief if not that he didn’t want to give Steve Wilson any hint that he was nervous to the peak. “I don’t need to use it for you since I believe you are willing to join us. But I will also have a use for you which would prove how willing you are to join my league.“What’s that?” Lucas asked.“Not a knowledge you are to know about, right now. I haven’t even thought and strategized about it, but when I do, I certainly will reach out to you.” Steve Wilson said to him, and then Lucas nodded.On the other hand, Adrian was set to go for the meeting he was to have with the Governor, and also checked the contact card that was give
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Chapter hundred forty nine
Adrian went back to his company, filled with joy, knowing fully well that soon, Steve Wilson would get the bomb.He worked on other documents he was meant to work on until night fall when he retired.“Time to go home.” He said under his breath and then walked out of his office, taking his suit jacket along with him.He got into his car and then remembered that he wanted to search up that secretary. While he could have easily put a call through to Lucas to help him make that search, he couldn't, since Lucas was no longer a part of him.“Oh! There might be no need for me to make use of my phone or laptop to research on that woman.” Adrian smiled, recalling that the system in his head could do that.He was going to wait until he got home before he decided to do that so he could give it his full concentration rather than be distracted on the road.On getting home, he shared the news with Sophie and she was really happy.“Why don't we celebrate!” She voiced out happily.“No. Let's only cel
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Chapter hundred fifty
As he got into his car, he stared at the box for a while, and sighed.Then he drove off to a place which was a little far from Steve Wilson’s company, and parked his car just until he was done.He opened the box, and to his surprise, it was the hand of a little child. He could have almost thrown the box away, but he had to be calm so he wouldn’t make it known that he had touched the box.“What the hell!” He voiced out, still in shock.Then he brought out his phone, and took a photo of the box, then covered it up back, and placed it on the seat beside him, and took a deep breath before he started the car, drove off.Steve Wilson had sent him a text of the address he was to take it to, so all he had to do was to drive off to the person’s home.In about thirty minutes, he got to the mansion, and got down from the car with the box in his hand.He walked up to the gate, and the security guards turned to look at him, and stared at the box before they stared at him back.“I’m from Steve Wils
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