All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
165 chapters
Chapter hundred fifty one
Adrian prepared for Lucas’ arrival. He had already told Sophie about it, and she also couldn’t wait to see him.“I’ll need you to stay in your room until I am certain that Lucas is really ready to be back with us.”“I don’t understand. But you told me that he realized his mistakes, and is ready to apologize.”“I know I said that, but we can’t just give him our full trust just like that. We both know it. He was damn clear about it when he told me he was leaving us and joining Steve Wilson. So, I can’t just believe it right away that he is back with us.”“So, how are you going to tell if he is truly back with us or not?” Sophie asked as she folded his arms, but then he heard the doorbell ring.Both he and Sophie shared a glance, and then Adrian placed his hands on Sophie’s shoulders.“I know you are eager to have him back to the squad, but our brains have to be in this as well. If you are hurt one more time, it is on you, and I don’t think I will ever forgive you.” Adrian made his point
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Chapter hundred fifty two
Adrian gave Lucas a sharp look and Lucas smiled.“Now that you know you're busted, I'm sure your next step is to run away. But you have to be careful while doing that because I have installed mines all around. So, choose. Do you prefer to die while trying to escape or you'll wait in your house and stay alive? That's totally up to you.” Lucas uttered and hung up.Adrian's sharp look turned to a smile; one which showed how appreciative he was of that wit.“How did you come up with that?” Adrian voiced out with a chuckle.“Well, I just thought of it. You know, while we've been trying to get a hold of Steve Wilson, and we've been failing we've been learning about him. The steps he could take, what kind of man he is; and what he is capable of doing.” “Hmm. You're right.”A knock came on the door and that interrupted them.“Must be the cops.” Adrian uttered as he walked towards the door.He stared into the peephole and confirmed they were the cops before he opened it up.“Are you okay Mr.
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Chapter hundred fifty three
It had been a month since Steve Wilson and his accomplices had been defeated and it left quite a relief in the hearts of the trio; Adrian, Lucas, and Sophie.They lived just the way they wanted. Living freely and happily like people with no problems. Years of hardwork had finally paid off, so they deserved it.Sophie was in her room and on her bed going through some papers. Today was the last day of their long-term vacation from so much work; especially complicated ones.“Ugh! I need a break.” She grunted and stretched to relieve the bones which had been tensed up from being on one spot for too long.She pulled herself down until her feet touched the ground and she rose to her feet.Sophie pulled off her casual wear, picked up her phone and turned on the water heater through it.Then she sauntered towards the bathroom and opened the door, then stepped in. She did a ballet dance to the whirring sound of the water heater and when it stopped, she chuckled.“Okay, time for something relax
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Chapter hundred fifty four
“By the way, we all got the texts and something happened before then. What was your own encounter?” Sophie asked, out of curiosity.“I was locked in.”“Oh, that son of a b*tch!”“How long did it take for you to be released?” Lucas asked, inquisitively.“I don’t understand. Is that really what’s important? We have an enemy who is making use of technology perfectly, which means he could have killed us when he had the opportunity to, but he probably has a lot of tricks up his sleeves.”“You’re right.” Lucas uttered in a calm tone.Adrian sighed, feeling a little relieved that he didn’t have to make his sound suspicious because he had a system which helped him out of his situation.“We need to track the person behind this.” Adrian said, and both Lucas and Sophie nodded.“Lucas, kindly track where the message came from.” Adrian requested and rose to his feet to help him get a laptop.After retrieving the laptop, he handed it over to Lucas who began to make his search.“But if we find this
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Chapter hundred fifty five
Adrian squeezed his face, clenching his teeth so hard.“I'll be calling this meeting off until there is order. I apologize for the hassle.” He uttered, trying to maintain a calm look before the executives.They all rose to their feet, murmuring and discussing in a low tone as they walked out of the conference room.As soon as they were out of the conference room, Adrian turned to Sophie.“What the hell was that! You prepared the PowerPoint presentation. How did this happen, and how was this recorded?” Adrian questioned, hating the perplexed state he was currently in.“I swear it! I do not understand what's going on either. You know I wouldn't mess up something like this. Or could it be the tech guy behind this?”“You know it's a guy?” “No. No. I'm just guessing. It always is a guy doing stuff like this.”“Then what the hell does that tech guy want! How did he manage to get a footage of my being in the bedroom. Which means he would have other ones where I'm naked. Shit!” Adrian cursed
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Chapter hundred fifty six
Adrian felt like he was drowning and unable to hold his breath any longer because what had swallowed him was still filled with water.He opened his eyes gradually and noticed it was dark so he couldn't see where exactly he was.He couldn't speak so there was no way he could ask the system where exactly he was because the system would only respond to his voice and not the voice in his mind.Suddenly, lights came on, making a loud but brief sound. And that was when he realized that he was in a submarine. This one was formed like a ball and also had no control in it.“Welcome. This submarine is going to take you right to where I am. It's on automatic so do not worry.” He heard a voice from nowhere.“There is an oxygen mask right at the left corner. Take it because it might take a short while before this submarine get to where the water would be taken out.”Adrian looked towards the left corner and swam towards it with the little strength left in him.He felt like he was going to give up
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Chapter hundred fifty seven
“Do I know you from somewhere, perhaps?” Adrian asked, still staring at him in confusion.Then the man chuckled and let out a sigh.“It really is a beautiful day. Been waiting for this day, and now, I finally have it.” He uttered.Adrian managed to sit up, but was still feeling a little light-headed, so he leaned on the pillows that were provided for him.“Who are you?” Adrian asked, followed by a grunt.“I am Arthur Wilson, son of Steve Wilson whom you took down.” He introduced himself, now looking serious.Even though Adrian saw the resemblance, he was still shocked that it was truly Steve Wilson’s son. Since he was the one, it meant he was out to take revenge.“I see you’re here to take revenge for your father. But let me tell you one thing. Your revenge is no way justified.” Adrian said, with clenched teeth.Arthur cackled and did a one-time spin, then moved closer to Adrian.“You really think you get to decide what’s justified or not? You must be kidding me. My father might have
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Chapter hundred fifty eight
The next day, Adam arrived at Adrian’s home and he was ushered to Adrian’s room.“Gosh. This is the purple rash. Extremely dangerous.”“Oh, my goodness.” Sophie said softly and placed her hand over her mouth.“It’s a reaction of a particular drug which has been long forgotten, so, not many people would have its antidote. Even I do not have the antidote. But I know someone who might have it. They are a group of men who are into drug business and might have the antidote you are looking for. But you must play it carefully with them.” Adam informed them.“Give us an address. We’ll head right there. Andrew, you coming?”“I wish I could, but I’ve got something really important to take care of, and you shouldn’t wait until I’m done because Adrian’s life is on the line.”“Alright.”“I hope you are aware I’m tagging along, and we do not really need to get more people to follow us. We aren’t going for a fight, and gangs always have a feeling you’re coming for a fight when you arrive in numbers.
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Chapter hundred fifty nine
Lucas and Sophie shared shocked glances at each other. They weren't expecting that he would actually ask for something like that."Her?""Yes. Just a one-time thing. If you will agree right now, then we would get on with it quickly." Bear uttered as he spread his arms on his couch.Lucas felt annoyed. He wondered why people always had to take advantage of those who needed something from them."Why can't you just do us a favor if you really want to do us a favor? It's unfair that you want to have her and then have a good amount of money with you." Lucas said, expressing his annoyance and how unfair it felt for him."Yeah, I understand. But life is unfair actually. So, if you want the herb , decide fast. I've not got all the time to waste in the world." Bet spoke, without looking merciful.Then Sophie rose to her feet looking determined."If it's me you want to have, then you'll have me. Let's get on with it immediately." Sophie uttered, looking like she had already made her resolve."S
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Chapter hundred sixty
“What did you do to him?” Lucas asked, out of curiosity.“I didn’t really do anything. He probably just had the best sex of his life.” Sophie answered, and folded her arms.“You know you’re beginning to confuse me, right?” “Don’t worry. You’re going to get the details son.” Sophie assured him, wanting to get over this as soon as possible.Shortly after Sophie responded, the guard walked out of that room and approached them.“The boss has agreed for you to take the antidote. Follow me.” He urged, and both Sophie and Lucas followed after him.They were led into a stall which was filled with so many drugs, and some were probably antidotes for reactions. Then they got to a particular shelf where there was just one antidote standing it.“This is the antidote for the Blue Rash. Mix it with a little amount of water, and then you can inject it into the affected patient.” The guard gave them the simple instructions.“Alright, thanks so much.” Lucas appreciated the instructions, and he and Sop
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