All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 161 - Chapter 165
165 chapters
Chapter hundred sixty one
Lucas also just left the elevator and saw Adrian on the floor, groaning in pain. He quickly rushed to him out of worry.“Hey! Adrian!” He called out to him, and shook him to get a hold of himself.Adrian opened his eyes with cold beads of sweat on his forehead, then he looked at Lucas, and looked at his stomach, but there was no wound or anything.“The man who just left. Did you see any man?” Adrian asked, looking baffled.“No. You were the only one in the hallway. What’s going on?”Adrian checked his stomach again and confirmed that nothing had really happened to him, and if he were to believe Lucas, it meant that something was wrong with his mind.“Did Rose drop a contact?” Adrian asked as Lucas helped him up.“Oh! Yeah, yeah, she did. Is there a problem?” Lucas asked again, completely confused on what exactly was going on with Adrian.“I need to ask her a question. I just saw a man, and you claim there was no man. And… he stabbed me. But I can’t see any trace of any wound on me.”“
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Chapter hundred sixty two
On the other hand was Rose. She was alone in the lab even though there were some others somewhere else.Arthur's lab was a big one, so, there were more people like her working for him. The only thing was that she was more like the head of the scientists as she was most skilled, and he relied on her to get so many things done.Rose wasn't happy about it because Arthur was gradually turning what she loved doing into something she wanted to avoid so much.She was meant to use her skills and knowledge to help people and make life better, but instead, he made her use it to murder people and choose people who would live or die in some situations.But at the same time, she couldn't run away because she was indebted to him. When they were a little younger, she was brought into their house to be a helper; someone that had a bit of a higher rank than the maids.And that was because her father had owed a huge debt and Steve Wilson paid it, but asked for her to be a helper for years which the mon
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Chapter hundred sixty three
Adrian stared at the woman as her cryptic words sunk deep into his head.She looked warily at him, then turned around to leave, and he only watched her dumbfoundedly.Suddenly, his phone began to ring out and he slid his hand into his pocket while still staring at the woman; leaving.As he brought his phone out, he had to take his eyes off the woman and focused on his phone. It was Sophie calling him.“Hey Sophie.”“Adrian, where are you? Lucas' home was blown up, and he isn't answering his calls. I don't know if he was in the house when the fire blew up.” Sophie informed him, sobbing hard.Adrian's heart skipped a beat and he became alarmed.“Where are you right now? Have you called the fire fighters?” Adrian questioned as he packed up the wine bottle and glasses, then hurried out of the cemetery.“I'm currently close to his house. And I called you immediately after informing the fire fighters.”“Shit! I'm on my way right now. Stay where you are.” Adrian voiced out over the phone.So
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Chapter hundred sixty four
The trio fell into what seemed like an endless pit.“Ahhh!” They all continued to scream out loud, hoping they weren't falling to their death.Soon, they fell on something soft. They all couldn't see as it was dark, but they tried to stand.“I think this is foam.” Lucas said as he touched what was beneath them.Adrian and Sophie did the same thing, and they confirmed it was as well.“Where could we be?” Lucas asked, wondering what exactly Arthur was up to.“I have no idea. He totally changed everything.” Adrian responded looking around like he could see in the dark.“Shit.” Sophie cursed under her breath with no strength.Suddenly, the lights went on and they covered their eyes at first because it was sharp and had stung their eyes at first.“What the hell is this maniac planning!” Lucas yelled in frustration as he kept his face away from the light.Adrian felt a little anxious that things weren't going the way he had thought or guessed it could go.This way, he felt he could die for
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Chapter hundred sixty five
Adrian tried his best to unlock the padlock in the water, and thankfully, he did it and opened up the lid with all his might.“Lucas, now!” He instructed him and Lucas managed to place his right hand on the edge.“Sophie, you've got to get a hang of it. Once the water is absorbed and the bottom is removed, I won't be able to hols on to you.” Lucas uttered.Sophie gasped for breath as she poked her head out and she also managed to hold on to the edge.Suddenly, the bottom open just as Adrian predicted and all the water fell out.Arthur burst into laughter and began to clap his hands.“This is so interesting. Now, I know why father always talk about you, Adrian. You are really smart and have the the true traits of a leader. Having ten of you would build up an empire and run it well.” Arthur laughed out loud.“Will you get us out of here right now? And what do you plan on doing about Sophie. She's hurt, bleeding and in pain!” Adrian yelled, tossing the compliment he had just been given,
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