All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
214 chapters
Chapter 111
Amel hung her head, the dim light in the room making her feel dizzy for a moment.She hadn't eaten a single grain of rice all day, not because they hadn't offered her food, but because she had always refused the guards' offers."It would be better if I died here. I don't want to be with them anymore. I just want to die!"Amel shouted loudly, her mind feeling pressured by it all.She still didn't understand why she had to endure such inappropriate treatment, what did that man really want?If only everything could be redone, Amel would ask Ethan to leave with her and not get involved with all of them.To hell with their lives, but the most important thing was that she and Ethan could live in peace."How did everything end up like this?"Various questions arose in Amel's head, feeling so pressured by it all.Her head was noisy, screaming at everything that made her feel like she couldn't do anything anymore.She didn't even know if it was morning, afternoon or night. Her room was complet
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Chapter 112
The next morning, Citra woke up from her bed as usual.Citra's life right now was far from recovered and good, as the woman wasn't growing in her career like before, but instead chose to confine herself in her cousin's apartment.Knock! Knock!A knock was heard on her bedroom door, and without needing to ask, Citra already knew who was behind that door."The door's unlocked," Citra said briefly, ignoring the creaking sound from the door.Currently, Citra was busy opening photos of her childhood stored in an album that she would always open whenever she felt lonely and sad."What are you doing?" Nike asked, sitting down near the woman.Citra remained silent, keeping her mouth shut as if reluctant to answer the man again.She only gave a signal through her eyes that looked at the album."Is that me?" Nike asked while pointing to a portrait of himself and Citra when they were little.Citra smiled faintly, followed by a nod of her head.For a moment, a rather long sigh came out of the wom
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Chapter 113
The dim light coming through the curtains of the man's room seemed to disturb Richard's sleep as he lay listlessly in his bed.He clicked his tongue in annoyance, irritated that his sleep had to be interrupted by that light."They shouldn't be bothering me!" Richard grumbled, half-conscious.As Richard grabbed the pillow on his right side to cover his face and avoid the light, suddenly the sound of his phone ringing echoed, filling his entire room.Richard's face became annoyed again, cursing in his heart at the person who dared to call him."Such a nuisance! Isn't the sun disturbing me enough?! Why does there have to be something else making me angry this morning!" Richard grumbled, getting increasingly irritated.Reluctantly, Richard walked to the table where he kept his comb and similar items, coincidentally where his phone was placed.Richard's gaze, which was initially blurry, suddenly became clear when he saw the nickname that appeared on his phone screen."Mr. Nike? Why is he c
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Chapter 114
Everyone appeared shocked by what had been displayed on the big screen.Whispers began to be heard, recounting the bad things that man had done in the past.Everything resurfaced, becoming a hot topic among the employees there.Richard, feeling that he had been set up, did not deny all his actions, but Richard felt that the man had forgotten the agreement that should have still been maintained.Hadn't Richard helped that man in many ways, so why now did he have to get fired by having his disgrace exposed in public?If it's like this, then what about his future? It will be difficult for him to get a job later if his name is already this bad.In the business world, it's not difficult for bad news to spread to any corporate environment.Richard, who did not accept being treated like that by Nike, who was notoriously only a temporary director at that office, suddenly raised his voice, to hell with him no longer respecting his superior."What is this?! Do you think you have the right to do
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Chapter 115
Ethan slowly opened his eyes, holding his throbbing head in pain.The memory of last night's events, which left Ethan helpless, gathered strength within him to move, to get up from his bed.Last night's events seemed like a dream in Ethan's mind. He didn't expect all of that to happen, not knowing who was behind it all.However, Ethan would make sure that his foolishness regarding drinking would only be done for the last time last night.He wouldn't repeat the same incident, which put him in a trap he never thought he would experience.A long sigh began Ethan's morning. He felt so grateful for God's grace that still saved him.Luckily Ethan could get out first; he didn't know what would have happened if he had stayed alone with that girl in the room.Meanwhile, it was clear that he had drunk the beverage mixed with drugs.Ethan's footsteps seemed to move towards the bathroom, washing his face, cleansing everything that poisoned his mind.Ethan then brushed his teeth and went out to th
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Chapter 116
Ethan decided to wear a different outfit from his usual self today. Ethan was seen wearing a black hoodie covering his head to part of his face, combined with shorts and a mask that was perfectly attached to his face. No question about it, the man deliberately looked like this so that no one would recognize him or even have the opportunity to do bad things to him. Ethan walked casually with both hands tucked into his black hoodie, staring at the street with his head occasionally bowed down. When Ethan arrived at the parking lot, Ethan immediately entered his car, opening the hood of his hoodie and mask. After a few moments of pressure in an outfit that he was not used to, Ethan could finally breathe with relief."No, no, no. I have to do all this for my safety. I can't let my guard down again. Surely, there are still dangers trying to get close to me," Ethan muttered in his heart. He then opened his cell phone, looking for a route that he might take in order to arrive at a place
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Chapter 117
Ethan massaged his temples which felt like they were channeling the throbbing in his head. A long sigh escaped his mouth. It was a waste of everything he had done so far. How could it not be? Instead of getting what he was trying and looking for right now, Ethan actually met a figure who didn't know who it was.As if it happened like a dream, Ethan met a mysterious figure who gave him a book but did not reach him. "What does that mean? Why did that woman suddenly disappear?" The question continued to grow, swirling in Ethan's head. "What does it all mean? If indeed it's the answer to what I'm looking for right now, but why didn't I manage to get it. Does all of this have something to do with what the creator of the system is trying to convey?" Ethan was confused. Not knowing what to do now, his mind was stuck with nowhere else to go. Only the bookstore was the biggest hope for Ethan because besides the large place, there were no other ancient bookstores in his city. Ethan co
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Chapter 118
"Hey? What are you thinking about?" asked Nike when he found the woman in front of him still daydreaming.Ever since the incident where Citra accidentally bumped into a man with mysterious clothing, their gazes met and from that moment on, the woman had been mostly silent.Citra seemed to be thinking about something regarding that figure, making Nike curious about what was really happening."Do you know him?" Nike asked again, suddenly bringing Citra back to reality.The woman then quickly shook her head, indeed she also didn't know that man.His face was covered by a mask, not to mention his hoodie made the man even harder to recognize."Alright. I thought you knew him since you kept thinking about it like that," said Nike while sipping his coffee.Again, Citra shook her head, not confirming the man's words.She then focused on the food already served in front of her, holding a spoon and fork, eating her order of french fries.Again, the woman chewed with her mind no longer present i
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Chapter 119
Starting today, Citra decided to return to work as usual. She spent a lot of time in the office, managing the company that had become her responsibility.A fairly long sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the wall clock, which now showed half-past 7 in the evening."Are you done?"Citra shifted her gaze to the man who was the source of the voice."Almost," Citra replied.The man then approached Citra, looking at her computer screen, which indeed only had a few sections left."If you're already tired, you can continue tomorrow, or if you don't want to do it tomorrow, how about copying the file to your laptop? I brought a flash drive; you can put it here first and then transfer it to your laptop. Continue at home," Nike suggested.However, the man's suggestion didn't seem to offer a solution for Citra.In fact, she preferred to stay there and finish it in the office.Citra shook her head, indicating that she was rejecting the man's offer."No need, Nike. I'll finish it here. If you're
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Chapter 120
Martin's anger could not be controlled by him. He was really angry when he found out that the plan he thought would succeed had failed in the middle of the road. He couldn't think of all the men and waiters in the club who didn't even realize Ethan's cover. "I'm sorry, sir. At that time, I heard someone coughing from inside the room. I was afraid that someone would faint and die on the spot. So, I checked inside," explained Martin's bodyguard who had been beaten by Ethan.A long sigh escaped his mouth, bowed in fear of his boss. "I really didn't think that guy would do all that. As soon as I turned on the light in this room, he immediately hit me on the head until I lost consciousness of everything," the man explained. Martin couldn't think properly anymore. He closed his eyes, massaging his temples which were throbbing from the senseless treatment of his subordinate. "Get out!" Martin ordered the man out of the room, requesting that he be left alone with the woman who was loo
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